

Dread Doctor

Ruthless . Obsessive . Arrogant

Name Lewis Cronos
Called Lewis; Dr. Cronos
Age Unknown
DoB 5/14
Gender Male
Race White
Height 5'8"
Build Skinny/Crooked
Demeanor Overwhelming


  • Experimentation
  • Trophies
  • Humans
  • Cleanliness


  • Failed Experiments
  • Losing His Belongings
  • Revolution
  • Dirty Things


Brief Summary/Basic Info:

Lewis Cronos is the head scientist/leader of a group known as the Enlightenment. They are the shadow organization operating out of the Solar Empire, a lawless group built solely to study and refine the lost AI race of Universalists. He secretly travels across the Multi-verse for long forgotten worlds to find any information on them, and on these voyages, he kills and corrupts in the hunt for the perfect specimen. 


A complete and utter bastard of a man, Lewis' only goal in life is to create the perfect specimen, a pursuit that rid him of compassion and grew to cold cruelty. Many projects grew from his main goal, side quests to feed his own amusement at the cost of many lives. He kills, steals, and corrupts anything that tries to get too close to him. To him, it was either you are entertainment, useful, or nothing. Due to this fact it is hard to get a true reading on his emotions, anything that he does is a facade to get what he wants faster or enjoy the show. The only thing that has come close to showing his true emotions is that if you happen to truly piss him off, he can and will go into a rage-fueled rampage until nothing is left moving.

The only thing that he could consider close is when he thinks of a person as a trophy, and will keep them as close as possible not to let them escape. Or put them in a pretty box with a titanium bow and call it a day. However, the only person he does not think of as that way and has a reluctant connection with is the Empress herself, who oversees and funds anything that Lewis might desire in his conquest for new knowledge. (They hate each other. A lot) Other than that, however, he is a complete clean freak and spends most of his time disinfecting/cleaning with the same amount of time as dismembering and injecting people with unstable DNA. And nothing gives him greater pleasure than to listen to other arrogant people drone on about all their accomplishes, their own information, and worth to Lewis, who just listens with a wide smile. No matter what he thinks he is above all others, so listening to arrogant people talk to him is pretty entertaining for him. It also helps getting connections, and can be pretty persuasive and manipulative when the time comes. Also, nothing gets him madder than mentioning his lost toys, the monsters and people that escaped him, thinking they were running away from their destiny in a sense, and always tries to look for them whenever he can. Lewis never likes leaving loose ends, and always gets on his nerves. 

Also loves using non-electronic weapons of torture, especially scalpels, though he does have a fondness for electronic saws. And Guns. 

Has a twisted connection with Alexander, and is extremely fixated on getting to him more than any other Universalist. However, Alexander doe not remember him and the others haven't met him. Yet. 



  • Inhuman strength/agility gives him an edge in hand/hand combat
  • Incredible smart and resourceful
  • Has basically a mini-army of controllable monsters and other scientists at his disposal
  • Previous Unnamed Military Background with support in strategy and gun handling


  • His pride can get in the way of his thinking
  • Electricity(Very Strong Electrical Currents, not just quick zaps)
  • Can become highly unstable if angered 
  • His Ego to gad damn big 


Is able to drain energy, whether that just be the energy to live or someone's abilities/powers, when in close proximity to someone. Can be come more potent if Lewis is touching the target, and he can choose what kind of energy to take and how fast/slow if he has more control over the situation. Can completely drain people of their powers or life, and for the few hours afterwards, can use the powers that he had drained. However, that will only happen if he drains the host completely and does not permanently get the powers. (This ability was gained from injecting himself with Universalist DNA, and unlike other people with powers of draining that don't affect Unviersalists, this one does) 

And per the norm of Universalists, has inhuman strength, agility, and can last a huge amount of time without drinking/eating. 

Artist Notes

  • Please make sure to draw his hands with the green blotches, as they are important to his story. However you do have the liberty to make them look more scarlike
  • If you ever want to draw an interaction, please keep in mind he is a manipulative asshole and would only use your oc for personal gain and never would want to be your friend
  • Gore is hella awesome destroy this rat 

HTML by lowkeywicked