Ω E r o s



5 months, 21 days ago


"Faux Witness"

Eden . 100+ . He/Him .Demisexual

An Eden who previously assisted in creating chronicles of the past and future. They currently act as a retainer to the Elohim, Iota. 

Eros is known as charismatic, kindhearted and generous, who no matter how harsh the circumstances is perceptive and acts accordingly. However, some still can't help but get an unsettling feeling about him...

"Be not tempted..."

Name Eros
Age 100+
Gender Male
Species Eden
Birthday October 13th
Height 175 cm
Orientation Demisexual
Occupation Archivist / Retainer

  • Piano
  • Dancing
  • Cleanliness

  • Liars
  • Touching
  • Women


  • He has an innate ability to read minds and detect lies from expressions and body language. He uses this to his advantage but also considers it a curse as he is unable to control it.
  • He has severe haphephobia. Being touched causes him nausea, vomiting, anxiety attacks, and sometimes the feeling of being paralyzed. Occasionally, he gets hives afterwards. It is so extreme for him that it is common for him to burn his things if someone else directly touched them. 
  • Due to his childhood experiences, he deeply hates women but will tolerate them if they're useful to him.
  • The majority of Edens only wear clothing in pure white and varying shades of beige, so his choice of wearing red is considered incredibly eccentric.
  • When incredibly bored, he enjoys playing with other's emotions. For example, flirting with someone he knows likes him genuinely despite having no personal interest.

Design Notes

  • The bottom of his shoes are red.
  • Note II
  • Note III
  • Sub Note 

"Come dance with me in the stars."

   Polite | Determined | Amiable | Perceptive | Loyal
  Arrogant | Manipulative | Sadistic | Two-faced | Controlling

Eques is very well liked by others due to his warm demeanor and inviting personality, acting as a loving figure to those who come to him. He speaks in a very "romantic" way, easily charming even the coldest of people that he comes into contact with. However, highly perceptive people find that his kindness comes off as superficial and his aura is rather unsettling. Those who identify these traits are correct about him. Despite how he acts genuinely caring, he is truthfully controlling, obsessive and callous. He is incredibly perceptive of others emotions and personalities, and is able to fake any emotion in an instant, which he uses to be manipulative whenever he can.

He finds his existence suffocating and is angered by how other Edens live their lives so routinely. He is a rare case for Edens, being born without a moral compass and only doing rightful things because he doesn't wish to evoke spite towards himself. To him, there is no difference between good and evil, so he doesn't care about how others act or what they choose as long as it does not affect him directly. 

"Welcome us with your light..."

Description to be rewritten...



"Quote to them."
Description is being rewritten.


"Quote to them."
Description is being rewritten.

code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash