


2 months, 4 days ago


Benjamin Doyle ☆ 20 ☆ he/they ☆ red panda

Literary arts major and looks like it. Gives off a warm and approachable vibe. He looks like there's nothing going on in his head but don't that fool you, they're crazy intelligent and can ace a math quiz while heavily drunk (and has proof of it). Has an arsenal of fun facts about the most random things at his disposal. Super chill, there is no urgency in this man. knows whats going on everywhere, if you need dirt on someone, Ben is the man you go to. Absolutely HATES running. If he was being chased by an axe murderer he'd instantly surrender. VERY easily manipulated due to his naturally trusting personality. constantly has a snack. They're just a silly guy. A goofy goober. Filled with joyous whimsy.

Does journalism and stand up comedy on the side


Adam - Ben and Adam are quite literally the duo of all time. They're that one sappy couple that PDA's way too much. They are basically THE soulmates of all time and honestly they're pretty much just the campus couple that actually communicates. Ben is basically the pillow princess of the relationship and he knows it,, Adam just enables him all the damn time. They would die for each other if asked. We love healthy relationships. Ben is Adam's emotional comfort and has seen and dealt the worst of Adam's emotions, but he's always there for him

Sam - Ben considers Sam as one of his closest friends. Him, Sam and Adam are like the trio ever. When alone, Ben makes it their mission to make Sam as exasperated with them as possible by debating with him about the dumbest things, and then proceeding to beat his ass. Ben has once argued with Sam about why the earth was flat (they are not a flat earther) by pulling up statistical evidence (they probably made up) and when Sam finally started to doubt himself Ben went back on his argument. Sam drags Ben out for hikes (to which Ben finds any excuse possible to avoid)

Toby - being friends with Toby basically comes with being friends with Sam. Both bond over their mutual hatred for sports related activities while they watch everybody else frolic in the fields, and by that I mean run marathons for fun. They're close friends and they like having deep intellectual conversations over a cup of coffee. Either that or argue about the newspaper and politics. Ben and Adam have double dates with Toby and Michelle often

Michelle - Michelle and Ben normally get together just to talk shit about others, they're basically the mlm and wlw friendship,, they sit together and paint each others nails and giggle about their partners together. they have a similar vibe and they love hanging out. theyre the gay / lesbian duo that'll make fun of your outfit in the hallways

Brian - Brian started flirting with Ben for as a joke once and they just. Never stopped. They constantly try to find the worst and cringiest pet names to call each other as well as say the most awfully down bad things on Earth to say about the other. They don't actually have any romantic feelings towards each other and see each other as friends. It's just an ongoing bit they never bothered to end because it makes everybody around them slightly uncomfortable and they think it's funny