


5 years, 9 months ago


Iolite is a diminutive, seemingly-sweet gem. She has an overly-pleasant and polite demeanor, which clashes harshly with the sheer meanness of the words. She often tries to take leadership roles, preferring to make decisions herself, but her inability to play nice with others makes her unfit to make decisions for a group. She has difficulty with compromise and kindness. However, she empathizes when others experience pain, and prefers tactile comfort rather than attempting to use comforting language.

Weapon: Giant wrench

Caste: Zircon [prosecutor] - formerly of the Purple Court


Iolite came from the same Homeworld as Sherry Topaz and Star Lemon Quartz, belonging to a Purple Diamond. She used to take great pride in her position, being responsible for the conviction of many gems in the eyes of the courts. She could make the smallest slight seem like the loftiest crime, and she recieved such praise for her ability and decorum. It was her first fusion case that cracked that bubble. During the trial of the Topaz and the Ruby that had unlawfully fused, she was perturbed by their expressions of closeness and affection. She found it disgusting, of course, because fusion was considered a disgusting thing in their Homeworld. But it was also... confusing. Perhaps intriguing. It was something she didn't understand. And when she inevitably won against them and they were taken away to await shattering, the devestation not that they would die, but that they would die apart was what bothered her. 

She spent days not being able to get her mind off it, being agonized by the crisis that she was wrong this whole time. When she realized the eve of their shattering had arrived, she made a snap decision. She hurried straight to the holding cells and scoured until she found them both, in separate cells rooms across from each other. The Topaz was sharing her cell with a defective Quartz. Iolite rallied them to escape with her and the four stole a ship. None of them knew how to control it, so it zipped around at random until they finally crashed onto Earth. The ship was damaged beyond repair and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The-- that is, Clover Topaz and Mini Ruby also refused into Sherry Topaz, and have stayed as such since.

When they encountered another fusion gem on Earth, Iolite assumed they were a deserter, too, and asked them as much. Instead, they attacked! Sherry tried to convince her to fuse with her in order to be strong enough to fight back, but she refused, which ended up getting her poofed. Luckily, Star Lemon Quartz-- the defective one Clover had dragged along in their escape-- woke up long enough to save them and fight the other gem off. It was through this encounter that they learned there were more Homeworlds out there

They made an enemy of this Homeworld fast by aiding some rebels in the assassination of their Red Diamond. Aquamarine was one of the rebels, and joined their group. Ever since, the remaining Diamonds have sought with fervor to kill them.

At the start, Iolite disliked Aquamarine very much, and the feeling was probably mutual. Though she completely understood what it was like to be under the thumbs of Diamonds and she empathized with the other gem, Aqua kept trying to impose her own style of leadership, threatening Iolite's position as the only leader! And she became a bit of a slob, why, Iolite never slacked on her decorum and poise after deserting. But she really did care about her, the same way she had learned to care about Sherry and Lemon, if secretly. So they fought, but Iolite grew to respect Aqua and even began to have feelings for her, the more she understood her. She still couldn't maintain a stable fusion with the other, because fusion was disgusting! And it was especially disgusting if it was with someone she really liked and wanted to fuse with!