Ghost 🗲



3 months, 29 days ago


Phantasmagoric Freshwater Fish

∴🗲 GHOST 🗲∵


spectral shock
Get out of my way before I shock you.
21 years old
ghost knifefish

he / him
homoromantic demisexual

chaotic neutral
shock caller


Quiet but attentative and ready to strike, Ghost is one of the midliners of Team Misfits, a troublemaking Turf War team that doesn't mess around! Maining the Forge Splattershot Pro, he tends to focus on watching out for Lovebite, the leader of the team. Since he can stay a distance away from a target, he aids in Lovebite's killing sprees by tapping her target, allowing her to finish them off.

He's the least talkative of the group, only really speaking when it's necessary. Though sometimes, all he needs is his ability to send an electric shock with a point of his finger, or his tail. Ghost knifefish tend to produce weak shocks, but this ghost knifefish has honed his ability. Quiet and reserved as he may be, Ghost does not fuck around with anyone he doesn't like. You'll have to get on his good side first.

  • black and white palettes
  • personal space
  • art of any kind
  • booyah bombs
  • extremely loud noises
  • booyah bombs
  • cats (he loathes the Judds)
  • talking to strangers ('less it's to threten)
Confidence [ 40% ]
Charisma [ 60% ]
Honesty [ 85% ]
Diligence [ 80% ]
Intelligence [ 60% ]

  • Out of all the forms of art, music is his favorite
    • Huge part of why he likes Turf Wars so much
  • Wants to be a composer; always humming tunes
  • Loves Booyah Bombs when he uses them, but when someone else does, it's suddenly the end of the world
  • Keeps his tail tucked underneath his clothing bc it wags often and it's embarrassing for him
  • His electrolocation gives Team Misfits an unfair advantage during Turf Wars
    • But who cares! They're Misfits! Lol!
  • He'll always end up shocking someone on the other team, accident or not
  • Favorite map is Brinewater Springs
design by ZIAMONTRI
Design Notes

  • He wears the Tentaclinger Earrings, Negative Longcuff Sweater, and Punk Whites for his gear
  • His logo is his swim form (head of an inkling but the body of a black ghost knifefish) surrounded by electricity with an X for eyes, like the splatted icon
  • Default ink color is black
  • Tail (not pictured) is wavy and has 2 small white stripes on the end
  • He keeps his tail tucked away a lot, but it's okay to draw him with it out

LOVEBITE playmate / teammate

Lovebite is terrifying. No doubt about that. But that doesn't stop the two of them from roughhousing with each other. It's always a fun challenge, because Lovebite has to keep herself from accidentally poisoning him and Ghost has to keep himself from accidentally shocking her.

MAKWA friend-ish / teammate

Makwa tried to eat him when they first met, which is understandable now that he knows how much she loves fish. She had bitten his arm, but it's been healed since. She still seems to be bothered by it, though. Ghost doesn't see it as such a big deal anymore and he hopes that one day Makwa can think the same.

BLACKJACK friend / teammate

They don't talk much, but Ghost can't help but catch himself watching Blackjack's cards carefully whenever he's doing something with them. When the group plays card games, Ghost usually sits out and just watches so that one day he can beat Blackjack at his own game. Hopefully.