Night Yip



1 month, 1 day ago

Basic Info


omnivore. Mostly eats tubers/fruit/veg and fishes but occasionally hunts/scavenges


Habitat: Predominantly Daharus, Raarkajkr, and Vodohayak, but can be found in Derrodas.


avg size of creature but usually bigger (like a little smaller than an irl horse)


~15-20 yrs in wild

Magic ability

Can't perform magic but can sense keyaa, to a degree

Capable of speech/mimicking speech


Capable of understanding creature speech

A bit. As much as a (irl) dog can.


Night Yip: 

Description:  A semi-bipedal hunched over beast with muscular front limbs and thumbs. It has a long, tapered snout with a sensitive nose. This snout is lined with bony protuberances that stick straight out (like sawfish shark), and it has both sharp and grinding teeth for eating both meat/veg. This beast is furred and comes in a variety of blacks, browns, and greys, often with striped or tapir-like markings. This beast is semi-nocturnal and also blind (has no eyes), it has an exceedingly good sense of smell and hearing, however, and can also echolocate. It is believed Yips may have some keyaa sight/sense capabilities, though this is unconfirmed. 

These beasts are mostly solitary but may form packs of around 3-10. Yip society is female dominated, packs more often contain only female members and adolescent males while adult males travel between packs without settling down for long.

Yip packs in recorded history have been known to be exceedingly violent/territorial towards each other, but as creatures have dispersed on more of the land, Yip packs tolerate each other moreso, and may even combine/team-up if facing a threat from creature settlement.


  • Bony protuberances are in mating rituals/duals fighting over territory and mates. Females tend to have longer/thicker snout-bones than males. Males fight to impress females, but females still make the final verdict and often have multiple male mates. These male mates are traded every breeding season. Snout-bone size/length is also used to determine general hierarchy within packs or used to assess whether a physical altercation is truly worth it.
  • Has two main calls that identify it. An eerie, booming-honking call that can be heard over miles, used for long distance communication. And a chittering-cackling, laughing-like howl they make when socializing with one another. This chittering, yipping howl is most often made during the night, hence their name.
  • Are very intelligent, think maybe a bit less than crows. Have been observed using tools and copying creature behavior if it is beneficial to them, they remember locations and can recognize individuals (other Yips ofc, but also creatures). Creatures who are mean to one Yip can expect this Yip to tell all their Yip friends about it.
  • If found as a baby (hatch from eggs in clutches of 1-3), can be kept as pets and trained to follow commands, but very much undomesticated lol.