Theodore LeBlanc (Thief)



2 months, 8 days ago


Gender: M
Age: 28
Ht: 6'1"
Wt: 190lbs
DOB: Aug 4
Orientation: Aromantic Asexual
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Speciality: Stealing

Theodore Leblanc grew up in a fairly normal family in Quebec, though he  himself was something of a miscreant afflicted with mild kelptomania, being much more of a troublemaker as a child than his twin sibling. As preteens, he and his circle of friends taught themselves everything they could about stealing, pickpocketing, and shoplifting. Theo himself had a  particular talent for sleight-of-hand, and as such would often act as  point man in the group's operations. Eventually the group would drift  apart, but Theo stayed in the game, hiring himself out as a thief to interested parties and taking on much more serious criminal jobs. This was both to sate his growing kleptomania as well as providing money for his sister's transition, which had put her on the outs with their  parents. Eventually, she cut off contact entirely and left, surprising Theo.

One day, one such operation went wrong- the group he'd most recently teamed up with for a job planned to use him as their fall guy, both to  make sure they got away and to eliminate the perceived threat he  presented. During the job, Theo was badly injured when an explosive he  was planting to facilitate the group's getaway detonated in his face, the crew leaving him for dead. He barely survived, but his lower jaw had been completely shredded. On the whole, his outlook was grim.

It was at this point that Teufort Industries, having taken notice of his abilities during a prior job, stepped in, offering both treatment for his injury and financial compensation for Theo's legal and medical troubles under the condition that he sign on as a mercenary with TFI. Having little other choice, Theo agreed. Upon his recovery, he was  shipped down to New Mexico to fight over a big patch of gravel.

Theo is quiet, reserved, and somewhat aloof, having complete and utter confidence in his abilities as a thief. However, given enough prodding, it's entirely possible to get him fired up and raving for a fight. Conversely, once he trusts someone enough, he shows a surprising amount of quiet interest and curiosity in them, and dislikes the idea of  imposing. His closest friend is his sister, with whom he has a pretty standard sibling-like relationship with- they're just as fast to stick  up for each other as they are to blow each other up, given the  functional immortality provided by their job. He doesn't speak very often, given that his jaw makes some letter sounds difficult to  pronounce and he'd rather not be harassed over it, but he's fluent in both French and English as well as both American and Canadian Sign Language. His favorite band is TMBG.