Tyall Noskav



5 years, 8 months ago


Asexual Demiromantic
The Fool
Sin / Virtue


Outgoing • Musical • Kind • Awkward

Tyall is a man not entirely unlike a golden retreiver. He's outgoing, friendly, loves people, and often times his head is completely empty. Despite this, he has a lot of heart and genuinely hopes for the best for the people around him. He feels emotions strongly and his love for the people around him is intense. Conversely, his hatred and pettiness are equally as profound, when he feels they're warranted.

At first glance, it seems strange that such a vindicative and hateful little person such as Penny came from him, but at times it's very, very apparent they're related. That aside, it takes an incredible amount of effort to budge his sunny mood, and more often than not he can be found singing because he feels like it, and a talented singer he is indeed. Absolutely a wife guy.


  • Music
  • Singing and Dancing
  • Cows
  • Peanut Butter
  • Butterflies


  • Violence
  • Durian
  • Riddles
  • Gnomes


Tyall grew up on a simple farm, mostly dealing with cows and the dairy they produce. While he had an mutually friendly relationship with his father, he and his mother despise each other. Ever since he was born, Tyall's mother blamed him for being the cause of her disownment from her family. She regularly verbally and physically abused him during his young childhood, and he got away from her as quickly as he could.

He spent most of his time hanging out with the farm cows, going so far as to permanently move into the barn and live with them when he was a teen. He has a great love of cows for this reason. In his adulthood, he's often found wandering from city to city, stopping to enjoy a bit of drinking and party-crashing while he's there. He's managed to sneak his way into more than a few fancy noble parties on charisma alone.

Occasionally, he has a griffin companion in Kotenok, a haughty purple starling-leopard mix that seems profoundly standoffish to everyone but Tyall himself. She's slow to trust and quick to anger, and getting on her bad side is the fastest way to get harried out of ever being in Tyall's presence, though she'll never act that way when he'd notice.

He has a loving wife named Amara, who he loves deeply and unconditionally. He can't imagine life without her, and would do literally anything for her. He stresses about her safety, and that of his children, incredibly often, which caused him to go prematurely a bit grey in his early forties.

He has two children: Penelope, his oldest daughter, and Isaac, her younger brother. Penelope took equally from her parents in looks, but almost entirely after her mother in personality, with a few bits here and there from her father. Mostly his musical talent. Isaac looks like a near-perfect copy of his father, and no one is really sure where his standoffish personality and love of accounting came from.


• Tyall has messy hair and perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. He also has small crow's feet arounds the corners of his eyes. His right eyebrow has a small scar that splits it just past the middle, closer to his ear.

• Can be drawn with salt-and-pepper hair and a beard if he's supposed to look older.

• Occasionally puts his hair up into a man bun.


• Tyall can play a wide variety of instruments, but mostly prefers the violin.

• He has pitch-perfect hearing and can identify any note on hearing it. He never forgets a melody he hears, and can recreate it on sound alone. Hearing someone sing off-key will make him sick.

• Tyall can communicate with griffons in their language.

• His personal symbol is a purple butterfly.

• His weapon of choice is a hammer and shield. The hammer is named Bonk!, despite being an utterly mundane weapon.

• Tyall's voice claim is Peter Hollens.




LHis daughter and oldest child. Penelope and Tyall are similar in many ways, which often leads them to bicker. Penelope is always looking for trouble and to go out into the world while Tyall wants her to stay home and be safe. Her antics have caused him untold stress, but he'll always be glad to see her and welcome her home.



Tyall doesn't understand what a spirit is or what exactly Kova does for Penny, but he tries his best to be supportive. Kova is always welcome in their home, and the two often quietly hang out together as Tyall makes him try different kinds of beer.



Tyall's son (who doesn't exist in most AU's) and youngest child. Isaac is a quiet shut-in who likes money and seeing numbers go up. He and his sister never seem to get along, but Penelope would happily square up for him. Isaac would hire an assassin and have someone else square up for her.



Back in Tyall's high-adventuring days, he fought this red dragon, and he and his wife nearly killed him, scarred his face in the fight, and looted his hoard. The dragon has never forgotten, and is quietly plotting his revenge.

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