Dark Island (Archorb Species)



1 year, 27 days ago





Scientific NameGastropoda Sphera
DietFresh leaves and lettuce
PowerBall Beam
WeaknessSaltwater, broken or dented shells, striing the eyeball


Archorbs have morph power class which can affect others instead of themselves. Their eye can launch out a special beam of light that upon contact morphs someone hit by it into a ball with the density, size, and bounce depending on the individual. Once their foe has been turned into a ball they tend to mess with and humiliate their foe through recreational use, such as using them as a basketball or other organized sport ball. Their beam has no effect on themselves since they can turn into a ball without any special beam simply by shutting themselves in and clamping their shell. Once withdrawn they are a perfect sphere and can roll around with ease. Its much faster for them to get around this way.


The archorb has two forms, its sphere form and its unfolded form. The sphere form is quite simple. The archorb's shell is clamped up so the creature is perfectly spherical with a hard black shell and green markings that make it look like a smiling clown face. Once it unfolds it stands at between five and seven feet with its shell now becoming segmented pieces of its body and its slimy mucin hold them together. The eye rises with an eyestalk that also serves as the torso of the body. It now has four legs to move around with and two blobby hands to grab items with.


Archorbs are specter social class emotibeasts. They have strange quirks when speaking and use phrases other emotibeasts have never heard before such as "dude", "radical", and "tubular". They have very energetic habits and play by performing stunt tricks while in their sphere form. In terms of personality they are a teasing bunch, but are considered one of the nicer emotibeasts native to Dark Island. Their home is full of curved hills they can build up lots of speed on to perform tricks. 


The origins of archorbs are as mysterious as their language. Some think like posspions they come from the stars while others think they are former fauna mutated by the island's corruption. To make matters more confusing the archorbs do not know their origins either. They were never ones to record their history and  thus have no stories or remnants of the past to reflect on, instead they look towards the future and indulge in the latest trends constantly. They have been able to set up competitions and other organized events across Dark Island bringing an economic flow with it. Many of their events involve physical challenges between teams, a practice which many other islands have done as well. The types of challenges set up by archorbs resemble sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball, dodgball, and good ol' all out brawls. The archorbs take these events very seriously and the losing team is always ridiculed by them.


● Archorbs can roll around at 35mph.

● Their green mucin is very stretchy and firm like rubber.

● Direct damage to the eyeball can potentially kill an archorb.

● Their greatest punishment is slam dunking the punished into a mile deep hole.

● They usually create divets in the ground in order to sleep in.

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