Skylar ✪



3 years, 9 months ago


Age: Uncertain. Around 23 or 24

a young man who wakes up unconscious on a beach. He suffers from amnesia and a woman named Avril gives him temporary aid. She helps him get an elemental summon to defend himself and some food and water. She points him towards a nearby city before leaving, suggesting Skylar take the summoner challenge if he doesn't know what to do. After that she rides off on the back of a four-winged dragon. Leaving Skylar to fend for himself with just his Asiina and a young Spazoof elemental.

Skylar is a bit overwhelmed by the situation he finds himself in, but he tends to be rather optimistic. He doesn’t handle confrontations well and may be prone to crying. He’s very happy go lucky and wants to be friends with just about everyone.

He doesn’t like fighting and dislikes having his summons fight. Although he still pushes through with the summoner’s challenge since he doesn’t know what else he can do.

Eventually ends up in a relationship with Cain

His Asiina (teal fairy): Zae (spiritual being that grants the ability to summon)

His Elarim Summons:

Spazoof- Electrog- Thundrolf: a good boi. Spazoof was Skylar's first summons.

Lilpillar- Cuvern- Prariom: a gremlin lol

Rhynark - Befuno - Guarceros:

Indri - Indrake: basically, a mom in dragon form

Not a summons, but he can be drawn with the star elemental Seronkasi (Seronkasi doesn’t officially appear until arc 4, so see the tabs if you want to draw them together.)