cassidy diable



8 years, 3 months ago


Cassidy Diable

i put my high heels on so i'm closer to god

age: 242 years old (24 in human years) gender/pronouns: girl, she/her
birthday: 5/11 romo/sexual orientation: lesbian
occupation: student, waitress voice: lower range, smooth, gets rough when she's angry
species: devil alignment: true neutral
nickname: cass (only lets her girlfriend call her that)


         cassidy is a 5'10" tall woman, with light skin and dyed orange hair that she keeps short. she has a pair of light purple horns, and two black, skeletal wings that hover a few inches away from her shoulder blades. She has a purple tail that ends in a heart shape, and purple eyes. She generally wears a light amount of makeup, using eyeliner and not bothering with lipstick since she's constantly eating. her nose is small and delicate, and the rest of her face would look elegant as well if she wasn't always frowning or smirking.

         she has broad shoulders and a large chest. she likes to wear corsets to further accentuate her bust, which serves the double purpose of hiding the fact that she's thicker around the waist. she uses barrettes to pin her bangs out of the way. her clothing choice leans toward lolita style, although a lot less involved. she likes shorter skirts and puffy dresses, with form-fitting tops. she also tends to wear gloves. on days she just stays in the house, she wears pullovers and sweatpants. she likes purples and whites, and extravagant accessories.


        on first glance, cassidy seems like she should be a refined and elegant lady, and she can pull off that facade for about five seconds. in truth, she has a vulgar mouth and an abrasive personality that pushes a lot of people away. her chief deadly sin is gluttony, and that primarily means she is always snacking on something. she's not even hungry most of the time she's eating, she just enjoys the process of eating itself. she will interrupt others in order to grab a snack, and has no shame about being the one person in a quiet library eating a bag of loud potato chips. aside from food, she consumes fancy outfits, as well. you'll rarely see cassidy wearing the same outfit twice because she keeps buying and hoarding clothes despite having an extensive wardrobe.

        one of her secondary sins is sloth, and that represents itself in cassidy having no interest in doing things outside of her interests (food and clothing). she rarely cleans up after herself, and her room is a constant mess. she hates having to do work and will try to bribe or otherwise convince someone else to take on the worst of her tasks. similar to how she's always snacking, she takes frequent naps because she likes being asleep and not because she's tired. she's fairly anti-social because of her laziness, although she doesn't consider herself introverted. she just would rather people come to her over her going out to meet people.

        cassidy has a short temper, but because of her lethargy her outbursts are mainly limited to verbal insults. she could hold her own in a physical fight though, being unexpectedly strong due to her sin of wrath. she would prefer to just avoid getting into a physical fight in the first place. she is very vocal with her thoughts and complaints, and she doesn't really care who gets pissed off at her for them. she's genuinely nice to very few people, but can be won over temporarily with a gift of food.

        one of the few times cassidy shows a softer side is when she is with her girlfriend. cassidy feels like she's far inferior to jinx, and so tries her hardest to be her best self when with her. cassidy isn't really big on physical affection, but she loves to just spend time with her girlfriend on dates at coffee shops and movies. cassidy even manages to save money for gifts for jinx on a fairly regular basis.


         cassidy and her brother had a fairly uneventful upbringing. since james was a star student, cassidy felt like she could never live up to his accomplishments, and so only did the bare minimum amount of work to squeak by her classes. along the way, cassidy got her first girlfriend, seo-hyun, who had an altruistic streak. even back in grade school cassidy was getting into occasional petty fights, and seo-hyun coaxed her girlfriend into using her temper to protect girls in the school who were being in trouble. cassidy beat down a couple of guys making unwanted advances, and pretty soon more girls were drawn to seo-hyun and cassidy. it was mostly a loose circle of friends, with the girls helping each other with schoolwork and protecting each other from bullies in the school.

        in high school, cassidy's sins became more pronounced, with her wrath trait urging her to get in more and more fights. cassidy went alone several times to fight other groups in school. it started out with her only attacking people that were actively antagonistic to the school in general, but soon spiraled into her picking a fight with anyone who looked at her funny. one day, one of her victims slipped sedatives into the water bottles that her own girl gang had. cassidy's true sin power was discovered when she was the only one who didn't pass out from drinking the water. intrigued, she experimented more with eating everything from painfully spicy food, to actual poison, with no ill effect. after this incident, seo-hyun broke up with cassidy, afraid that she would get caught up in more trouble if she stayed with cassidy.

        cassidy's violent tendencies dialed back now that her true sin had expressed itself, and she slowly distanced herself from the girl gang. post-graduation, she didn't have a plan for her life, and so she just bummed around the house. cassidy's dad had slowly been getting more involved in the human world, and she didn't have a very close relationship with him. when he died in a petty human conflict, she was much less affected than her brother. still, the loss of her father led her to spend even more time in her room alone from others. she might have not been actively seeking danger and distraction like james was, but she was numbing herself in a much more mild way.

        cassidy's surviving parent, vector, campaigned to become lord of the devils, in order to change the policies that he believed had led to his husband's death. cassidy didn't really pay attention to this, and continued to spend her days moping in her room. what she did pay attention to, was when vector won the position and as a show of good will to the devil people, drafted his own kids into the military. both cassidy and james had gotten used to their carefree lifestyles, and impulsively ran off to the human world together to escape.

        in the human world, they had a rocky start, as cassidy had no real job skills and the two of them had to survive on james's income as a sex worker before cassidy worked up the energy to get a job serving at a local diner. the siblings also discovered monstrucatus, and started relying on the university for support. they also ended up still taking small amounts from the royal treasury back in the world of the devils, assuming that vector wouldn't notice. (she does, but she just lets it slide).

        currently, she is attending classes at monstrucatus, although it's mostly just a cover rather than her genuinely working towards a degree. cassidy also started dating jinx, another waitress at the diner, after spending weeks working up the courage to ask her out on a date.


likes: food, sleeping, jinx, romantic movies and fancy clothes dislikes: being woken up from her naps, running out of money to spend, and comedies
naturally physically strong, but is too lazy to make use of it has the power to eat anything without ill effect (sickness, injury, weight gain, etc)
her current chubbiness is a result of her power developing only after she had gained some weight. and she doesn't care to work it off her favorite foods are ones with "extreme" tastes. anything that's super sour, spicy, sweet, etc.
often swipes james's credit cards to use swears pretty frequently, although she wont swear around children

Important Relationships


james diable

    james is cassidy's brother. the two butt heads often over issues like the cleanliness of the apartment, and money being tight, but deep down they really care about each other. cassidy knows that james is essentially the last remnant of her family she still talks to, so she values him for that. cassidy is envious of james for being able to socialize so easily, while her own rough personality usually turns people away.


jinx avari

    jinx and cassidy are girlfriends. cassidy loves jinx even more than food and naps, which is saying a lot for her. cassidy often feels like she won the jackpot with jinx, and feels that she's not good enough for the other devil. she tries to make up for it by buying/making little gifts for jinx on a regular basis. cassidy doesn't really approve of jinx's smoking habit, but figures that she has enough of her own vices herself. secretly, cassidy harbors dreams of marrying jinx and living with her in a small apartment in the big city, but knows that she could probably never save up the money for that.


vector diable

    cassidy is vector's daughter. cassidy hasn't talked to vector since escaping to the human world, but still misses him from time to time. cassidy isn't as homesick as james, mostly because her final years in the devil world were spent being a shut-in. as such, she think it's not worth the effort to try to reconnect with vector. vector misses cassidy and james a Whole Lot, but feels like forcing them to come back would only further damage their relationship. so, she waits for the day her kids want to come home, and helps them indirectly in the meantime.