Lovebite ♡



4 months, 11 days ago


Dangerous Leader




dangerous leader
Ehehe! Just where do you think you're going?~
19 years old
blue-ringed octoling

she / her
lesbian ( )

chaotic evil
scary dog privilage


Threatening to bite, ready to kill, Lovebite is the terrifying leader of Team Misfits, a troublemaking Turf War team that doesn't mess around! She specializes in the frontlines, getting right up in people's faces just to see the terror in their eyes before she mercilessly splats them with her Splatana Wiper.

You'd better be careful around her. She's a blue-ringed octopus, meaning that her bite is extremely venomous. It's best if you don't get off on the wrong foot. She's not afraid to make you her prey. It wouldn't be her first time, either.

  • anything pink
  • hearts (the shape)
  • smiling
  • ladybugs
  • pettiness
  • harm towards the misfits
  • or her ladybug
  • butterflies
Confidence [ 90% ]
Charisma [ 45% ]
Honesty [ 35% ]
Diligence [ 95% ]
Intelligence [ 70% ]

  • Her Splatana is a little battered from how intensely she uses it
  • She's the leader of Team Musfits despite being the youngest
  • Her poison/kill count is more than 5
    • "Kill" because sometimes the venom ends up killing
  • She's very energetic in the way she talks
  • Favorite map is Scorch Gorge
  • Despite her demeanor, she can be a nice person. Trust
  • Yes, she is Toga inspired
design by ZIAMONTRI
Design Notes

  • She wears the Air Gills DX, Berry Blobmom Tee, and Punk Cherries for her gear
  • Her logo is a shiny heart symbol with sharp teeth in the middle
  • Default ink color is a purple to pink gradient
  • Always has a wide smile
  • Her eyes are slightly tilted inward with round irises
  • Don't forget her tail! Medium length and curled at the end

BUG her ladybug ♡

Bug is one of the only cephalopods out there that Lovebite does not want you messing with. Bug was lucky enough to ba able to steal the heart of the Misfits' most feared member. The two have cute nicknames for each other, both relating to bugs. Hers for Bug is Ladybug.

MAKWA best friend / teammate

Makwa is the first person that Lovebite invited to Team Misfits and is also the teammate that she has known the longest. Lovebite caught Makwa in the middle of a situation one day and jumped in to help defend her, even if she did look a little different compared to your average octoling. In fact, it was the first time Lovebite poisoned another inkfish.

They make a terrifying duo, so make sure you have eyes in the back of your head when they're around.

BLACKJACK brother figure / teammate

Blackjack has been dubbed the mom friend of the team by the others, but to Lovebite, he's an older brother. She likes him because he spends a lot of time with her in one-on-one discussions and sometimes shows and teaches her his tricks.

GHOST friend / teammate

Despite Ghost's reserved nature, he handles and engages in Lovebite's energy pretty well. These two will sort of wrestle or roughhouse with each other a lot, which proves to be both fun and challenging since Lovebite has to keep from accidentally poisoning him and Ghost has to keep from accidentally shocking her.