


3 months, 14 days ago


True Name
Curse Name
Nyx Rogers
Reul Dárna, Rina, Zee, Jolly, Seren, Gold (dead name)
Queer af, Polyamorous
4'10” (human sized), 4” (fairy sized)
Chaotic Neutral
True Occupation
Public Nusisance/Pirate
Curse Occupation
Public Nusisance/Bartender
Whatever It Takes - Daphne Rubin-Vega, Stephanie Beatriz, James Monroe Iglehart, Andrew Underberg, & Sam Haft

        “Tink was not all bad: or, rather, she was all bad just now, but, on the other hand, sometimes she was all good. Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time. They are, however, allowed to change, only it must be a complete change.” - J M Barrie, Peter Pan

        Zarina is a very complicated fairy. If her curiosity and inquisitive nature hasn't gotten her into trouble already, her big heart and temper certainly will. While her emotions can certainly vary wildly at any point, she is lead by her overwhelming sense of love and loyalty as well as the need to protect those she cares for at any cost. To no ones surprise, she is incredibly slow to trust, but once people have earned her trust and respect there is nothing that she wouldn't do for them. For better or worse, she'll be there.

        Due to her nature as a fairy, Zarina has had to develop a very well worn mask to hide how messy fairy emotions are. It often makes her appear to be cold, callous, and uncaring, but nothing could be further from the truth. Zarina is ruled by her emotions, threatened to be completely overtaken by them if she isn't careful. Knowing that, she is often careful to regulate herself and often has to apologize for outbursts. The only time she will indulge those overwhelming swings of emotion are when she's conducting magical experiments on fairy dust or when gently encouraged to be herself by her loved ones and otherwise hides her true emotions and personality behind a well kept wall.


  • Face Claim: Abbey Lee
  • Half responsible for the creation of the Dark Curse
  • Witnessed creation of the Dark One
  • Helped create the Dark One dagger
  • Founded Pixie Hollow
  • Has generational beef with Rumplestiltskin's family
  • Will fight the Blue Fairy unprompted and on sight always


Alchemy — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Fairy Magic — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Learned Magic — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



  • The Sea
  • Magical Experimentation
  • Sailing
  • Honesty
  • Sincerity
  • Darklings


  • The Blue Fairy
  • The Dark One
  • Liars
  • Bullies
  • Needless Cruelty
  • Tyrants


  • Gold (fairy)- Ombre red/orange pixie cut hair, dark gray eyes, fair skin, freckles, short, butterfly wings, fairy outfit
  • Zarina (pixie)- Ombre red/orange hair that she grows out over time, feathered antenna, moth wings, liquid gold eyes, glowing freckles, pointy ears, short, more nature based clothing
  • Lyra (“human”)- Dark auburn hair, honey/amber eyes, no freckles (?), short, outfits change depending on the situation she is in, but multi layered clothing, belts, boarding axe, sword, heavily braided hair covered in all kinds of embellishments, decked in jewelry, all kinds of books and potion bottles on hand pretty much always
  • Nyx (curseona)- goth baby, a little slutty but we love that for her, short, still very decked in jewelry, heavy makeup, long auburn hair, honey eyes, freckles, almost all black clothes
  • Fairy wings- Mourning Cloak Butterfly
  • Pixie wings- Spanish Moon Moth

The Beginning

        She has been around for so long that it is impossible to list everything that has happened to her, living her life as a fairy that goes by the name Gold. She is a powerful fairy, the equal to Blue in the fairy hierarchy, showcased by the fact that the two fairies are each a star in the pair constellation they are tied to; the Blue Star (Reul Ghorm) and the Second Star (Reul Dárna). Together the two guide their fellow fairies, eventually falling in love and engaging in a relationship.

        Ironically much of her life being bland and uneventful until a fateful meeting changed her life forever. After Merlin finds the Holy Grail and gains his magic and immortality, he meets the golden fairy during his travels in the world. Charmed by her nature and glad to meet another immortal being, the two form a bond and he becomes her first true friend. The two stay friends for ages, helping him hone his magical abilities and develop the small community he lives in that will eventually become the kingdom of Camelot. Gold is able to witness the formation of true love first hand as Merlin meets a woman from a destroyed nearby village, Nimue, as the two fall deeply in love all the while the community continues to grow around them. As Merlin proposes to Nimue with a ring of straw (that Gold transmutes into gold), Merlin sees a vision of the future that changes everything. He sees Gold with his and Nimue's child, who she calls Bethan, and this solidifies a decison he had been considering for a while. While him and Gold work on a way to cut the ties of his immortality, Merlin tells Nimue the vision he had of their future. She's overjoyed, asking Goild to be the child's Fairy Godmother and gifting her with the name Zarina so she would feel like part of their family. The quest to make Merlin immortal does not go as they hoped, however, and Nimue succumbs to darkness and becomes the first Dark One. Merlin, Zarina, and his apprentice, Archimedes, work together to craft the shattered piece he’d kept from the fight into a dagger that he binds Nimue to but when he confronts her, Merlin cannot bring himself to hurt the woman he loves and he falls.

        Having essentially lost them both, Gold falls into a deep that no one, not even Blue, can get her out of. In her grief, she lets out a burst of magic that essentially puts a curse on her gifted name, Zarina, so that she can preserve the memory of the friends that gave it to her and preventing anyone from speaking, hearing, even perceiving it without her permission. The only thing that pulled her out of her despair was hearing that Nimue had been pregnant when she was changed and had given birth to a little girl, who she named Bethan.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

        Camelot may not have had much love for the little darkling, but Gold fell in love with her. Nimue was a bit of an absent parent, so Gold happily took over taking care of the child. This caused a rift to form between Gold and Blue that only widened when Nimue was attacked and killed one day. Nimue was able to call out to Gold and cast a spell to protect Bethan, but still fell and passed the mantle of Dark One on. Gold tried to kill the man, not knowing he inherited Nimue's immortality, and she fled with a cursed toddler and darkened heart.

        Gold hid Bethan away with Merlin's young apprentice, Archimedes, while she searched for a way to break the sleeping spell and dark curse that afflicted the poor child. She lived a double life for a long time, bouncing between her fairy duties and taking care of the tweo children, mentoring and befriending Arcimedes as he grew while doing he best to care for the still sleeping Bethan. But things could not stay calm forever and she had a falling out with Blue after the other fairy finds out what she has been up to. It culminates with Gold using a spell she created to alter herself, no longer the golden fairy she once was but out of Blue's control. She shed the name of Gold completely, cutting herself off from the fairies completely apart from the power she holds from her star, and goes by Zarina (or Reul Dárna for those who can't speak her true name).

        Now with all the free time she could ask for, Zarina dedicates every moment she can spare to finding a cure for the curse affecting Bethan. She has little success, able to cast a temporary spell that draws on her power to at least stop the curse from spreading, but nothing that can actually remove it. She gets into riskier and darker magic, none of it succeeding until one day, a woman arrives to ask for help from Reul Dárna. She was a woman, a human who had found the metamorphosis spell Zarina used to change from a fairy to a pixie (which Blue had taken to calling her) and used it to change herself into a fairy. The woman’s name was Fiona and she was desperate, at her wits end trying to save her son from a terrible fate given to him by Blue and the other fairies. Just two women trying to save their children, how could Zarina refuse?

        The two work together, Zarina using her knowledge to try and create a spell to protect Fiona’s child while Fiona offers to look into the fairy archives for a cure to Bethan. To both fairies credit, they each come up with the promised solutions, but the exchange hardly goes the way that either had hoped. Zarina creates a spell, that should grant the greatest wish of the caster, but the greater the wish the more powerful the cost and Zarina fears what the cost of tampering with fate will be. And Fiona, well she found a way to cure Bethan of the darkness that threatens to kill her, but only by transferring it to another of equal to Bethan. Another child. The two fight, Zarina truly fearing the woman once she hears what exactly the woman has planned and how willing she is to pay that price, and eventually get the attention of not only the child’s godmother, Tigerlily, who Fiona nearly kills trying to cast Zarina’s spell, but Blue as well. The attempt on Tigerlily’s life corrupts not only Fiona with irredeemable darkness, but Zarina’s spell as well which Zarina barely takes back from Fiona before Blue banishes Fiona into an inescapable realm of darkness. Blue then turns on Zarina, trying to banish her as well, but Zarina just manages to escape though this time Blue leaves a mark on her. She casts a spell, erasing Zarina’s memory of the final confrontation with Fiona, so when Zarina arrives back at the cabin with a dark curse in one hand and an evil cure in the other, she cannot tell Archimedes how exactly she came upon either. Now a grown man, gifted with immortal life from Merlin as long as he needs to fulfill his purpose, Archimedes studies the two spells with the fairy, recognizing the bones of the curse as the one Zarina created, but neither are sure how it became infused with darkness they cannot remove. The cure, however, the cure they may be able to do something about. It takes some time, only a couple of years which is a blink to immortals, but they find a way to cast it without killing anyone. There is a cost that they cannot predict, an effect they won’t be able to avoid, but one that Zarina hopes she will be able to take on. So she casts it, a wave of darkness shooting through the kingdom, a plague of sorts but one diluted enough that Archimedes is able to wipe away without too much strain. And finally, after nearly 120 years of magical slumber, Bethan is awake.

        The unconventional family lives happily for a long time, Bethan is happy with her godmother and pseudo-brother, keeping both on their toes as they have to figure out how to care for such a young child. Archimedes takes over Merlin's tower, gathering notes and books and anything he can find to help him and the fairy with childcare in addition to the other things he begins to take on. Zarina is completely out of her depth, given fairies don't raise children, but it's a challenge she is happy to take on though she leans heavily on Archimedes as she learns what humans need. He wasn't always there though, travelling often on his own, and because of his absence it takes a long time for Zarina to notice that anything is wrong with Bethan. Despite eight years passing, Bethan had stayed exactly the same. No taller, no older, still the little spitfire toddler she had been when she woke up. The little girl was cursed, changed by the cure her guardians used to heal her or maybe suffering a side effect of being under a sleeping spell for as long as she was they couldn't say, but for now they do not know how to break it. The community gossips behind their back, about the seemingly disgraced fairy tainted by the darkling who hasn’t been aging, spreading rumors about Bethan based in no kind of reality that only feed into each other and rile up the town against her. The immortal guardians of the ageless child agree that it’s no longer safe for Bethan in Camelot so they say their goodbyes, the fairy taking her little girl to a place she knows will be far from any who would wish them harm.

Straight On Til Morning

        For some time, long enough that Zarina can't remember when it started, Zarina visited the realm of Neverland. A small realm, and island, seeped with unique magic that she'd been studying for a long time, even more so as she continued to learn any magic she could get her hands on and experimented with fairy dust. She knew the realm well, knew there were few inhabitants, on land at least and she got along well enough with the mermaid clan, so this was a place she felt comfortable taking Bethan. The island is a drastic change from the kingdom, a much needed calm for the both of them. Zarina is not worried about people hurting Beth or Blue coming for her so they live in relative peace for a long time.

        Over the next fifteen years, Zarina watches as Peter Pan comes to the island, fairies start to ask for help leaving Blue and Zarina creates a community for them on the island, Zarina turns her star into a portal for the fairies to come to the island as they need, and Beth plays with the children who visit the island in their dreams. She seems happy, unbothered by the strangeness of the place they live in, and enjoys slowly being surrounded by fairies, though she still wants to spend most of her time with Zarina. The fairies were absolutely charmed by Beth and felt protected by Zarina, naming the community Pixie Hollow after Beth insisted doing so, and overall life was good. There were people who came to the island, Zarina suspected they were sent by Blue, but those who meant harm to the people under her care were dealt with before they were ever an issue to the Hollow though Pan continued to be a nuisance she could not get rid of. They could have lived on the island like this forever, but all happy things must come to end.

        One fateful day, a marine ship flies through her portal and two men land on the Neverland shores. Brothers, a captain and his lieutenant, looking for a plant on the island. She goes to scare them away, but makes a deal with them instead. She doesn’t care what they do with the Dreamshade, only that they leave her island, but over the course of leading them to the plant then to the only cure she knows of when the Captain poisons himself, something changes. She doesn’t care for Captain Liam Jones, nor does he care for her, but she finds herself inexplicably drawn to his younger brother. Lieutenant Killian Jones. Even after she sends the brothers away, he lingers on Zarina’s mind. Unfortunately, so do some of the things Liam said to her about Beth.

        She isn’t human, how could she know how to care for a human child, how could she know what the child needs? What if he’s right, what if Beth would be safer with her own kind? What if she’s doing a disservice to Beth, making her live on an island where no one ages, doing nothing to break that curse? These thoughts weigh on her for a year before she finally decided to do something. It took her a while to find a family that she thinks is suitable, more time to convince Beth that this is for the best, that Zarina will still come and check on her, that she is only a wish away. With a broken heart, she leaves Beth with a family, disguises herself, and goes to search for the only person she can trust.

A Pirate's Life Is One To Love

        A lot can change in a year, especially for a mortal. It’s not hard to find him, he’s made quite an impact on the world, not as the naval lieutenant she knew but as a fearsome pirate captain. All that bravado melts away from both of them when they reunite, talking for some time about what had happened since they’d seen each other last, about Liam’s death, Beth’s new family, her need for his help, for a home. He takes her in without question, without hesitation, gives her the name Lyra as a new identity to help her hide among humans, and jokingly refers to her as the other captain until it stops becoming a joke. She stays with him, protecting his ship and crew, leading them alongside him, and they travel the realm helping her search for a way to cure Bethan of whatever magic was keeping her a toddler. She’s not always on the ship, going to Pixie Hollow as needed, traveling around the realm and helping (or sometimes hurting) people she encounters all while trying to find a way to help Beth. She loves life on the sea, loves the freedom it brngs, and watches with amusement as they port regularly in the same place because Killian becomes smitten with a woman in that town. Three years later, the captains help that woman escape a husband she no longer loves, and she joins them on their ship. Around the same time, convinced that Beth is safe and happy, she stops visiting Beth and spends all her time looking for the cure for her.

        Zarina doesn’t know what to do with Milah, this new person aboard the crew staying in the captains’ quarters. She picks up on life aboard the Jolly Roger with surprising ease, integrating herself in the crew and becoming a first mate of sorts in a short time. Zarina can tell she wants to get closer to her, to the partner Killian obviously cares for deeply, but she just doesn’t know how she’s supposed to interact with her. It takes time, but Milah is persistent.They bond, they get closer, become friends, Zarina trusts her with her true name and identity, she teaches Milah to fight, tells her stories of her old life, stories about Bethan, they get even closer, and then they fall in love. It scares Zarina, given the state of her last relationship, but this time it’s different. She feels held, loved, like an equal, like she’s home, and for nearly ten years they’re happy. These people know her, love her, they help her hunt a way to help Bethan, make plans to take in Baelfire and Bethan when they can, raise them both on the ship, they make plans for a happy life of adventure for them all.

        And then things derail so fast. Zarina answers the call of a young man, a man who has the misfortune of being a son of the Dark One, the second she’d ever heard of, and he begs for her help. He wants his family back, his father back, and Zarina has to help him. He reminds her too much of her Bee, another darkling, but this one she can help. She sends him away, gives him a bean that will take him to a realm with no magic, and she hopes desperately that this one family can be saved. She learns too late that that child is Baelfire, her love’s son, and learns that he went through the portal without his father, Rumplestiltskin, her love’s former husband. He summons Reul Dárna and discovers that this fairy that took away his son is the same that helped take away his wife. They fight, she slips and lets him know of a dark curse before he attacks her, gravely injuring her as she gets away only to be tracked down by Blue. She’s even worse off after this fight, losing her wand and thus most of her connection to her fairy magic and getting burned by silver but she manages to make it back to her home. She cries as she tells Milah and Killian about her mistake and she expects Milah to reject her, but she doesn’t. She’s saddened about her son, but far more concerned about her husband, which she is right to be. Not long after this, they run into him again. He nearly kills Killian, injures her again, takes Killian’s hand, and crushes Milah’s heart in front of the both of them. They may have gotten the last laugh, keeping the bean he did all of that to get, but there were no winners that day.

        Filled with a rage that consumes her completely, she takes Killian to Neverland where she knows he can continue living as they dedicate themselves to finding a way to end the Dark One. Their individual flames combine to create an inferno of rage, this new quest being even more personal for her as she cannot help but be reminded of Nimue and everything she had lost. There’s a brief moment where they almost stop, they almost let their revenge go as fate drops Baelfire into their laps again, but that could never have lasted. He discovers his mother’s possessions in their cabin, tries to fight Killian, nearly kills Zarina when he disowns her, and the pair let the Lost Boys and Pan take away their last chance of salvation. Zarina refuses to work with her old adversary, but Killian does and maintains that partnership to keep Pan away from Zarina and her fairies.

        This is the way they live for over 300 years. Killian deals with Pan while searching for a way to destroy the dagger, Zarina helps her fairies and looks for a way to sever the Dark One’s connection to the blade in addition to Bethan’s cure. She’s able to travel much more easily than Killian, able to access her star without needing to go through Pan, but they are still able to leave and travel to the Enchanted Forest as they need, Zarina able to go to other realms because of her talents and magic. They meet countles people, appear in countless stories, but struggle to reach either of their goals. The only solace they have is that they are still together, but even that changes. Zarina tampers with Rumplestiltskin one time too many times and he finally manages to imprison her.

The Missing Star

        Rumplestiltskin’s smart and powerful and learned about fairies during the time they’d been feuding and tries to use her knowledge of the Dark Curse to lead him back to his son. After a time, Killian’s search for Zarina and her own refusal to help him becomes too much of an inconvenience and he cuts off her wings with his magic. The violent act leaves violent scars, and he presents Killian with her wings in a pendant as “proof” of her death, to be cruel and direct the pirate’s energy back to his quest to kill him rather than locate his fairy. Plucking her wings weakens her greatly and the use of magic means the wounds are slow to heal, making it impossible for her to escape much less stop Rumple’s plans to cast the Dark Curse. But one day, a soft voice comes into her mind, one she had thought was lost to her forever. Zarina thought she would never hear from Beth again, the child having disappeared from where she had left her, but there she was after all that time. Making a wish to her star. Even realms away, the child’s belief in her empowers Zarina enough for her not only to escape, but also to grant her goddaughter’s wish, though the effort to do so from so far takes all her strength and she collapses in the woods.

        Luckily, she’s found by a group of bandits, the Merry Men, who take her in without question and help her heal from her wounds. Outside of captivity and able to use the supplies they can get her, she does much better, even growing close to Robin Hood and his son Roland, both still grieving the loss of their wife and mother. A grief Zarina understands too well. As much as she wants to stay, she needs to find Killian more, so once she is healed enough to travel alone, she sets off. Sadly, she never reaches her destination.

        Mistaking her to be a powerful witch, Queen Regina manages to arrest her and keeps her in the queen’s personal dungeons alongside Belle while she tries to figure out who Zarina is and why Rumplestilskin is so interested in her. Zarina and Killian just barely miss each other when he breaks into the dungeon to speak to Belle, but she doesn’t have the strength to do anything to get his attention. She does finally escape when one of the Queen’s guards, a huntsman, breaks her out just before the Dark Curse is cast, discovering who she is and hoping that she can use her knowledge of the curse to help the Savior break it. Though she tries to find Killian before the curse sweeps the kingdom, when she finds the crew, they’re without their captain and their ship and she gets wrapped up in the curse alongside everyone else.

once-upon-a-time_205153_2.jpg?cache=1363 The Blue Fairy


Ageless She/Her

Some grudges will never go away. The hurt goes deep between these two and can't be repaired easily. Zarina loved Blue completely and Blue betrayed her, banished her, turned the world against her. Even when Zarina is trying to redeem herself, Blue never let's her forget her sins and in turn Zarina never let's Blue stay on her high horse.

Once-Upon-A-Time-Merlin-once-upon-a-time Merlin

First Friend

1,000 + He/Him

Zarina's first true friend and introduction to some of the best of humanity. He was her first touches with magic outside of her own and instilled her with a love for life's mundane moments that she lives with to this day. She might not have seen him in ages, but he lives forever in her heart.

eeafe1cb7f9a39377686f0ea68ad52ff.jpg Nimue


Deceased She/Her

Oh, Nimue. Zarina's first intimate touch with rebellious spirit and later her first experience with grief. While her spirit may live on in every Dark One that came after her, to Zarina she died the day the Dark One was born. She misses her friend dearly.

1600553_full.jpg Archemedes

Mentor & Mentee -> Friend

510 He/Him

From Merlin’s apprentice to a companion and oldest friend, Archimedes has been around Zarina almost as long as Merlin. He stayed with her after Merlin & Nimue's fall and, though the two have gone their separate ways, they still keep in touch and have a bond of shared experiences that time simply cannot break.

brunamrqueznebluebeetleleatherjkt_2.jpg? Bethan / Bethany Warden (OC)


"32"/500 She/Her

This is one of the most Complicated™ relationships that Zarina has. She loves Beth with everything she has and there's nothing she wouldn't do for her, though she feels like she's done nothing to earn the right to Beth’s affection. She wasn't there fast enough to save Beth or Nimue, took ages to cure Beth of her injuries, was never able to find a cure for her eternal youth, and wasn't there to help Beth when she was thrown into the Land Without Magic. Once they reunite in Storybrooke, she realizes how much she's lost herself to the darkness inside her. She wants nothing more than to redeem herself in Beth's eyes, to be worthy of her love. But she worries that no matter hard she tries, she can never earn Beth's forgiveness orwash the blood from her hands.

The very idea of The Dark One brings Zarina nothing but pain and grief and anger every times she comes across a new one. They may all have different names and faces, but she can never seperate them from their creator. A wound that can never be healed.

43cb9e65-748f-47be-ba28-1ee1b7e88931.jpg Fiona


~417 She/Her

While they only knew each other for a short period of time, their meeting set fate down a path that effected more people than they could ever imagine. Just two mothers, doing everything they can to save their children.

HD-wallpaper-peter-pan-ouat-once-upon-a- 'Peter Pan'

A Freaking Joke

~421 He/Him

Zarina had no real relationship with The Shadow before Pan showed up, but since Pan arrived in Neverland the two have been extremely antagonistic. Made worse once Pan brought the Lost Boys to the island and started to claim it as his realm, she is all too happy to put the youth chasing creep in his place.

febcf457fd2b8b20e27a0aa9a6af1d40.jpg Rumplestiltskin


381 He/Him

Zarina hates this man. Even on the same side, even working together, even after letting the death of Milah slide, she hates him. Guilty until proven innocent, she can and will be a constant thorn in his side because it's fun and he needs someone around to knock him down a peg.

il_570xN.5340924368_jfsw.jpg Captain Killian Jones

Other Half

376 He/Him

Her love, her partner, her soulmate, her everything. He didn't just give her a home, he showed her what it was to be human, to be more than just a fairy, to really just be her. For better or worse, they became two parts of a whole, encouraging both the best and worst of each other. There's no one else who understands them as well as they understand each other, but they're more than willing to let anyone who wants to give it a shot. God's help you if you try to get between them, that won't end well.

62fca2541044fe3124e2c5eb5a9e10f4.jpg Milah


Deceased She/Her

Milah, Milah, Milah. The heartbreak Zarina's never been able to get over, even after all this time. They may have only had a decade together, some of which they weren't even a couple, but that decade felt like a lifetime. She learned so much from loving this woman and wishes more than anything that they'd been able to raise their kids together the way they'd always talked about.

1093441878-9ed0e01a4534a1ec1ff866e406408 Baelfire / Neal Cassidy

Maternal -> Friends

"35" He/Him

Oh, how Zarina has a soft spot for her darklings. In the scheme of her life, she didn't know Baelfire long, but he had her heart right away. It wasn't fair, he reminded her too much of Beth, and it was over when she realized he was Milah's son. She wanted so badly for him to stay with her and Killian when they reunited in Neverland, she would have changed everything they had planned if he was willing to stay with them, but it wasn't to be. Even when they meet again, under awkward circumstances and a new identity, she is only happy to see him alive and well. The two mend their broken bond and become awkward friends in Storybrooke, though she does make sure to nudge him to Beth who she knows that he would find comfort and solidarity with.

Shutterstock_12521967ts.jpg Terrance (OC)

Best Friend

Ageless He/Him

A fairy who joined Pixie Hollow after Zarina had given up Beth, he is Zarina's best friend. They connected quickly after he arrived, with him being the only other fairy who really understood the way her mind worked especially when it came to the pixie dust. While not a fan of the things that she would do to protect Beth and the Hollow, he understood that her intentions were good and she was trying to keep them safe from Pan, from Blue, from the pirates even and anyone who would mean them harm. When she brought Killian and the Jolly Roger to the island, he ended up becoming a sort of ambassador between the Hollow and the captains since he was the only one comfortable being around the pirates (and he developed a crush on Killian). He was upset when they curse hit and it seemed that he had lost the both of them, but is relieved to see them both alive and well again, bouncing between Pixie Hollow and Storybrooke frequently, eventually finding a place with Belle after the two become friends and he starts seeing Killian. He's Zarina's most dedicated friend and will help with whatever she needs.

13ee030961f09c98b98482b534a7dced.jpg Jiminy Cricket / Dr. Archie Hopper


Age He/Him

They might not know each other well, but Jiminy did know Zarina through her parents and has never forgotten how she helped him start his new life. Though he isn't deaf to what other report that she has done, he believes to know her well enough to truly believe in her redemption.

MV5BZGVjZDY0NGEtMzMzOC00N2Q1LTg2MWEtNWJm James Berlioz / Guillaume 'Liam' Paris (OC)

Friendly Rivalry

"22" He/Him

Zarina- It’s something. Rivals to friends? Rivals to mentor to friends? Frievals? Idk they’re something who knows what the deal is between this man and the Jolly Rogers. Certainly not the three of them. They all like each other and the Jolly Rogers are happy to help the young pirate out, though none of them will ever admit their fondness for each other out loud.

Nyx- Coworkers/ supervisor & employee who became pretty good friends as they worked more and more together. Being some of the only people in the ‘alt’ crowd of Storybrooke, it was hard for them not to be drawn together. This friendship translates over well once the curse breaks and their memories return.

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBj58keQ63v49bunQzAA3 Belle French

Rival -> Friend -> Girlfriend

"25" She/Her

A rollarcoaster of a relationship. They knew each other first when Belle was Rumple's captive and lover and Belle had no idea who Zarina was. They met again through the walls of Regina's dungeons, Zarina trying to break Belle out when she escaped but Belle telling her to leave her in the hopes that Zarina could outrun the curse. In Storybrooke they don't meet until after the curse has broken and it's hardly on good terms, the reunion short-lived as Belle loses her memory at the hands of the pirates.

From there, thankfully things get less violent but no less complicated. Zarina helps Belle regain her true memories after Regina gives her false ones, apologizing for attacking her when the one they were after was Rumple. Belle is one of the first people who can see the good still in Zarina even when the fairy is afraid it’s been smothered. Despite the many struggles that Zarina faces as she tries to redeem herself, Belle never loses faith in her and that belief Belle has in her helps her through the painful road to redemption.

Over time, the two develop feelings for each other but it takes a long time for anything to happen between them. It’s a long and bumpy journey for these two, but they bring out the best in each other and give each other things they’d been missing in other relationships.

2f3917e4fc5b7e96ca1bdd723ea37709.jpg Regina Mills

Antagonistic -> Close Friends

"35" She/Her

Regina did not discover the truth of the woman she once held captive until after the curse broke. She could feel she was powerful, knew she had some connection to the Dark One, but mostly passed her off as just some other witch. She ignored her completely during the curse, forgetting her completely until Emma arrived and suddenly Nyx was constantly showing up around Emma, around Henry, even Gold showed interest in her and again she just never knew why. Once the curse broke, she was furious, outraged that she’d had a valuable asset and lost it before she could use it.

Her and Zarina don’t get along well, the fairy often undermining Regina and finding ways to get on her nerves, but it doesn’t take long for them to see commonalities in each other. HEnry doesn’t help this, seeing that both are two people who want to be better, who are slow to trust, who turn to darkness as an instinct to solve their problems. They don’t always see eye to eye, but as time goes on, that becomes less of a problem and they view each other as dear friends. They can find comfort in each other because they both know the other understands how hard the path to redemption is and how temperamental the approval and support of the heroes can be. Once they let their guard down and accept each other as a friend, they find someone who will be there for them no matter what, in the good times and, more importantly, in the bad.

sean-maguire-robin-hood-once-upon-a-time Robin Hood

Close Friend

"35" He/Him

A brief, but deep bond formed between these two while she was staying in his camp. He helped her work through and let go of much of her grief over Milah while working thought his own grief over Marian. They grieved together, she was a needed maternal figure for Roland, and while she didn't stay for long the time they spent together was meaningful enough for each that they can pick up their friendship where it was left off.

d38a7bb5e05740dc0c417bafb4cf64ad.jpg The Huntsman / Sheriff Graham Humbert


"30" He/Him

There is little to say here that isn’t upsetting. The huntsman didn’t know Zarina in any capacity really in the Enchanted Forest, just put the pieces of her identity together and helped her escape in the hope that she could save him, save everyone. In Storybrooke, Graham was the only person who seemed to be able to understand Nyx, her moods, and why she kept acting out the way she did. Neither knew it, but they both suffered from the same affliction caused by the same person and even without memories of that fact, they found each other. It didn’t matter that they didn’t know the cause of their problems, it just helped that they had someone they didn’t have to explain themselves to, someone who understood and didn’t judge them. He was the only friend that Nyx had for a very long time and his loss absolutely destroyed her. Even when she gets her memories back, Zarina still carries his death with her and wishes that she could have done something to save the man who had saved her all that time ago.

jessica_rabbit_by_montalvo571_dfexyvt-fu Jessica Rabbit / Tess (OC)

Manager & Employee -> Friend

~"30" She/Her

Nyx- Tess owns the bar where Nyx works as her head bartender. While overall fantastic at her job while she's there, Nyx isn't exactly a model employee, but in spite of all of that, Tess struggles to be angry at her. She can see through the act, see through the performance, all the way to the heart of it all. Nyx is just a lonely, sad woman doing the best she can to survive. While they were never friends before Emma arrived, Tess did feel like she might have been the only person who cared at all about Nyx and did as much as she could to take away the pain that she carried inside her.

Zarina- As with everyone, Jessica has a difficult time separating Nyx and Zarina when the town wakes up. Having spent nearly every day with Nyx and developing an intense protection over her, it's hard for Jess to let go of that even once she sees that Zarina is more capable than most of taking care of herself. Their relationship is very tense for a while, as neither quite knows what to do about the other, but they do eventually reform their friendship, though because of their true nature it is a much different dynamic than Tess and Nyx. Watch out Storybrooke.

667ee6bfead4e13e0942a686219959bfb010e164 Emma Swan

Friend -> Wife

28 She/Her

Nyx- While uncertain of Nyx when they first met, Nyx became one of the first people that Emma reached out to for friendship when she settled in Storybrooke. She felt a bond with her, two people without a home and without friends, and in some ways Nyx reminded her of her own lost friend, Beth. Because of Henry, Nyx quickly gets wrapped up in Henry and Operation Cobra, becoming a middle ground of sorts between Emma who did not believe and Henry who did. The two become good friends and Emma gets to see first hand Nyx’s strangeness and rightfully worries about the trouble that Nyx might get herself into during one of her spirals.

Zarina- Like with everyone who knew Nyx well, meeting Zarina is a whiplash. It takes Emma a very long time to stop associating Nyx with Zarina. Though, because of their friendship, it’s easier for Emma to see the goodness still in Zarina’s heart. She defends her against people, often her parents, that refuse to believe she can change, and grows to trust her because of her honesty and loyalty. The more time she spends with her and Killian, the more she appreciates the two and finds herself wanting to be around them more and more. It scares her, having feelings given her hard past, but the pirates have done a lot to prove that they don’t want to be villains anymore and, for better or worse, they have a deep sense of loyalty and devotion that Emma needs as she heals on her own journey. Healing from your past trauma and pain is hard, but it’s easier when you have people to lean on.

whale.jpg Viktor Frankenstein / Dr. Whale

Close... Friends

"36" He/Him

Nyx- These two met by pure happenstance and the hoe-to-hoe communication really kicked off with these two. What started off as a fling turned into a pretty solid friendship (with benefits) between the two that continually confuses everyone who interacts with them. Because of how often he is around Nyx, he is one of the few that bears frequent witness to her fits of highs and lows. He tries to encourage her to get help, to see someone about the problems that she’s been having, but isn’t pushy about it and still enjoys her company.

Zarina- Somehow with their memories back, these two become even better friends. Given the way Zarina introduces herself, he’s very nervous at first but Nyx gave Zarina a soft spot for the doctor. He was kind when few people were and she appreciates him for that. As soon as they connect over forbidden science and lightly testing the laws of nature, they’re inseparable friends and often seek each other's help when their work stumps them as they really value the others' minds and input.

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11 He/Him

Nyx- Henry loved Nyx. She was fun and different, kind and brave, the first person who looked at him and said she believed in him. She didn’t know for sure if Operation Cobra was true, but she wanted to believe in the world Henry told her that they lived in so when he came to her with evidence she never turned him away. It was nice to have someone that didn’t look down at him as just a kid and treated him as his own person.

Zarina- The change from Nyx to Zarina was really hard for Henry, unable to shake how much it felt like his mother all over again, like he’d been lied to, like he’d lost a good friend and someone he looked up to. Maybe because of him making that connection between her and his mom, but as he watches Zarina more and more her arrival feels less and less like a betrayal and loss of someone he thought he knew. Everything he liked about Nyx is there in Zarina, though maybe buried pretty deep, and he believes in her, believes that she can become the person that she wants to be.

gtkgiz22kvd31.jpg Pinnochio / August W. Booth

Romantic Interest -> Friend

"35" He/Him

Nyx- Oh gosh. These two kind of break my heart. August comes to town and meets Nyx and the two connect instantly. They’re similar people, light hearted, trusting fools trying their best and often failing. It hardly takes any time at all for Nyx to fall completely for him because he’s a flirt, he’s fun, he tells stories, he’s kind. How could she not fall for him? Neither really have a chance to act on any budding feelings as the curse breaks and everything changes.

Zarina- Because of Blue reverting him back to a child, a lot happens before Zarina and August see each other again. They have a hard time untangling the complicated mess of feelings they were left with before the curse, as August can’t help but just see Nyx when he looks at Zarina and Zarina can’t tell if she likes him or if this is just leftover from Nyx. After a long time the two talk and, while Zarina has come to realize that she does have feelings for him, she knows that she wouldn’t be good for him. Temptation and vice never mix well.

As much as that hurt them both deeply, it was a needed conversation to have and since then they were able to develop a friendship, based on who they really are rather than what they want the other to be. They work well together, the love that they shared passing seamlessly from romantic to platonic, and they wouldn’t have had it any other way.