


4 months, 10 days ago



Ring Name RIOT
Gender Genderfluid (she/he/they)
Age 20
Birthday Unknown
Height 131cm (4'3")
Species Ape
Occupation Wrestler

Rika is a very short-tempered individual who enjoys picking fights with people who tick her off. Her tendency to get into physical altercations eventually led her down the path of wrestling. She currently earns her livelihood by participating in an underground fighting ring where anything goes, having the audience place bets on the outcomes of her matches. Known by her ring name RIOT, she’s infamous for her brutal, unpredictable techniques and her impressive, but not entirely unbroken, winning streak.

They're incredibly secretive about their personal life—especially their past—even around people they're somewhat close to, like Rogue and Fengmi. What is known about them is that they are the owner of a dog named Jack and that they enjoy eating meat-heavy dishes.


Due to circumstances beyond his control, Rika was raised as a test subject within a research facility. From the bits of information he’s gathered over time, it seems his mother was very poor, and as a way to earn enough money to provide for her unborn child, she signed herself and the child up for a clinical trial. The mother died in childbirth, and Rika, with no known relatives, was left under the care of the researchers. The goal of their trial was to determine if it was possible to grant magical abilities to someone who wasn’t born with any.

Raised within the confines of the research facility, Rika was subjected daily to experiments, screenings, and the like. As they couldn’t attend public school for obvious reasons, they were homeschooled by the researchers. They did, however, have access to various forms of media, offering glimpses of the outside world. They were also allowed to set foot outside the facility from time to time as long as one of the researchers was accompanying them, in order to prepare them for the hopefully normal life they would eventually lead.

Although Rika was successfully imbued with magical powers early on, they came with their fair share of side effects. They manifested in unpredictable ways and she was unable to gain control over them, leading the researchers to label this artificial magic ‘chaos magic’. The project was eventually deemed a failure and shut down, and Rika was sent on her way with a customized medication that, if taken daily, could suppress her magic, granting her the ability to activate it at will instead of it occurring randomly. Initially, the government supported her by offering the medication free of charge. However, after a few years, this support ceased, and she now has to shoulder the cost herself.

When given the option to reside in Central City upon his release from the research facility, Rika rejected the offer. Influenced by his distrust of upper-class individuals, reminiscent of the researchers who monitored him, he chose to live on Island 6, where they could no longer keep a close eye on him. His only interaction with them occurs whenever he has to obtain his medication, and he actively avoids the heavily surveillant Central City due to a lingering fear of being captured and forced into another experimental trial, now that some time has passed since his release.

The ability to sustain their medication supply was part of the reason why they began participating in underground fighting rings. Winning fights against contestants is not only their way of making money, it also provides them with the opportunity to let out their anger and freely experiment with their chaotic magic—after all, anything goes during these fights.

Rika prefers to forcefully keep her distance from other people to minimize the risk of potentially endangering them due to her abilities. She constantly antagonizes others for nonsensical reasons in hopes that she’ll be avoided entirely—sometimes these arguments end in brawls, which suits her just fine. Her closest companion is Jack, her dog, a chow-chow that seems to be unaffected by any form of magic.


  • Confrontations
  • Dogs
  • Medium rare steaks


  • Losing
  • Herself
  • The researchers



Rika’s magic is chaotic and unstable, and she cannot control what it will manifest as. If activated, one of the following effects will happen and last anywhere from five minutes to an hour.

1. Causes the ground in her vicinity to shake.

2. Swaps any item he touches with another one in his vicinity (a form of teleportation).

3. Increases her mass, making it hard to knock her down. Decreases her speed and agility by half but makes her attacks hit twice as hard.

4. Decreases his mass. Makes him twice as fast/agile but easy to knock down.

5. Reduces the gravity around her. People and objects in her vicinity will begin to float as if they're underwater. Does not affect rika herself.

6. Increases the gravity around them. People and objects in their vicinity will become heavier. it becomes hard to move or to pick up anything. Does not affect rika themselves.

7. Teleports up to 3 meters in a random direction at unpredictable intervals.

8. His fists heat up, causing anything he touches to get burned. Alternatively, they can freeze or generate electricity, causing frostbite or electric shocks respectively.

9. Doubles in size.

10. Able to blend seamlessly into her surroundings, becoming nearly invisible when not moving.

11. Increases their sense of smell, hearing, or eyesight.

12. Allows him to read the surface thoughts of those around him.

13. Transfers her emotions to an individual of her choosing, causing them to experience her feelings for a brief time.

14. Temporarily accelerates or decelerates time within a localized area.

15. Intensifies or dampen the emotions of individuals within a certain range.

16. Alters the colors of her surroundings.

17. Causes nearby magical effects to become unpredictable and uncontrollable.

18. Accelerates the natural decay of objects or people he touches, causing them to age rapidly or crumble to dust.

19. Becomes intangible and is able to pass through solid objects, like walls, but is unable to interact with the physical world in this state.

20. Gains momentary glimpses into the near future.

Although unpredictable in its effects, his chaos magic can be activated at will as long as he takes a customized, special medication at regular intervals. Failure to do so will cause his abilities to activate randomly and potentially put others in danger.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

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