


5 years, 10 months ago


Species: Zøra (species and character created by sophie1234 on Drawcast)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: he/him

Physical Description 

  • 6 feet tall at the shoulder
  • Unclear whether the skull on his head is a decoration or just what his head looks like
  • Very long retractable claws
  • The white markings on his back and leg give off a soft glow
  • Can summon feathered wings at will, which sport the same triangular tassel dangling from the wrist joint
  • Smells like incense and mud


  • Quiet, tends to keep out of others's business
    • It's a little hard to do that when you can read minds, but he doesn't like that anyway because who on earth wants to know what other people are thinking??
  • Doesn't particularly enjoy interacting with people
  • A bit of a recluse, territorial, expects other people to also keep out of his business
  • Prefers the company of the dead to the company of the living
    • He considers them more understanding
  • Comes off as eccentric and grim when he can be persuaded to talk


  • Inviting spirits to tea (even though he's technically the only one drinking the tea)
  • Decorating his lair
  • Arranging his collection
  • Peace and quiet
  • The sound his charms make when they rattle against each other in the wind


  • Reading minds (there's usually nothing good going on in there)
  • Leaving things lying around and then forgetting where they are
  • People attempting to force a conversation with him

Personal Info 

  • Can read minds, summon the dead, and perform dark magic
  • Collects bones, especially skulls, and small triangular objects (particularly shiny ones)
  • Eats lots of mushrooms and fish
  • Would like to live in a dark, woodsy area far away from society, with nothing but the noises of nature and the whispers of the departed as company
    • Swamps and caves are his favorite, but they have to have weeping willows and lots of fungi
  • "On the contrary, dead men tell the most exciting tales of all."
  • Fiddles with his charms and tosses his head when he's nervous


  • It's pronounced "SAI-un"
  • True Neutral
  • This species can live up to 300 years and have up to five offspring at a time

Date of Creation / Adoption: Sometime in June 2014 (Drawcast is garbage with dates)

Other Notes: This character was created by sophie1234 on Drawcast, but I haven't found a way to get a direct link to their account.