Cerebral Island (Polterthought Species)



6 years, 2 months ago





Scientific NameAnimam Exspiravit
WeaknessReapthics, metal


Polterthoughts belong in the magic based Power Class. They have eerie abilities and are able to harness the inner electricity transferred through neuron cells and expel it as high voltage lightning. Their bodies are covered with a thick insulated cloak as their skin. The cloak has sleeves which is where it sends out its electric attacks while keeping the rest of its body secure and undispersed. They can also use their bolt shaped horn to send out concentrated blasts as well.


Polterthoughts resemble black ghosts with lightning shaped crests and bright yellow eyes. They have tails that end with a lightning bolt like shape. Their arms are cloth like and end with bright blue. Vertically across their eyes and head are blue stripes that glow when the polterthought feeds. Vampiric teeth are hidden within the cloak that the polterthought unsheathes when it is ready to feast.


Polterthoughts belong to the specter Social Class. They are widely known as cryptic folk, who don't understand boundaries. Many wander the island stealing knowledge from prey they come in contact with. Their home is a very barren wasteland of sand and graves. Thunderstorms gather there often which helped develop their powers.


Polterthoughts started as lost souls in the Noull called the Zappins, presumably kept there by the grimhook guardian, Nullana. After a Zappin sent an assault on Nullana, she stole some of her godly knowledge and ascended to her own godhood, becoming known as "The Veil" . She managed to lead other zappins by granting them special cloaks to keep their souls contained in a body and lead them to the Cerebral Island deserts and since then that's where polterthoughts made their home. Despite this, grimhooks are still feared by the polterthoughts, due to their resemblance to their old foe Nullana. It is said ripping open their chest will release a zappin inside and it will fill you with supreme knowledge before you die from its million volt touch.


● Notable Polterthoughts include Omoi and his hybrid son, Tengu.

● Polterthought electricity is more powerful based on how much knowledge a polterthought has.

● When born, polterthoughts resemble the cliche sheet ghost.

● The end of polterthought arms are indeed sleeves. No one knows what's underneath.

● Polterthoughts are often hunted down to prevent overpopulation.

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