


5 years, 9 months ago


Basic Information

Full name: Catrina Heloise Zimmerman

Birth date and Birth place: January 22nd, 1914 in Paris, France

Eye color: blue

Hair color: regular/platinum blonde

Intermediate family: parents, dead uncle

Nationality or ethnicity: German-french-english mixed.

Sexuality: Straight.

Other Information

Personality blurb: Shy upon and seemingly unapproachable upon first meeting but is very sweet and kind. 

Languages spoken: Fluent in French and about 3 years of English and German. 

Talents: Violin, piano, singing, digital design, running in heels, understanding the meaning behind literature, being a total klutz, skateboarding. 

Phobias: Mother's depression and dads brutal anxiety attacks, drugs (is ok with alcohol though), household animals.

Friends: Rochelle De'Guiche, Jacques Moreau


BackstoryCatrina was born the daughter of a Lord and a Lady in Paris, France. Her life was well-defined at the moment of her birth. Her parents were on the verge of normal-seeming. They would push their daughter into the hands of the staff for the youngest years of her life. The staff treated their bosses' daughter well and when Catrina's parents wanted to hold her, they would ignore her. Icarus hired private tutors for her at an early age that taught her how to walk and speak.