Xemo Phillips



2 months, 29 days ago


Gone Fission Hydroplant Splat Zones Enthusiast

χ→© ♪XΞMØ



Xemo Phillips

i think i'll kill everyone

GENDER unknown
ORIENTATION poly genderfluid pansexual
AGE 20 yrs
BIRTHDAY jan. 29th
SPECIES blanket octoling


A blanket octopus obsessed with Gothic Literature that has had to deal with too much shit for the two decades that it's been alive for. It has been let down, manipulated, lied to, shut down, gaslit, you name it. One day it found itself in the metro, a lost wanderer who wanted to clear its thoughts, and not do anything reckless. On that trek, it discovered the body of a blanket octoling, a sanitized one. Xemo wasn't well-versed in Sanitization, but it knew that octolings aren't supposed to look like that. Seeing that body, though . . . something had lit up within Xemo. Yes, it was thinking about becoming one more body of many, but it also didn't want to see this one's life fleet away. It never understood why, but Xemo always trusts its gut.

It took the body. It took the body and made away with it back to its home. Don't ask how it escaped the metro unscathed. Trying out a little experiment purely because of curiosity, Xemo wanted to see if it was possible to reanimate an inkfish using a respawner. And it worked. It worked! Its creation was a success! Unsanitized, too. It was even able to remember who it was — Xero Lyes. Their first interaction didn't go as smoothly as one would've hoped, totally not because Xemo was terrified of their bright yellow eyes, but eventually they would form a familial bond, not just creator and creation, but sibling and sibling.

#644138 — skin
#7d7087 — eyes
#9999ff — ink
#aa454d — gradient
#ddddff — suckers
#7e6d9a — buzz


  • flowers
  • parties
  • brushes
  • rainmaker
  • red
  • spiders
  • chargers
  • chocolate
  • maroon
  • clam blitz


  • octobrush main
  • best ranked mode is rainmaker
  • worst ranked mode is clam blitz
  • favorite color is red
  • favorite song is Love by CreepP
  • gas mask/l'il devil horns, pullover coat, null boots replica
  • left ear is chipped twice
  • always wears jackets
  • 2 long back ponytails
  • hook-shaped mask



Found sibling. Son-sibling. Xero is its creation, but it sees them as more than that. Way more than that. Despite Xemo being unadmittedly terrified of Xero when they first arose from the dead, they came to it with a proposition: The two would become siblings. Xemo accepted under only one condition: That Xero better be ready for the Cain instinct. A win-win situation, Xero happily agreed.


Another addition to the found family, Xeno came along one day and Xemo was instantly attached, and not just by the similar names. They make a great team together. Even if you're a great team, you're bound to have bad matches. Xeno said something pretty harmless, but Xemo was not having it that day, and ended up killing Xeno with its Octobrush. It panicked! Oh, it panicked. But luckily, reanimation is possible.


A third piece to the puzzle, and yet another addition to the found family. Being the only squid, Xemo loves to lightheartedly make fun of Xejo being the odd one out of the group, but of course they mean it in good faith, just for laughs. Xejo is funny, Xejo is fast, and it's always a delight to see his reactions to it, Xero, and Xeno having a massive Cain instinct moment.


My Demon. After a traumatic experience that led in hurt, heartbreak, and a deep moment of despair, Xemo felt something within it. A festering rage. On its own, Xemo could hurt someone real bad. But when Sinel's around, or more rather, when he takes control, they are capable of doing incredible, fantastical things. It just hopes that none of these things are ever aimed at its family.