Admiral Ryft



Basic Info


Andona Mybuorn Ryft




Unknown, Somewhere in the Hapes Cluster


Galactic Republic, Grand Army of the Republic, Hapes Consortium


Rear Admiral of the 4th Nova Corps


 -Chain of Command

 Republic fleet admiral Andona Ryft, the ever plotting and zealous CO of the 4th Nova Corps. Ryft earned notoriety and rank during the battle of Vandelhelm in the opening stages of the Clone Wars where the then captain lead an under supplied and severely shrunken force to a victory by employing a strict chain of command to stage a successful guerrilla campaign. During the long and strenuous fight against the Separatist forces, Ryft and his comrades were depleted and cut off from Republic command and, left to their own devices, Ryft quickly proclaimed himself as the group’s leader threatening to summarily execute anyone who objected his de facto command. The remaining troops followed the callous captain preferring to die on the battlefield then by an ambitious upstart having already been expecting to not make it out alive anyway. But despite the conditions, the cadre of marooned men managed to sabotage Separatist supply bases and stage ambushes across the region depleting droids slowly but consistently and crippling defence systems. After 3 months trapped on the planet, Ryft ordered every one of his troops (himself included) to launch a large assault on a Separatist power substation. The hard fought offensive was, with heavy casualties, effective in shutting down droids in the area as well as using the stations ion cannon to disable enemy ships orbiting the planet one by one. Upon Republic forces breaking through they soon discovered the ragtag survivors all of whom received commendation not only for surviving so long behind enemy lines, but also for crippling the Separatist hold over the world. 


 Ryft had gained the confidence of the men under his command through his tactical prowess during their struggle to survive. Ryft was quick to organize the remnant troops he had lead during those months into a specialized unit under his direct command, one he suitably named the "Trenchant Unit." Though many others opted for other deployments to get as far away from him as possible.

The prestige found Captain Ryft quickly becoming a Rear Admiral and now a symbol of Republic strategic superiority, the smug commander leads the 4th Nova Corps quelling pro-Separatist insurgents and fighting behind the scenes using his vast knowledge of guerrilla warfare and attrition tactics to his advantage. Further under his command he retains several Republic specialists, most notably intel agent Narea Etzo and her close compatriot the Jedi knight Xekhad Eekal, both of which are at his disposal in his hunt of their new quarry...