  • Kasvaire

"A troubled land; twice-cursed, once-blessed."

Since its creation, Kasvaire has been a land full of turmoil.

In ancient times, the world was under constant threat from the Twin Destroyers: ancient Great Dragons with an even more ancient vendetta against mortal life. Xuthera, the Queen of Shadows, sought to corrupt the land under her unholy rule. Ryrkash, the Warfather, let his rage flood the land with hellfire, setting the world alight. The pair were beaten back time and time again by heroes who rose to the occasion, but this cycle was unending; the wrath of the Twin Destroyers could be repelled, but they could not be ceased. In time, the ancient evils would awaken once more, sending the land into chaos.

It was only when Osuna, Goddess of Light, sacrificed herself to seal away the Twin Destroyers that the land was able to know peace. Xuthera was sealed away deep beneath the continent of Kelmos, the sheer power of her influence twisting the land into an unholy shadow. Ryrkash was sealed away beneath the deepest reaches of the Far Sea, the fires and eruptions of his undying rage creating new lands above him.

Half a millennia later, mortal life has thrived on Delanor, the Grand Continent. Located a practical world away from the Twin Destroyers and their resting grounds, Delanor has prospered, the tales of the Destroyers seeming like distant fables.

Yet, what is buried cannot remain so forever...

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Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Xeliph

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