


5 years, 9 months ago





With his scowling face, tall stature, and unapprochable air, his attitude screams at you to get away from him. One would think people might pity him for he only has one arm, but if anything, it only seems to make him appear more dangerous. He scares everyone away from him, but those who earn his respect will discover his loyalty.



Apr 22
Taurus (cusp Aries)
6'5 / 195 cm
Blood type
DND Class
Lawful Evil
Serious Attitude
Ambidextrous dominant hand
Temperance (Reversed) Tarot
Hero Archetype


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Loyal
  • Protective
  • Brave
  • Serious
  • Stern
  • Plain
  • Unromantic
  • Humorless
  • Naive


Food Spicy noodles
Drink Ginger ale
Scent Woody/Fresh
Color Blue
Flower Lily
Season Winter
Time of day Morning
Clothing item Windbreaker
Genre Action
Music Alternative R&B



Zhongwu is always seen as intimidating and serious, with glaring eyes and a furrowed brow. His quietness, height, and strong aura make him a very aggressive presence that is hard to miss. His voice is deep and has a rumble quality to it, and when he speaks he often does not say much and it might even be rude. He prefers action over words. Zhongwu is not the smartest man and so makes up for it with his physical prowess. He does not get witty jokes or comments easily and so may just stare quietly until the person shuts up. He does not have a sense of humor.


He may seem very scary but he is not inherently a bad man. He has a very loyal heart, and will do anything for someone he decides is worthy. The down side of this is that if that person is a questionable or evil person, he will still do what they may ask of him. He may not even realize what he's doing is bad, as he has put his trust in the judgement of said person.

Showing Affection

He is not a romantic person at all, and has no romantic skills or mindset. He was so busy raising a young child through his late teens and twenties he never developed that part of him at all, nor does he desire to, since he does not think about it.




  • MEAT





Design notes

  • His ears are drooped downwards, so the point of them is going outward rather than up.
  • He has three moles in a row on his face: one on his chin, one over his lip, and one under his eye. They are all on the left side.
  • He has a lot of random moles all across his body.
  • His right arm is rotted away due to being a ghoul; and continues to rot at an extremely slow pace. With help he learned how to keep the rot at bay, but when he first changed he lost his entire arm very quickly.
  • He owns a prosthetic arm made of metal that he wears for his job.
  • He has enhanced strength from becoming a ghoul and can easily do things with his one arm with little difficulty, including heavy lifting. He is extremely strong.
  • Before changing into a ghoul, his eyes and hair were black, and his skin was a more golden tan. After changing, his hair became a gray blue, his eyes white, and his skin got an ashy dead hue to it.
  • His canine and lateral incisor teeth are noticably longer and sharper than a normal humans. Due to this, he'll often wear a face mask in public.
designer: pompki


Eyeball #AAA9AD


Base Color #8696AB


Base Color #BCBBB8


Lips #9B9187
Moles #5E5B59


  • trivia

Zhongwu was born as the eldest child in a blue collar family. He was always very tall and gained muscle easily throughout his life, causing him to excell in physical activites of any kind and often be first choice during sports in school. However, he was never very bright, but not for lack of trying. He just never seemed to get the material in school and his grades suffered for it. His parents did not seem to mind, and cheered him on, encouraging him to just try his best. He grew up in a supportive and loving home, if a bit poor. This only made them more tightly knit and reliant on one another, though they would often bicker and stress about finances.

At 15, Zhongwu's father died in a work accident, and his mother became so sick with grief her mind slipped and she became bed bound. This left Zhongwu in charge of his then 3 year old sister, sickly mother, and household, all while balancing school. What was left of his decent grades slipped into failing as he juggled part time jobs to take care of them. He would frequently go to school with fevers and having missed many meals, but despite his weak body, his eyes always seemed to glare more ferociously as he fought with himself to keep going.

When Zhonwgu turned 16, his mother died, leaving him and his 4 year old sister orphaned. His budding over-protectiveness fully bloomed as he was left in charge of a young child. They were often forced to move from foster home to foster home, as Zhongwu would consistently cause problems and hated being told what to do. He loathed being treated like a child, and he figured he would do just fine taking care of his sister on his own. He would often get into fights, both verbal and physical, with the adults who looked after them. His aggressiveness made him a fearsome individual, and left quite a stain on his record. He barely managed to graduate high school, and didn't bother going to college and instead picked up more part time work to take care of his sister. Eventually, Zhongwu was finally able to settle down with his sister in a decent, if cheap, place, by the time he was a full-fledged adult.

Zhongwu's younger sister was doted on to no end by him, though was often left to fend for herself after school while he was working. Zhongwu was able to find a job as a martial arts instructor in his early twenties and was able to drop all but one of his part time jobs. This allowed him to spend more time taking care of his younger sister as a guardian should. Although he tried his best, he never became skilled at cooking apart from basics and was never very good at helping her with homework. Just like him, his sister was never the brightest, and Zhongwu often would push her to train her body in rigorous exercise routines. However, she was not very physically strong having been raised on meager amounts of food during her growing periods, and would often collapse. She is quite sickly and frail, but her spirit burns just as strong as her older brother. She often gets into a lot of trouble in school. Her friends encourage her to rebel against her brother for seeming too protective of her, finding it gross.

The Attack

  • trivia

One day, Zhongwu went to pick up his sister- who was then in middle school- after her club. It was late and the sun was beginning to go down, so they decided to take a shortcut through a well-known alley. However, this day was a poor day to choose to do so. They were set upon with who they thought were muggers at first and then quickly realized their lives were in danger. Zhongwu quickly jumped to defend his sister, managing to hold them off, telling her to run. She does so, which she later comes to describe as her biggest regret in life.

Zhongwu manages to knock out one man, but they are unusually strong and he is outnumbered, so he quickly falls to them. However, what they want is not his life but his humanity. Restraining him and injecting something into him, they hide him away in the alley and leave him to rot until a later time. However, a mysterious organization finds him before then and take him in while he is still passed out.

Waking up many days later to find himself in a strange church, Zhongwu comes to learn from a somber man that he is no longer human. His black hair is now a blue gray, his black eyes are now white, and his golden skin now looks ashen and dead. He was injected with what was thought to be healthy pureblood vampire blood by an organization experimenting with changing humans. The fools who had attacked him had not realized the blood they had used was spoiled, and instead of changing him to a vampire, he became a ghoul instead; a being who walks the line of having mental clarity and becoming a mindless zombie every day. Where he was injected in his arm had been rotting while he slept, and he lost his arm very quickly. The somber man teaches him how to control such a rot and how he must feed. Zhongwu comes to learn the this man is known as Mordecai, a high ranking vampire lord who runs a rehabilitation camp for newly turned vampires and ghouls.

A New Life

  • trivia

Zhongwu is quick to reject what he is, growing angry at everything and everyone. He just wants to go home but he also feels great shame for what he has become. He does not want to risk the safety of his sister, so he stays at the camp. He allows her to believe he is dead. Zhongwu takes to doing the heavy lifting and hard labor around the camp, focusing all his furious energy into daily tasks. Soon enough, however, he comes to meet a man who will change his life forever.

A half vampire, known as Albion, comes to the camp fairly regularly to do clinical check ups of all the turned people. Hating himself, and being naturally defiant, Zhongwu was quick to fight back against the doctor, who tries to tell him to take care of himself. Instead of being intimidated or responding with a gentle touch, Albion was quick to shut down attempts at rebellion rather harshly. Zhongwu escalated his aggressiveness in retaliation for a time, but eventually, he grew respect for such a hardened man. He became somewhat attached to the doctor, as he became a regular face in his time of being so lost. Soon enough, Zhongwu began listening attentively to what he had to do to keep healthy. Although Zhongwu eventually became grateful and held respect for Mordecai, the man who took him in when he was on death's doorstep, Zhongwu feels more loyalty and connection to the doctor who became his anchor.

A few years later, Zhongwu finally graduates from the camp and is allowed back into society. Feeling lost once again, he decides that he should again rely on the man who he has grown attached to and goes to Albion's house to beg for work. He is allowed to work in some unimportant phsyical labor jobs at first at Albion's company, but when his unwavering loyalty, his skill with brute force, and his capacity for violence is revealed, he is quickly shifted to a position as a bodyguard.

Zhongwu excells greatly in his job as he is one to do first, ask questions later. He holds great loyalty and respect for Albion, even moreso after seeing him in his true line of work, and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He gets paid a decent wage, but almost all his funds go into his sister's bank account for college. He thinks he is being secretive but it is because of this that his sister knows he is still alive, holding hope that when he is able, he will come home. Currently, she is now in high school and living with a kind foster family.


Attack Defence Speed Protection Magic Support


  • All magic
  • Heavy hitting weapons
  • Ranged weapons
Tactic Smash
Attitude Efficient
Distance Close-range
Weapon Hand to hand

Skills & abilities




Advanced hand to hand and weapons skills that can be used to really wreck someone's shop.




From having a scary face alone, able to scare others into doing or saying what you want.




When wearing [Metal Prosthetic Arm], gain bonus to attack and defense; the skill "Fuck a Bitch up" does additional damage. Can probably bench press a car.




Passive. Increased strength and resistance due to being a ghoul. Mutation: any magic of becoming a ghoul is taken and transferred into the strength, granting additional bonuses to the passive skill rather than giving the host any magical talent.


Zhongwu holds a lot of respect and loyalty for Albion, and often puts a lot of his own judgements in line with Albion's. Whatever he says and thinks, goes. He provided work for Zhongwu and helped him get back on his feet when he was at his lowest. If ever asked by his sister to leave him, he would refuse- this was his world now. However, Zhongwu's only line is that if it was literally between the life of his sister or of Albion, he would choose his sister. It would require a significant amount of convincing and even brainwashing on Albions part to tilt the scale in his favor in regards to this.


Zhongwu finds Vinci unreliable, dishonest, and too clever for his own good. He wouldn't trust him as far as he can throw him- which is pretty far. He constantly gets in the way of work and always blabbers on and on about Albion. However, as annoying as Vinci is, Zhongwu has a small soft spot for him. He would rather be caught dead before he ever said so out loud, though. Zhongwu softens a bit whenever Vinci looks like a lost puppy when Albion is not around, or when Albion so throughly rejects him to the point you can see Vinci fight with himself to keep up his cheerful persona. In those moments Zhongwu sees not a loud, mischevious, and cocky young man, but rather someone who is alone, scared, and doesn't know where to go. Vinci sometimes leaves romance novels at his doorstep, which he finds slightly amusing, but he wishes Vinci would stop.


Zhongwu's sister and only living family that is 12 years younger than Zhongwu. She has always been weak and a bit frail, so he is quite protective of her. Since he raised her, his love for her is more parental than one between siblings. He puts most of the money he earns into her savings account for college. Zhongwu grew up working just for her sake and sees no reason to stop now; in fact, it has never even crossed his mind to stop. He thinks of himself as just a foil for her future; his life was a failure and so he lives just to better hers. On days off he occasionally will go and check up on her in secret; whether it be peeking through her windows or following her around town. He would kill for her and he would die for her.