Dark Island (Dyre Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameCanus Lupus Oculus
DietAnything smaller than it
PowerEye laser
WeaknessConcussions, Bright lights


Dyres posses a somewhat gross Magic Power class ability. They have a fold of skin that hides a tentacle with an eye socket at the end. This eye is capable of producing an electric laser from its pupil and firing it in the direction of wherever it looks. The Dyre uses this both offensively and defensively, in a way where it literally watches its own back for oncoming attacks.


Dyres resemble grey dire wolf creatures. They have blue eyes and reach heights up to 6 ft. They have four digit paws, each digit having a claw, and have a large area of fur on a fold on their shoulders. In this fold is an eye tentacle that when not out, is all coiled up like a small intestine.


The Dyre species belongs to the Feral Social class. Dyres have very strange skulls, where most skulls are meant to cover the brain, the Dyre's works in a way where it has an opening that has a piece of its brain slink out of. This piece is responsible for making the Dyre's eye tentacle active.


Dyres once had a powerful guardian named Cerbera. She was a powerful guardian, with 3 tentacle eyes instead of one, able to shoot a laser from each of them. Its said these lasers can pierce your very soul. Cerbera was one of the only guardians in all of existence to form a relationship. Her love was the Sleech guardian Phoslu, a giant snail like monster who could summon thunder wherever she crawled. Cerbera and Phoslu loved each other very deeply, and wanted to make a new life together, in a literal sense, one that would bond them eternally for a lifetime. They performed the process known as Bipolarization, a blood rite that was to combine two emotibeasts as one, a practice that would become common for same sex couples of emotibeasts. The rite requires that all members of the relationship must sacrifice enough blood to surround each other in a circle. A vow must then be said, a vow of true love for the other. If the criteria is met, a new life will be created- a hybrid of both emotibeasts. Most of these Bipolarized Hybrids gain power that far exceeds their parents. Some unlocking power that neither member had before, this is even more prominent in mixed species hybrids. This hybrid of Phos and Cerbera combined, becoming the ancient being known as Asena; the pride of Sleeches and Dyres. Ever since her birth, Sleeches and Dyres have formed a pack of union, forbidding any conflict among each other


● A notable Dyre is the hybrid Asena

● Dyres love carrots for their eyesight improvement nutrients

● The Dyre's laser can be adjusted for how hot it is

● Dyres may look just like wolves, but are more like omnivores than the regular carnivorous canines

● Dyres as expected, get along with Sleeches well, even going so far as to share their food supplies

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