


4 years, 4 months ago




Atlas Galassia










Starry Night/GPO
". . ."

  A titan of a man with a soft spot for slugs.


  Atlas is a Starry Night/Giant Pacific Octoling mix with very dark skin and bright blue tentacles. Two of the tentacles are conjoined, and two of  them have suction cups on the underside. He towers at 7'5" tall, and is very muscular with a little bit of a tummy. He's got droopy eyes with purple irises and dark, almost black scleras. His body is  also scattered with piercings, tattoos, and scars.

  Atlas usually wears dark and neutral colors. He likes wearing things that show off his chest or midriff. He wears glasses with round lenses and gold frames-- if he's feeling fancy, he'll wear them with a glasses chain. He also can usually be seen wearing an earring that Tako made for him. They have a matching one.


(INFP-A: The Mediator) Atlas is a quiet man who minds his business for the most part. He's not really the type of guy a stranger can depend on, but it's different if he knows you and cares deeply for you. In that case, he might get a bit drastic and potentially too in your business.

  He's quite the introvert, and prefers to stay at home for the most part, but he's usually pretty on board to go out somewhere as long as it's chill. Atlas has never really been one to enjoy hectic chaotic environments unless he was actively on drugs.

  Atlas has a bad habit of making poor choices, knowingly. He tries to be more cautious about it nowadays, since he has a slug to take care of now... But man, does he need therapy BADLY.


  • passionate
  • meticulous
  • genuine
  • creative
  • stubborn
  • secretive
  • monotonous
  • self-destructive
  •    Atlas grew up in Octaria with his siblings Lyric and Vertigo. They were all well-loved and supported by their parents, so his childhood was nice.
  •   He was working as a tattoo artist from the time he moved out, almost through when he left Octaria.
  •   Once Atlas moved out on his own, he fell into awful habits and hung with the wrong crowd. He got into doing and dealing drugs.
  •   After the struggle with trying to get clean, he continued to deal drugs for extra money. He was pretty well off, and had plenty of money to spare for a while.
  •  At some point, he moved to the Splatlands.
  •  He got a pet slug named Bev! (Short for Beverage)
  •  He works at a bar now.

  Atlas has made himself at home in the Splatlands, where he has an apartment which is in walking distance to his job, conveniently enough.

  He works most nights of the week, bartending at The Cellar. He feels pretty neutral about the work itself, it's not so bad. It definitely pays the bills when you've got maneuvers to bring in some big tips. Sometimes after work he'll go with Bones to work out, or he'll go for a walk get a bit lost and bring home food from a new spot that opened up.

 His favorite thing to do when he's not working is to ask Bev her opinion on things. He just loves talking to that fucking slug. He could be drawing and he'll ask Bev what she thinks is missing. He could be scrolling his phone and see a bad take and ask Bev what she thinks about it. The list goes on.


    Lyric is the middle child between the three of them, and they babied  Atlas quite a bit. Especially when Vertigo would be too hard on him.  Because they're mute, both Atlas and Vertigo picked up on sign language  to better communicate with them. Not only did Atlas look up to Vertigo  alot, but he did with Lyric, too. Because of them, Atlas knows quite a  bit about herbal medicines and even some base knowledge on crochet!

   Atlas has looked up to Vertigo his whole life, and even followed in his  footsteps quite a bit. They're both creatives and have both been tattoo artists and have a huge love for food. Even though Vertigo has been pretty harsh on him for a lot of his life, he seems to have calmed down considerably.

  Ayah is a blast to be around. They talk a million miles a second, which Atlas finds amusing. He enjoys that he doesn't even need to be part of the conversation for one to be happening. He wishes he could see her more often, even if she does pester him to join her band every time they meet.

   Atlas met Tako while he was working a shift at The Cellar. They got more acquainted because Tako made him a custom Tableturf card with his likeness on it. Despite the language barrier, they've grown decently close.

  • He plays a bass guitar as a hobby.
  • Knows sign language, due to his sister being mute. (He understands it  better than he can actually sign, but he's pretty decent at it.)
  • He is partially colorblind and cant see blue and purple hues, ironically.
  • The big light is NEVER on. Ambient low light or bust.
  • Can't handle eye stuff, or things being near his eyes.
  • Can make some bangin' herbal teas for different ailments.
  • Has a weird fixation for fire. (He may be a pyromaniac.)
  • Obsessed with the moon and stars.
  • Sandwich of choice: VERY cheesy grilled salmon sandwich.
  • This man is a lightweight and can NOT handle alcohol. Ironically.

code by icecreampizzer