Basic Info

Available for breedings;

OOC only


Name: Kaia | Pronouns: she/her | Age Range: appears as early 20's | Orientation: gay (but very confused)

Kaia is a young fae princess who has lived a relatively sheltered life. She's in her early teens before she even meets anyone her own age. She becomes fast friends with the other girl-- Makani-- after the other girl proves she won't be pushed around by Kaia's entitled attitude. She matures and grows quickly with Makani by her side, and she eventually decides to leave her mother's influence to truly become her own person by her mid-teens. As it turns out, her mother wasn't particularly fond of the idea of her daughter leaving her realm to join the mortals, and so Kaia has spent the last several years avoiding all fae and fae territories. And of course avoiding her mother. Unfortunately, meeting with Makani puts her in great risk of being discovered by her mother, and so she tends to avoid her as well. Though, if she were being honest with herself, she carries a torch for the other young woman still, and staying away from her is very difficult.

As much as she loves her life and the mortal world, unfortunately, the world hasn't always been kind to Kaia. She's naive and easily fooled. She wants to see the best in people, and she loves with all her heart-- just usually all the wrong kind of people. She is firmly attracted to women, but has never been in a long lasting relationship with a woman. Usually she ends up in relationships with men, but always for all the wrong reasons. She doesn't really feel comfortable in her sexuality, and doesn't know what she truly wants-- and that makes it even easier to deceive her. She tries to stick in these relationships until they completely fall apart, even if a part of her knows they're doomed from the start. She has a son by the name of Arcturus that she absolutely adores, but neither of them have much to do with his father.

Her art can be found here.