Xekhad Eekal


Basic Info


Xekhad Eekal






Kolkpravis (Formerly), Jedi Order, Galactic Republic


Jedi Knight/ General


-Honour and Pride

 A Jedi knight from Kaleesh colonyworld Oben, Xekhad joined the order as a boy much to the pride of his tribe and people as he began his new path learning the ways of the force. Growing up within the temple walls he was a sociable learner finding companionship easily given his endless enthusiasm and confidence. His charisma was due wholly to his commitment to his Kaleesh heritage in spite of the Jedi teachings often working against his original customs, yet he remained unmistakenly true to his people choosing traditional clothing and the ever famed war mask when he came of age. By the time he was well into being a padawan things began to change however.


 The Republic intervention in the Huk War in which Republic sanctions killed hundreds of thousands Kaleesh in the resulting famine whilst Jedi lead the Huk warriors to enslave and slaughter the Kaleesh populace once more. Unable to contact his home an adolescent Xekhad quickly left to return home finding only fire and death where his home stood and with it, the vengeful faces of what were once his tribe. With even his own kin lunging at the opportunity to kill him Xekhad was forced to defend himself from his own family, friends, and neighbours hunting him into the wilds for days on end before shrieking of his exile from Kaleesh Space and vowing divine punishment should he ever return. Xekhad managed to escape back to Coruscant and was left petrified and shaken for months unable to come to terms with his exile feeling doomed as a shamed warrior in the eyes of his ancestors with the image of his kin trying to murder him burned into his memory. It would be many years for Xekhad to recover and he did so largely by placing his long lost enthusiasm into benevolence. He used his role as a Jedi Knight to help any he could and found peace in being a defender of the weak and symbol of the Jedi ways. He had put away his former fears and nightmares of his shame focusing on being a Jedi over a Kaleesh and though this ignored the root problem, he was able to become a great Jedi because he put his culture behind him. 


 It was until the Clone Wars that Xekhad was once again made to face his past as he was now directly standing against the very faction that his people had followed into war. Exacerbated by the fact that his people’s leader, Grievous, was no sooner revealed to be the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army. Anxious and emotionally clouded, the one thing that kept him together was the loyalty to the clone troopers under his command and often he would put himself at the forefront of attrition campaigns he was often at the frontlines of given his physical strength. His tunnel vision coping method now used during the war continued to keep him somewhat stable until his current assignment to assist in the capture of Jedi turned Separatist Acolyte Noma Yu and her compatriot, Kaleesh captain Sivkhalen San Ourag. While his role was focused on the Jedi Noma, his encounter with Sikha began his deep descent into his long held back mental instability in the face of yet another of his people trying to kill him with nothing but undying hatred in their eyes. She specifically targets him no matter how hard he pushes back or tries to focus on Noma, Sikha always ropes him back into a confrontation with her taunts and vindictiveness in a clear intent to kill him. Xekhad’s control over his emotions is deteriorating at a rapid pace manifesting his guilt, shame, and anger within his Separatist counterpart and becoming more aggressive and single minded in his own personal rivalry with her.