


5 years, 9 months ago


Basic Information

Full name: Ciel Jean Kagamine (シエル 鏡音)

Birth date and Birth Place: November 26th, 1913 in Kyoto, Japan

Intermediate family: parents

Nationality or ethnicity: Half Japanese half French.

Sexuality: Unknown but probably straight or asexual.

Random Facts

-Ciel is male, but he is also my persona because he looks the most like me so sometimes I draw him as if he were a female.

-His mother names him "sky" in French because "the sky is beautiful even in its darkest hour". 


Backstory: Ciel was born in Kyoto, Japan into his mother’s household that lived with her parents and aunt but his father was unpresent. The story was of his birth that his mother met a Frenchman in Paris about months 9 before his birth and they slept together. She went ahead and had his child and her son turned out to look like the man she had met more than her. So Ciel wondered for a couple years why he looked more different than the rest of his family. That was hard to explain to a two year old but he understood it but it started an early idea of nobody would like him because he looked different. 

At 3 years old, his mother Ichika decided she wasn’t sure if Ciel was actually the Frenchman’s son and asked him to take part in a DNA test. After confirming that Ciel was their son, Beau Jean proposed to Ichika and asked if she and Ciel would move to France. Ichika and Ciel ended up moving to Dunkirk to meet him and after a couple of months, the wedding was finally planned out and done. Beau Jean had high expectations for Ciel, which he pushed onto his son in a verbally abusive format. Ciel often confronted his mother about this (though he dare not do it at home) at work (she works in a private school as a 4th grade teacher) but his mother would usually brush it off saying his father would get better. Eventually Ciel gave up on trying to get his mother to see his father as a dickbag.

In second grade, he met Jacques Moreau and instantly admired him but was way too shy to even approach him. At the end of the school year, Ciel went home, went online and tried to find out more about Jacques. Jacques, unfortunately, was a blank slate besides his mother and father. Ciel spent most of elementary school staring off into space and watching the other people in the school go about their lives, something he wished he had. He became much more into books and literature at about 12 years old. This is also where his father started making him study debate because his father ran a lawyer firm and wanted his boy to take it over. His interest in online games and books continued for a long time, he felt as if he wasn't really good at anything. In middle and high school, he was considered pretty normal with an ability to overthink everything often. During holiday and summer breaks, he'd chill in his room, the library (public or home), or go help out in mom's classroom. It was the same routine often of him avoiding Beau Jean and watching students wander around school. 

Through out the years of high school, Ciel would have always tried approaching Jacques when he was without his friends, but usually ended up bailing or only being able to strike up a conversation for less than five minutes. His mother had always encouraged Ciel making new friends but it never seemed like it could actually happen. Ciel continued his routine of school work and helping Ichika with her classes in the holiday months. He still couldn't place his finger on what what his mother saw in him. He was always busy with the business and if he was at home, he rarely ever spoke to anybody. Ciel continued playing video games, reading and helping his mom. He became invested in a video game and a book club at school. 

Ciel graduated a year early. His parents forced him to take college in Dunkirk so they could keep him close before sending him into the world. He excelled in college and passed the first year with flying colors. Over the summer, he took a trip down to Paris. He ended up re-meeting Jacques there. After a couple of days of hanging out, Ciel disappeared. Jacques was the last one to see him but still had no idea what happened to him. Ciel's 18 year old body was found in the Seine River with gashes in his body that were considered inhuman.