


5 years, 9 months ago


Full name: Rochelle Genevieve De'Guiche

Birth date and Birth Place: May 4th, 1913 in Grenoble, France

Personality: She has the mindset of a twelve year old whose curious about everything but is a bit naive.  She's awfully sweet and adorable and enjoys the artistic things in life. 

Parents: Genevieve Rolland and Garrett De'Guiche

Excessive Family: Elena Rolland (grandmother), Spencer Rolland (grandfather), Maurice De’Guiche (grandmother), Lothaire De’Guiche (grandfather), Antoinette De'Guiche (great aunt)

Nationality or ethnicity: Pure blooded Frenchie.

Sexuality: Purely straight. 

Languages Spoken: Fluent in French and about 2 years of English. 

Talents: Sketching and painting, looking like a tomboy and a girly girl at the exact same time, horse-back riding, lot of random knowledge about outdoor survival and the outdoors in general, playing the drums.

Phobias: That she will meet an awfully gory fate like her mother, waffles, bugs, skirts. 

Backstory: When Rochelle was born, her parents decided to name her after the city they had both grown up in known as La Rochelle, France. Everything seemed absolutely perfect until after she had turned one, when her mother, Genevieve, was hit by a train and killed. Her father ultimately decided that she was the most important thing in the world to him and would raise her on his own. When feeding the horses in the barn, he'd close the doors so she wouldn't wander off but she still managed to get lost with-in the stalls and in the loft. She had already known how to speak a little bit. 

When she became old enough for pre-school, her dad took her to a building where she could play with a bunch of other kids for a few hours. The kids around would often tease her for random things like her clothes or even just the fact that she only had one parent. Sitters after school were unbelievably rare, the only time it really happened was when her dad had some sort of emergency he couldn't ignore like jury duty. Time came and went and she was all set to start kindergarten and her pre-school teacher ended up transferring to the elementary ended up becoming her teacher again, which she was really excited for. Her teacher would often to speak to Garrett about her social standings nowadays after class which she would overhear but not understand. Her father after one week decided that it'd be best for her to attend a boarding school for the next year to make some friends. 

So when the time came, she was up in Paris, starting in school with a bunch of other rich people's children. The other children were pretty much spoiled brats completely and the sons and daughters of famous people (she had no idea that her dad was born well-off or even the famous heir to their family name). Within the first three weeks of school, she became friends with a girl in her class named Catrina Zimmerman, who was the exact opposite of her. When summer came around, she and Catrina both had to go back home, but lucky for her friend she lived in Paris. Rochelle was super excited to tell Garrett that she had made a friend and continuously describe every fiber of Catrina's being to him. Then she told him she really wanted to go back to the school because not only did she have what felt like a lifelong friend but she felt like she understood the curriculum. 

In the first month of school, continued as normal until one day in September, their math teacher explained that soon they'd have a new student. When the day came, a boy accompanied by two police officers came in and introduced himself as Jacques Moreau. She was already intrigued and started following the antisocial boy around with Catrina following her around. Eventually, the trio got used to each other and became friends. When summertime came around, she asked Jacques to come home and spend the summer with her. It was the best feeling ever. This was her life norm, until one summer when Rochelle and Jacques spent the summer with Catrina and the next year Catrina was killed in an accident. 

Rochelle was awfully upset over her friend's death but stayed friends with Jacques. Middle school was the same routine and that was around the time she started getting bullied again. The boy always came to her rescue. In health classes, they learned about sex, drugs and bodily functions. She started to understand that she was falling in love with Jacques. Around the age of 13, Jacques kept trying to kill himself from his emotions towards his past but Rochelle managed to keep him alive. With every passing year she fell a bit more attracted to him. Her father, Garrett, more than approved of the two and tried to keep her in check with her age. They always hung out, being bullied by others and hung with people considered as big as losers as them. By the time high school rolled around, Jacques had started feeling the same way. They went to prom together and shared a kiss. Around the time of April, Rochelle's life was getting pretty intense. She became tricked by a phantom text that had said it was from Jacques to go to a warehouse. She accidentally got shot upon opening the doors, Jacques quickly figured this out and came to her rescue. He rushed her to the closest hospital and she died lying in one of the beds at 16 years old.