Lukka Orrisdottir/Olivia Maize



2 months, 10 days ago


Gender: F
Age: 34
Ht: 5'10"
Wt: 105lbs
DOB: Mar 1
Orientation: Lesbian
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Blond
Speciality: Sharpshooting

Olivia Maize is the working name of Lukka Orrisdóttir, an Icelandic gunman who worked as an extraction-class member of Team Cavalier during the final rush for the few known remaining Australium caches across the globe. Her primary skills lie in medium-to-long-distance sniping, though she remains perfectly capable in short range. She's low-key and quiet, but socializes with people well and is fairly playful. She speaks Icelandic and English (with a noticeable Icelandic accent, though she tries her best to tame it) fluently, is semi-competent in Russian, and can read and write in several others to varying degrees.

Leaving her hometown of Reykjavik at 19, Lukka traveled across the globe many times, gaining some minor notoriety for herself as a sharpshooter  before meeting a retiring gunman nicknamed Coop during a job in  Australia. Coop became something of a mentor to her, passing on what he'd learned as a big game hunter to aid and supplant the knowledge  she'd gained in her travels. Before formally retiring, Coop recommended Lukka for his position on Team Cavalier. He was also the one to recommend her taking on a more "local-sounding" name, leading her to be  known from then on as Olivia Maize. Her primary strategy involves  blending into her surroundings, eventually leading to her carrying a deployable ghillie suit on missions, much to the entertainment of her  coworkers.

During her travels, Olivia gained an appreciation for and interest in  regional pop culture, particularly more fringe "nerd" media. She has a  small collection of tapes for shows and movies she enjoys, and the  unavailability of translations serves as her primary motivator in  learning new languages.

Following Coop's departure, Olivia's closest friend in TFI was Billie Gunner, as they were often paired together on missions. Even after their dismissal from the company they do their best to keep in contact.

One day, Olivia and Billie are contacted by higher-ups at TFI,  reinstating their contracts with the news that the rest of Team Cavalier  are dead. They're now back together on a seemingly simple mission: to  provide aid to TFI and Mann Co.'s last line of defense- Team Fortress.