Asmi 🌵




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"Oh, I can't hurt you! Although, my Mas will for me."

Full Name: Designation Asmi
Nicknames: Asmi, Asi
Age: 8 years old
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Worker/Solver Drone
Orientation: Undecided
Relationship Status: ..Shes a child. No.
Voice Claim: Lilo, Lilo & Stitch



Asmi is a spunky and playful kid, loving to mess around and be chaotic with her friends. She likes to mess around and such, but is still respectful of those older than her, unless they don't deserve it. Its rare to hear her curse, and normally if she does, she has a reason. While she may be spunky and playful, she has issues with standing up for herself, often staying silent and letting it sink in, and taking things she shouldn't to heart.


  • Spending time with her friends and family
  • Cacti plants
  • Reading
  • Snacking on batteries
  • Exploring abandoned places with friends
  • Soft snowfall
  • Fire
  • Seeing her family get hurt
  • Getting made fun of
  • W's and L's entire existance
  • Seeing her own oil

  • Was given a disassembly drone tail for her own protection, this has a mixture of her parents' nanites, so it can dissolve metal and stun drones
  • V named her after a gun, S didn't know until Uzi pointed it out
  • Really likse things to do with fire, why? Don't know
  • She's a bit clumsy so she has a few stiches in her overalls
  • Her tail often expresses alot of emotion, such as wagging, drooping, flicking, and like like
  • Facinated with abandoned places
  • Spaces out alot without her friends or family
  • Just a goober
Design Notes

  • Hair fades to dark to light, but its not super clear and is optional
  • Silver highlights are not optional
  • Stitches can be placed wherever on her clothes
  • Braids are not optional
  • She has a spesific tear in her shirt, which is right at the collar
  • The holes in her sleeves are part of the style of the shirt, not optional
  • She can have little claws on her fingers if the artist desires
  • Has a little fang! ! ! Often cat mouths
  • Her wings are simmalar to Uzi's, but the fingers and such are while while the membranes are a pale green color (Lightest color of her overalls) Her tail doesn't change much other than extra flesh bits to connect it to the wire of her tail. Her green LEDs often flash yellow due to Cyn aiding her

Asmi is a pretty short drone, but its due to the fact she is a child, and will be given size upgrades as she gets older. Her hair is light brown with silver streaks, the silver in a way connecting her to her Ma, V. She wears a pale green pair of overalls with a pale yellow shirt underneath it, and to match she has yellow socks and greenish dark gray boots. The only thing she really does with her hair is have her Mas braid part of it.



Asmi had a.. pretty mediocre life before she was adopted. From what she can remember, she was raised by just her dad, who stopped her from using the Absolute solver at all costs. He had heard of the Prom Massacure Doll had caused, and the many deaths at Camp 98.7 due to Uzi going feral. He had a fear of Asmi turning out like that, and in turn never let her use the solver to do even simple things. But then he noticed that she was using it anways, and this worried him and made him scared. Everything went fuzzy after that, but she can peice together what happened based off of clues. He had wiped her memories, or tried too, and left her in the snow. He didn't do it right, and had simply powered her off. She felt a spark go through her system, one that messed with a few things in her harddrive, and when she opened her newly green eyes, she was met with two drones towering over her with concerned faces.


After V and S found her, they quickly found out that she was abandoned. She was promptly scooped up and flown to N and Uzi's looking for help. Both drones were stunned at the fact that there was an abandoned six year old left by herself, and as the adults spoke to each other, Cosmo and Asmi had their first meeting with each other. After a few months, V and S had officially become the Mas of Asmi, and the three of them ended up moving into a old hotel. After they had fixed it up, and had been living there for a year, E ended up moving in. At that point they were already a happy family that just seemed to grow more when V invited J to live with them. Asmi adored her new family, but kept her solver a secret, drinking from the oil storage they had at the hotel. But one day, when the disassembly drones left to get more oil, Asmi had started to overheat. She had forgotten to drink enough oil recently. She ended up going solver mode, accidentally destroying several things in their home. Once V, S, J, and E returned home and discovered what had happened, they quickly rushed the kid to Uzi, who would be the best source of help in this scenario. After Uzi helped her, she just started crying and saying she was sorry over and over again. She stopped after a while, realzing her family was more worried about her health rather than what she had done to their home. Everything went as normal as it could after that, Uzi becoming her mentor in everything AbsoluteSolver, and even some.. coaching from inside her own head?


Asmi grew older, half a year away from turning 9, and she was gladly living with her family. She was spending time with Cosmo alot, doing events with her family, watching her Mas be gay for each other as she had a big smile on her face. Until.. well.. Asmi walked home one day, coming home to the hotel being strangly disturbed. When she went inside, she was taken by two disassembly drones, her Mapa's old squadmates, W and L. They held her for randsome so they could threaten S into rejoining them, and as Asmi grew more desprate, someone started speaking clearly to her in her head.



V is Asmi's Ma, and she really wants be be badass like her. Due to Asmi's love of cacti, V sewd on a cactus to her overalls, something that Asmi is amazed by. V was actually the one who chose Asi's name. She loves her Ma with all her core.


S was the one who found Asmi and powered her on, even if it was partly on accident. Since it was the one who she first saw, she seemed to cling to them more when they first found her, but now she adores her parents equally, and it didn't take long for that to happen. Asmi really wants to be really good at stealth, like her Mapa, but J for some reason won't let her. Asmi gave them the nickname 'mapa' after combining Mama and Papa, since they are Nonbinary.


Asmi really likes being around E, often playing with the bell in her hair, and even braiding it at times. She thinks her aunt is pretty cool, and likes to spend time with them when she can. While E and S aren't actually related, they are close enough for Asmi to consider E as her aunt, or 'Auntie' as she sometimes says.


Asmi loves to be around Uzi, their gremlin natures just connecting sometimes. Uzi was a core role in Asmi figuring out how to use her solver. Due to the closeness of her parents and Uzi, Asmi sees her as an Aunt figure. She likes to help Uzi tease V and S, much to their displeasure.


Asmi sees N as her uncle, and adores riding on his shoulders or just playing with him in general. Hes always gentle and nice to her, glad he can be there for her. He is the fun uncle for Asmi and the two could honestly hand out together for hours without bordom


Ever since Asmi met J, she has wanted her to be a big sibling for her, and it happened without much of a choice from J. Multiple drones aren't really sure why Asi looks up to J this way, but so long as everything is happy, nobody minds it. Asmi always thought J was cool for being the leader of a squad and such, and wants to have leadership skills like J. Who is going to tell her? Not me. After J helped save Asi's life, the two have grown even closer.

Tessa James Elliott distant Friend

Asmi doesn't have many opinions on Tessa since they never normally see each other. She's heard some things 'bout her though! ...quite a few negative things however..

Cosmo Best friend/Cousin

Cosmo and Asmi are close, the bestest of friends. They grew up together, so they have a cousin/Bestie relationship with each other. They are always doing things together, from exploring abandoned places together or just playing in the snow.

Cyn ? ? ?

Cyn has just been a voice in Asmi's head. She's heard stories about her, but they are mostly negative.. She has been helpful with Asmi's solver however, but the question remains. Can she be trusted?


One of two drones that Asmi would yell at with zero hesitation. While the experience was terrifying, she was glad that S dismantled W, so that she couldn't hurt Asmi anymore. Because really, who kidnaps a kid to get what they want?


The other drone Asmi yell at with zero hesitation. She thinks that htey should have met a fate similar to W, and is a bit disapointed that shes just a prisoner instead. L keeps trying to talk to Asmi, and she has a sinking feeling of why.