Kalsada Tres



2 months, 4 days ago


  Kalsada Tres - DEMONS!? IN THIS ECONOMY!?!?  

Everyone's favorite thousand-year old benevolent demon. Also my current persona—kind of? I dunno, I just like drawing this guy :)

⎣ LORE ⎤

Kalsada is a demon. Born some 1,000 years ago in the Underworld, demons are expected to carry out their devilish duties - the act of causing violence and harm in the overworld up above. Kalsada didn't really like that, so he decided to not do these devil duties - which resulted in his climactic expulsion from the underworld. Kalsada then lived in the overworld for the next 800 years, staying away from human civilization to not cause a ruckus or harm him. If you wanna learn more about his long-winded lore, there's a story I've written that goes into far more detail!

Kalsada is one of the first settlers of the Mount of Oldwater—a fictional town that is populated by a vast majority of fantastical beings & people - i'm talking furries, kitsunes, anthropomorphic objects, (benevolent) demons, you get the point. Oldwater as it is often simply referred to is a sort of haven, a sort of sanctuary—where anyone can be themselves without any fear of prosecution or ostracization. Kalsada, along with a few hundreds of other people, were the first settlers of what is now Oldwater some 175 years ago. He has lived there ever since, and lives modestly (and comfortably!) in a ramshackle hut dug into a hill. His house is atop a train station entrance and surrounded on all sides by brick apartments. It is said that Kalsada's favorite thing to do when it gets rainy is to brew a cup of cocoa and chill out on the hill.

Oh, and did I mention he has a sentient bowl object companion-thing? His name is Bizkitt, and he's a terracotta bowl with eyes, hands, and feet. Bizkitt communicates with Kalsada (and other people as well) using the power of telepathy. That's right. He can beam his words right into your mind.

Kalsada has great relations with the rest of his friend group, which I tentatively title The Oldwaters. He's a bit of an awkward guy, but he's also great to be around when he warms up to you. He's got a story or two to tell!


I made Kalsada Tres out on a whim, for literally no reason. I've always kind of wanted to make my own demon OC for literally no reason, and that's precisely what I did with this guy LMAO. Also there's this artist in the Geometry Dash fandom called LoafeeBuns (or Cami) and one time they drew the Extreme Demon levels Kenos and Zodiac as humans. Now, I'm not saying I took one too many pages from Cami's handbook, but I'd be lying if I said that Kenos didn't activate some sort of primal urge within me...

Anywho, one of the things I always do when designing OCs is to give them a name. Typically, I'd go on Google and search names (or just make up my own), but Kalsada is different in that his name is not a name. His name actually directly translates to "road three" in Filipino. Why did I name my OC "road three"? No reason. I just thought the word for road in Filipino, "kalsada", sounded like a really cool word, so I named my OC after it. It doesn't mean anything deeper than that, I promise!

Kalsada was a bit of a self-indulgent OC—I just designed him purely to my own expectation. That's also the reason why he's kind of my proto-persona now—i've kind of made him into a sort of self-representation of myself :)


Kalsada wears some pretty basic garb. He has crimson red, but not too saturated skin, pointy ears with "bone" earrings in them, curly & fluffy brownish-red hair, and 3 sets of demon horns, with one of them being conspicuously cut off. He wears a small bone necklace, and has arm wraps on his arms. His left arm contains some interesting fire-like markings which leave his left arm in a bit of an ashy color with a sliiiiiiight tinge of blue. (It's a cosmetic thing though, and his left arm isn't in any pain!). He doesn't wear a shirt, but he does wear some pretty baggy pants. These pants are dark gray also with a slight tinge of blue, and have a distinctive spiral pattern on them. His pants are wrapped along the waist with a blood red sash. Oh, and also, he doesn't wear any shoes :P

Couple of notices & other stuff:

- The images and the OCs are distributed under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-4.0). This means you can:
  - Share the work
  - Adapt the work (like fan art, VOs, etc), even commercially, without needing to also use a CC license. Just credit me!

- NO NSFW. Please. Even if I turn of age. I know rule 34 is unavoidable, but I do not consent to or endorse such works.
- Please avoid trading or adopting my OCs - if you want to create media, just make fan art :)
- No proshipping/problematic content with my OCs, please :) It's awkward

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/