Sherry Topaz



5 years, 9 months ago


Sherry Topaz is unendingly energetic, enthusiastic, and friendly. She prefers all play and no work, and deals very poorly with serious subject-matter. She loves her friends unconditionally and has an unfailing belief that even their enemies can be redeemed and befriended. She's also quite strong.

Weapon: Bouqet Falx

Caste: Fusion - Topaz

Components: Mini Ruby X Clover Topaz


The first time Sherry was formed was by accident; her components had just confessed to each other and were caught up in the excitement. She'd never felt so happy before. Unfortunately, she was almost instantly discovered, and the fusion was forced apart. Their homeworld had a strict anti-fusion policy, and they were imprisoned. The quick version of the ensuing events is that they befriended their cellmate, got rescued by the Iolite that had prosecuted them in the first place, and barely escaped homeworld alive.

Although they were afraid because of what had happened, her components made their relationship official and continued to grow closer until they were ready to fuse once again. Then Sherry was back, with a new form! Iolite found it disgraceful, but they were friends now so Sherry didn't let it bother her too much. They continued travelling in their stolen ship until it finally broke down and crashed on Earth. That's where they met the rest of Team Starlight, and the rest is history! Sherry now has so many friends, and she's going to help them fight against their homeworld and save more gems from the Diamonds.