Agent Etzo



Basic Info


Narea Etzo








Galactic Republic, Grand Army of the Republic


Republic Intelligence agent


-The Brink

 During the opening of the Clone Wars, youthful and energetic Republic engineer Narea Etzo was attached to the ill-fated 182nd Legion. The Nautolan spent most of her time with the clones working on their walkers and providing her services in machinery to her comrades’ gear and equipment. She went into the fray with the clones into the heat of battle running ammo and ordance all the while maintaining vital comms amidst the Legion’s campaigns on the front lines. Her dedication to her craft and duty to the clones earned their respect and despite being an engineer, she was treated just like any soldier of the 182nd. And to her, they were family

When the legion was deployed to the Outer Rim quagmire of Felucia they endured a hostile terrain full of flesh eating bacteria and diseases, toxic spores in the air, and the horrifying shrieks of wild beasts as they fought off deadly predators day in and day out seemingly losing more and more men in the dead of night. And thats without mention of the Commerce Guild’s shelling tearing their armour to pieces and waves upon waves of droids attacking with unrelenting force rising from beneath the fungus infested mud seemingly everywhere. The disastrous campaign pushed the clones to the brink of insanity and had they survived, the trauma of the horrors they lived in that hell hole surely would’ve scarred them forever. By the time the 501st arrived and established a foothold on the world, the 182nd had already been wiped out with a dirtied and shooken Narea being the sole survivor found curled up and wide eyed inside a downed gunship covered in mud, tears, and the protective bodies of her clone brothers that laid their lives to save her as one last act of heroism.

-Until It's Done

 Two months of medical care birthed a new Narea, gone was the always smiling volunteer. Now she was a stoic shell of a woman. Determined to never again watch helplessly as her friends died, she quickly joined the Grand Army of the Republic proper using the small amount of training her former comrades taught her to have an edge above the other non-clone cadets and quickly made herself out to be the top of her class through sheer force of will alone. Her unwavering loyalty to the Republic birthed from the hatred towards the Seps’ that Felucia had molded paired with deep adherence for protocol would’ve made her a fine soldier, but Republic command found her taciturn nature and intense criticism of her fellow cadets failings and commitment to be better used in counter-intelligence. Narea’s new occupation as a Republic agent landed many dissidents and Separatist sympathizers in her line of very physical questioning and unyielding in her interrogations, her complete lack of compassion for them lent a reputation of being a brutally domineering figure; simply not human in a manner of speaking.
Contradictingly, Narea was a natural when it came to serving with clone troopers being able to function in their formations and with a discipline as if she came from Kamino’s training regiment as well. When she found herself commanding troops or participating in frontline engagements she showed a noticeable recklessness when it came to protecting the men under her command. She would tell the tale of her past many a time speaking without even blinking or so much as a tear welling up leaving a deep impression within the clones who served with her dually as newfound respect, but also a deepseeded fear they’ve been trained to suppress coming to the surface. Such experiences lead to the rumours of Narea being so wildly different that she could come off as almost two different people: one the cruel, merciless interrogator itching to crush those even rumoured to be Separatists, and the other a damaged woman who would charge into no mans land to save a single clone who probably won’t survive anyway. This duality has made her isolated among even the clone ranks with many correctly thinking shes mentally off and disturbing. Following a public scandal involving one of her “interrogations”, she was quickly sent to the front and assigned to the 4th Nova Corps under equally eccentric but strict officer admiral Andona Ryft hoping he would keep her in line alongside her shared field command with a respected Jedi knight Xekhad Eekal. 

 Little did she know it would be a young padawan who would begin her path to healing and moving forward with herself.