


2 months, 4 days ago


Adam Hamilton Chase ☆ 22 ☆ he/him ☆ painted wolf

Literary arts and business major, attack dog personality. enthusiastic about everything ever. incredibly athletic, best long distance track and field runner. gets easily frustrated when things don't go his way but he's trying to mellow out. very loyal to those he cares about. consistently gets highest scores despite insisting he's not that focuses on academics. tryhard extroadinare

Does journalism and stand up comedy on the side


Ben - Ben and Adam are quite literally the duo of all time. They're that one sappy couple that PDA's way too much. They are basically THE soulmates of all time and honestly they're pretty much just the campus couple that actually communicates. Ben is basically the pillow princess of the relationship and he knows it,, Adam just enables him all the damn time. They would die for each other if asked. We love healthy relationships. Adam calls Ben 'buddy' on a regular basis and constantly showers him in affection.

Sam - Sam and Adam get along very well. Adam sees Sam as a brother and they hang with each other a lot! Adam and Sam have been friends since the beginning, and they constantly tease each other. They constantly try to outdo each other in terms of work, which leads to a lot of things getting done when they're together. They're the academic powerhouse duo

Toby - like how Adam treats Sam like a brother, Adam treats Toby like a sister. They regularly hang out and they actually do cook together for group hangouts! Thus, they work together very well. Both of them absolutely dominate scrabble matches. Adam also follows Toby and Michelle around as a bag carrier for shopping trips. Sometimes Ben comes but he finds any excuse to NOT go

Michelle Being the best male and female track runners, they have a LOT of that sibling rivalry going on between them. Particularly in athletics. They perfectly parallel each other in terms of enthusiasm and tryhard-ness, thus the group constantly has to deal with them proving their better than each other. The song "Anything you can do I can do Better" is them for real. However, they truly are best friends and they regularly go out together a lot (normally as a bag carrier). They train together for competitions too!

Brian - Despite the fact that Brian makes a habit of flirting with Adam's literal boyfriend, the two of them still get along swimmingly. They share the mutual goal of trying to bully Sam together. they're kind of the classic dudebro duo. Brian's the guy that Adam goes to when he's panicking about something or other because Brian just has this idgaf personality that calms everybody because damn this guy is not doing anything useful too