


6 months, 11 days ago




Marlon Whitewake










Humboldt Squid
(experiencing thoughts and emotions)

  A guy who looks sopping wet and perpetually nervous.


  Marlon is a Humboldt Squid with a rather thin frame and the biggest, wettest dark blue eyes you've ever seen. Their fins are quite large and expressive, and there's a tear in the right fin. While not incapable of smiling or looking happy, he does typically look very worried and on edge. He's got an underbite and one of his tentacles has recently been torn. The other tentacle is long and has a pretty vicious-looking sucker with claws on it.

  While the bar he works at is pretty lenient on dress code, he typically likes to dress very nice and clean. A few other servers have taken his example and decided to dress nice.
  Outside of work they're usually wearing very casual comfortable clothes -- Usually comfortable, worn out band tees and acid washed jeans. 


(ISFJ-T) Marlon is a very analytical individual who is very organized and good with deadlines. He's very efficient in many ways, making him essential to the bar. He tends to avoid being the leader in most situations, but if it needs to be done, then he will volunteer, and he will do very good with it, but he doesn't like the pressure very much.

  They are a bit of a people pleaser, given their profession. It's easy for them to go with the flow of things even if it grates their nerves. They're not usually so bothered by mild annoyances that they have to complain about it.

  • academic
  • organized
  • reliable
  • hardworking
  • apprehensive
  • meek
  • overly compliant
  • a little boring
  •  He's been divorced for years now, his wife and kids left him long ago. This left him in a huge pit of depression for a long time.
  •   After the divorce, he moved into a cheap apartment. It isn't too bad, but it's a little overpriced for what it's worth.
  •  They grew up with an Inkling father and an Octoling stepmother, so he's well-versed in both languages.

  Marlon spends most of their time working at the bar. Thankfully, they do enjoy the work they do and they can get pretty lost in it. Some days clearly are better than others, but overall, his experience is pleasant. He enjoys the social aspect of it, and he even has a good handful of regulars that can make him slack off.

  When he isn't working, he's usually listening to music in some way. They do somewhat regularly take time off from work to go to concerts and live events.


  Talulah is probably Marlon's favorite person to work with; she's kind and understanding, but also confident and firm and stands her ground. They've even gone to a few gigs together before!

   Helped train Atlas in bartending and dealing with customers of all sorts. Oftentimes, Atlas shuffles over to them to help with customers who can't speak Octarian.

  • His name was decided from one of the worst Salmon Run players I've ever seen in game. (Sorry, player Marlon, if you're out there.... but....)
  • REALLY enjoys going to rock concerts!
  • Wishes he could play guitar or bass, but he could never quite get the hang of it.
  • A little bit self conscious about his ears. People have always picked on him for it and they still do; he's just learned to ignore it by now.
  • They've wanted tattoos for a long time, but they can't beat the fear of the needle.
  • Very good people skills, and can usually deescalate potentially violent situations at work -- he hasn't had to do this as much since Atlas started working there, thankfully.
  • Sandwich of choice: Double battered triple fried extra crunchy shrimpburger with five different cheeses. Chocolate bun, no less. He likes a sandwich that could fill him up for three days.
  • He has a certain charm with a very specific type of customer-- he takes advantage of this and can get BIG tips. By now, everyone knows this brand of customer and they direct them to Marlon by default. Gotta pay them bills.
  • He doesn't have much furniture in his house; just very basic things. The extent of his home decor is band posters and albums hung carefully on the walls. He's too busy spending all his money on concerts.

code by icecreampizzer