


5 months, 24 days ago



  • Name ???
  • Nickname Silver
  • Age "...It's complicated."
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/They
  • SETTING Kasvaire
  • Sexuality Lesbian
  • RACE Undead Human
  • Occupation Fugitive
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral

Silver is a woman few know, and fewer remember. To most, she is simply a vagabond passing through, or a mercenary looking for work. She keeps her guard up at all times and is far from sociable. Despite this, she is a dependable woman, and the cold efficiency at which she performs tasks is noteworthy. Her secrecy is not unwarranted... Silver is a masterless undead thrall, an abomination, wandering the land while plagued by whispers of her past.

If you manage to get past her hard shell, you'll find several more equally hard shells awaiting you. She keeps her cards close to her chest at all times, much more fond of making business contacts than 'friends'. As an undead, her emotions are dulled significantly; Silver only feels the extremes, most commonly anger or sorrow. Despite this, Silver is vaguely good-aligned, bringing villains to 'justice' wherever it is she may wander. However, good and evil are secondary to Silver's desire to be free. She will slaughter anyone who threatens her peace, stands in her way, or seeks to purge the wayward undead.


  • Her sword.
  • Her armor.
  • The color yellow.
  • Small animals.
  • Righteous slaughter.


  • Villains and rascals.
  • Most Divines.
  • Injustice.
  • Fire.
  • ...Broccoli.


  • Wandering.
  • Birdwatching.
  • Performing guild work.
  • Wandering. Again.
  • Maintaining her weaponry.


  • Dependable.
  • Perceptive.
  • Uh...
  • Quiet?
  • ...Not much else.


  • Prone to threats.
  • Cynical to an extreme.
  • Very slightly sadistic.
  • Literally feels no remorse.
  • Easily irritable.


  • Swordplay master.
  • Adept necromancer.
  • Unbelievably fast.
  • Extremely good with children. Somehow.
  • Smarter than she looks.


  • Hair Silver
  • Eyes ...Also Silver
  • Skin Not Silver (Pale)
  • Marks Frequent body scars
  • Height 5'8''
  • Weight "...Why?"
  • Body Athletic, a bit lithe
  • Clothing Dark cloaks and silver

At pretty much exactly average height and most often wearing a black hood, Silver is a woman easy to not pay attention to. To most, she is simply a wanderer in a darkly covered (if a bit oddly fashioned) cape and gleaming silver armor with a somewhat intricate design. Underneath her hood, she is a rather pretty young woman... save for the ever-present scowl on her face, and her eyes that lack just a bit of luster.

Though she is remiss to ever share, underneath her armor and cloak are myriad scars... The vast majority of which hail from Silver's previous life. On her upper chest is a particularly gruesome one that Silver believes killed her all those years ago; a fatally deep gash, so deep it has the beginning of an exit wound on her back, covered in horrid burns. Even Silver, devoid of so much feeling, does not like looking at it. Equally as hidden, on the back of her right hand underneath her glove is her blood sigil; the irremovable rune that marks her as an undead thrall.


past is unknown to all, even the woman herself. All she knows is that, whoever her past self was, she was important enough to be buried in a tomb. Qihzra, the Divine of Death, raided this tomb, stole Silver's body, and brought her back to the distant, snowy island far to the south of Delanor, known to most as Elurra Tir.

Following her resurrection by the Divine of Death, Silver was nothing more than a puppet. A truly mindless thrall who performed whatever order was given to her without complaint. The name 'Silver' was given to her purely out of the Divine of Death's unwillingness to assign and memorize names for her thralls... she simply assigned each thrall an alias based off of color.

Silver served her dutifully for three decades. Most often, she functioned as a simple house servant. She was considered the Divine of Death's magnum opus and was treated the best of all the thralls, but it is still a time Silver thinks about with disgust. It was slavery; nothing more, nothing less.

It wasn't until a group of mysterious black-clad women attacked the Divine of Death's stronghold that Silver was freed from this enslavement. The moment Qihzra was struck down, the grip she had on Silver's mind faded. She hid within the stronghold, narrowly avoiding detection until the assault was over. As she picked through the rubble she salvaged the unique chainblade she still uses to this day, and left... leaving everything else behind, not knowing (or caring) if anyone else survived.

Several months following the attack, Silver has since made it to mainland Delanor where she wanders aimlessly. She remembers nothing but the foggiest memories of her past life, knowing only that she was once revered as a hero. Having nothing else, Silver relies purely on herself and her gut instincts, loosely following the ideals she once had. Silver is pragmatic, however. She knows that she is an 'abomination' who will be hunted if people find out about what she really is. Knowing this, conflicted with the memories of reverence instilled deep within her, Silver resolves to become a legend. Further, she refuses to sully the name of her past self, remaining only as Silver.

Her path to myth won't be as clean.


  • She is technically my oldest OC, originating from 2014!
  • Except she started as an MLP oc named Sterling Silver. Also she was male.
  • During her enthrallment, she functioned as a sort-of secondary mother to the Divine of Death's great granddaughter, Kaisa. This is likely where Silver's affinity for children comes from.
  • Her body was nearly perfectly preserved, though her hair and eyes did change color over the centuries of time in which she was dead. Her skin did as well, but she has regained a small amount of color by being alive and maintained over three decades.
  • Silver's resurrection spell is technically fading... however, since it originated from Divinity, it is going to be a very long time before she has to worry about it. In verses outside of Kasvaire, however, it is a constant struggle to maintain her existence.