010_Lilpillar ☆ ♡



5 years, 9 months ago





Fakemon Info

Lilpillar – lv.14 – Cuvern – lv.46 – Prariom

The beginning evolution for an early game bug type line.


The small caterpillar fakemon

Bug type

“Lilpillar’s use the sharp spike to lodge themselves on a tree limb and then reach out with their sticky paws to collect leaves. “

It's name is derived from lil (little) + Caterpillar

 A fun story for why Lilpillar gets a knife.

When I was 4, I would go over to a tree in my neighbors front yard that would be covered in caterpillars and just let like 40 caterpillars crawl on my arm.

In order to get me to stop, my dad told me that one of my older brothers got his stomach cut open by a caterpillar. And I was convinced and for the most part stopped handling caterpillars from then on.

((I’m in my mid-20s and too nervous to look up if a caterpillar can actually cut someone or ask my dad if that was a true story. I think I want to continue believing my brother got beat up by a caterpillar. Granted I am now aware that there are dangerous caterpillars although that’s because of venom/poison))

possible abilities: Sticky Hold