Star Lemon Quartz



5 years, 2 months ago


Star Lemon Quartz is a spacey, somewhat-ditzy individual. She is considerably small for a Quartz, and may have been considered defective, however she barely speaks and has never divulged her past whatsoever, so no one is sure. She spends most of her time standing still, lost in thought, dead to the world. Very much likes sweet drinks.

Weapon: Goedendag

Cast: Quartz [defective] - formerly of the Champagne Court


Star Lemon Quartz has seen everything. She's been cracked, poofed, and imprisoned plenty in her time. It started with her creation, coming out overcooked and small and weak. She spent her first day of life ridiculed and threatened that she should be shattered for what she is. But she was presented before the Diamonds and shown mercy, and was put in a group of other mild defects (truly noticeable defects were shattered without a second thought.) The group of unwanteds made up the front line of the Diamonds' conquest. Lemon never made any friends to speak of, no one was ever really friends, there, but there was a sort of shared misery that made the front line feel a mutual respect. Lemon, herself, had always been naive and affectionate, so of course even though it would never be reciprocated, she felt fondness for the familiar faces of her comrades. So it hurt a lot every time one of them shattered on the battlefield.

Once, another homeworld came almost close to defeating Lemon's Diamonds. Their gems were powerful, monstrously so, they tore through the front lines like nothing. The survivors grouped up and fought hard. They told each other they would do whatever it took to survive this together. But in the end, one by one they were shattered at the hands of one terrifyingly strong enemy: Ocean Jasper. Finally, everyone was dead but Lemon. When she slumped to the ground, unable to fight any longer, Ocean Jasper told her to tell her Diamonds what she witnessed, and then poofed her. 

When Lemon woke up, it was in a trial room. She was ruled guilty of desertion, as it was assumed she ran and hid and that was the only reason she was the sole survivor of the front line. She was imprisoned and awaited her shattering. Lemon began to... drift away from herself. Started feeling detached from herself, started losing the ability to care or feel. She no longer felt the passage of time, but at some point another gem was put in her prison cell. The Topaz tried to talk to her, but she never responded. The Topaz kept talking anyway; Lemon never listened, but she kept talking. However, when an Iolite came with a Ruby in tow claiming to be the Topaz's rescue, the Topaz insisted on bringing Lemon along. Thus she found herself dragged along on an escape plan, and by all miracles, they managed to pull it off. The group of them crashed on Earth. That's where they've been since then.

She can't go back on what she saw during those days. The memories have been buried, but she can't stop living in the past, the reverie hanging over her like a veil to the present.