Dark Island (Sleech Species)



6 years, 2 months ago





Scientific NameLubricus Limax
DietFlesh, blood
PowerThunderstorm creation, electrical immunity, body can have electricity flow through it.
WeaknessSlicing them like jello, salt


Sleeches belong to the Bio Power class, and are known as "weather worms" for what their ability does. Using the organs on their neck, sleeches will pump out a mass of hot air, then pump out a mass of cold air, doing this helps them create their own thunderstorms. It doesn't just end there either, while the thunderstorm is active- the spike on their back will naturally act as a lightning rod. The storm strikes the horn directly, and the electricity flows throughout their watery body and damages anything in a nearby radius around them. 


This alien like emotibeast reaches a staggering 15 ft in height, it has no eyes and relies on its antennas to sense others. It is mostly blue but has yellow symbols all over. It has flippers for feet and two pinching claws for arms.  Lastly it has a large spike on its back. Some of them can be found with shells with spikes similar to the forementioned one.


Sleeches are members of the Specter social class, they are known all around the island for their smooth glossy slime. This slick secretion is a leftover waste from whatever sleeches eat, and is usually sought after for its miraculous ability to give off an electrical charge like a battery. The sleeches themselves are pretty slick as well, which can be seen through their actions taking during hunting. As they pursue prey, they will begin releasing the air needed for a storm, and once they corner the prey, they effortlessly kill them with a thunder-strike, and begin digestion. As soon as the prey is in the throat, it starts dissolving until only the slime is leftover.


Sleeches once had a powerful guardian named Phoslu. She was a powerful guardian, resembling a giant snail with crystals growing out her shell, and could summon a thunderstorm whenever she pleased. Her crystals were able to store electricity as well. Phoslu was one of the only guardians in all of existence to form a relationship. Her love was the dyre guardian, Cerbera; A giant wolf creature with 3 tentacle eyes- all of which capable of shooting lasers from them. Cerbera and Phoslu loved each other very deeply and wanted to make a new life together, in a literal sense, one that would bond them eternally for a lifetime. They performed the process known as bipolarization, a blood rite that was to combine two emotibeasts as one, a practice that would become common for same sex couples of emotibeast. The rite requires that all members of the relationship must sacrifice enough blood to surround each other in a circle. A vow must then be said, a vow of true love for the other, if the criteria is met, a new life will be created, a hybrid of both emotibeasts. Most of these bipolarized Hybrids gain power that far exceeds their parents. Some unlocking power that neither member had before, this is even more prominent in mixed species hybrids. This hybrid of two guardians, Phoslu and Cerbera combined, became the ancient being known as Asena, the pride of Sleeches and Dyres. Ever since her birth, sleeches and dyres have formed a pack of union, forbidding any conflict amongst each other. To honor Phoslu, the sleeches attempted to create in a sense, a food bank for dark island, in their own twisted way. Whenever they come across extra meat they drag it back to their home of Phosluxo Swamp. They pile all the spare meat into their lake, and leave it free to the public. Due to all the meat, the water has turned a dark blood red, and has the putrid smell of rotten flesh


● A notable sleech is the hybrid Asena

● Sleeches communicate though static they send out with their antennas

● A sleech has taste-buds all over its body, it tastes even the ground it walks on

● Sleeches live near sources of water so that they have plenty of moisture at the ready for the air they release

● Despite this, sleeches hate saltwater, as it physically hurts them

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