Blackjack ♢



4 months, 9 days ago


Sneaky Hole Cards




sneaky trickster
Sorry, I'm just good at tricks.
22 years old
jewel enope inkling

he / him

chaotic neutral
mom friend


A master at not letting his emotions get the better of him, Blackjack is the backliner of Team Misfits, a troublemaking Turf War team that doesn't mess around! Maining the Zink Mini Splatling, he's the anchor of the team, always watching out for his teammates and having their backs, as well as being a nice jumping spot for them out of harm's way.

Being the backliner of the team, he often times gets dubbed the mom friend of the group. Even outside of battle, Blackjack makes sure that his team is doing well. When he's out and about, he's the most renowned swindler on the block, so make sure you have your cards straight if you dare play a game with him.

  • card games, esp blackjack
  • splatlings
  • bluffing
  • going All In
  • chargers
  • being called out
  • getting heated
  • ice cream
Confidence [ 100% ]
Charisma [ 75% ]
Honesty [ 20% ]
Diligence [ 90% ]
Intelligence [ 80% ]

  • He doesn't mind being called the mom friend
  • Blackjack wasn't his first card game, it was Poker
    • And he won
  • Was fascinated with magicians as a child
  • Uses small splatlings because he likes to move around a lot
  • Favorite card suit is diamonds
  • Least favorite card suit is spades
    • He also doesn't like the game
  • Favorite map is Mahi-Mahi Resort
design by ZIAMONTRI
Design Notes

  • He wears the Annaki Mask, Penguin Bolero, and the Ink Black Clam 600s for his gear
  • His logo is a card with all four suits in each corner with his Zink Mini Splatling and an ink splatter behind it
  • Default ink color is white tinted with red
  • Tail is short and "fluffy" like the dried tentacle hairstyle (his hairstyle)
  • Calm face, droopy/downturned eyes
  • Wears his mask a lot. Not all the time, but most of the time

LOVEBITE sister figure / teammate

Just like Blackjack is a brother figure for her, Lovebite is a sister figure for him. It's because she reminds him so much of his actual little sister, who ended up running away at 14 years old. Of course, he knows Lovebite isn't his sister, but it's nice to think about her, especially since Lovebite lets him show her things that his sister would.

MAKWA friend / teammate

Blackjack would be lying to himself if he said that he wasn't a little scared of Makwa. That's a good thing though, because if she's scary to a member of the team, imagine how scary she'd look to anyone else. He's glad that Makwa is close to Lovebite, and because of that, he has a soft spot for her as well.

GHOST friend / teammate

Ghost doesn't talk much to Blackjack, but that's okay. They're still a team, so he cares for Ghost as much as he cares for the other two. Blackjack has to mandate his and Lovebite's roughhousing though. He doesn't want either of them to get hurt.