


5 months, 13 days ago


Moonlight Mist
27 (human yrs)
Jewelry maker
Zodiac sign
Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey

        Crescent is an elegant Zetawing, one who has a great passion for jewelry making, especially when having access to pearls to use for her gorgeous masterpieces. She's more than happy to make custom pieces for other dragons... for the right price, of course.

        She can be seen wearing a lot of silver and pearls herself, which go very well with her overgrown scales. Her appearance is very important to her, so it's not uncommon to see Crescent experimenting with different kinds of accessories like feathers or pendants. She always has her pouch with her, for the chance of encountering interesting gems, flowers, or other pretty/ shiny things.


  • Crescent is one of the best jewelers in the Zetawing kingdom.
  • While she seeks romantic relationships, she always finds herself ruining it with her overthinking and jealousy.
  • She often gets irritated by other dragons making moon jokes because of her name.
  • Crescent believes in aliens.
  • In her free time, Crescent likes to pretend how she'd take care of a daughter, but when confronted she'll claim she hates dragonets.


Void touched wings & Nova cloak — Crescent's wings show many stars and constellations, as well as a copy of one of the three moons herself. The galaxy in them can change all the time, as well as the constellations, but the moon always stays in one place, same goes for the nova cloak.

Hydroscales — Crescent's scales are covered in little droplets of water, they can mostly be found hanging out around her cloak, but when she's sad, they tend to float around her head- and the rest of her body as well, dripping- or pouring down when it comes to a breakdown.

Overgrown — Crescent has vines, and other hanging plants growing around her body, this is a mutation she was born with. Sometimes the plants bloom when she's experiencing intense euphoria, yet this does not happen often for this young dragon..



  • Dragonets
  • Silver & shiny things
  • Stargazing
  • Reading & Writing literature and stories about her life
  • Horror stories
  • Strawberries


  • Liars, who proceed to spread those for their own profit.
  • When other dragons claim to know what's going on in her mind.
  • When dragons misunderstand her.
  • Very hot days, because that's when her droplets start to evaporate.
  • Stupid story cliché's
  • Dragons unable to take a joke.

Design Notes

  • Crescent wears a lot of silver jewelry, when drawing her you can come up with your own jewelry designs, but it always has to be made out of silver- never gold. She also often uses pearls, and stones like opals in her jewelry.
  • When drawing her, please never forget to draw some droplets on her scales (see: Traits), and some kind of vines/ overgrowth, she always is seen with vines on her, but if you'd like to draw her with other kinds of flora, you're free to draw her with any kind of plants with green or white leaves, or either white or blue flowers.
  • She has partial heterochromia in her eyes, the top being blue and the bottom being green. Aside from that she also has white eyelashes.
  • The pouch on her left hind leg is not optional. she always wears it in case she finds something inspiring for new jewelry pieces, like crystals, rocks, feathers, flowers, shell, and alike.

Subheader 1

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut rhoncus fermentum dolor, vitae gravida nisi pharetra sed. Etiam non massa ac lectus iaculis congue et ut velit. Curabitur sit amet eleifend tellus. Vivamus dignissim nibh quis fringilla pharetra. Proin sapien lectus, bibendum sed rhoncus id, vestibulum sed mi. Phasellus hendrerit sit amet velit eget placerat. Maecenas volutpat nulla erat, vitae volutpat neque fermentum eget. Sed ut mauris non neque suscipit facilisis ut at tortor.

        Cras tempus tortor vel urna fermentum porta. Proin in accumsan lacus, sed placerat lectus. Suspendisse erat enim, facilisis vitae vulputate non, dapibus elementum velit. Pellentesque in ultrices nulla. Donec vel felis erat. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse nec augue diam. Maecenas suscipit laoreet viverra. Donec placerat posuere nulla, vitae rhoncus orci. In porttitor tempor turpis, eu gravida tortor tempor rutrum. Donec vestibulum, dolor quis sagittis luctus, sapien nulla porta sem, nec elementum est felis ut ex. Cras blandit dapibus tellus, in sagittis mi pulvinar at. Sed scelerisque pharetra massa, tincidunt suscipit ligula mollis a. Maecenas et varius mi, ac sodales neque. Aliquam lacinia lacinia tellus.

Subheader 2

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut rhoncus fermentum dolor, vitae gravida nisi pharetra sed. Etiam non massa ac lectus iaculis congue et ut velit. Curabitur sit amet eleifend tellus. Vivamus dignissim nibh quis fringilla pharetra. Proin sapien lectus, bibendum sed rhoncus id, vestibulum sed mi. Phasellus hendrerit sit amet velit eget placerat. Maecenas volutpat nulla erat, vitae volutpat neque fermentum eget. Sed ut mauris non neque suscipit facilisis ut at tortor.Cras tempus tortor vel urna fermentum porta. Proin in accumsan lacus, sed placerat lectus. Suspendisse erat enim, facilisis vitae vulputate non, dapibus elementum velit. Pellentesque in ultrices nulla. Donec vel felis erat. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse nec augue diam. Maecenas suscipit laoreet viverra. Donec placerat posuere nulla, vitae rhoncus orci. In porttitor tempor turpis, eu gravida tortor tempor rutrum.

Subheader 3

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut rhoncus fermentum dolor, vitae gravida nisi pharetra sed. Etiam non massa ac lectus iaculis congue et ut velit. Curabitur sit amet eleifend tellus. Vivamus dignissim nibh quis fringilla pharetra. Proin sapien lectus, bibendum sed rhoncus id, vestibulum sed mi. Phasellus hendrerit sit amet velit eget placerat. Maecenas volutpat nulla erat, vitae volutpat neque fermentum eget. Sed ut mauris non neque suscipit facilisis ut at tortor.

        Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, gravida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl. Phasellus pede arcu, dapibus eu, fermentum et, dapibus sed, urna.

80935155_NhyvIYjJA4Nl7wK.jpg Orca


18 (human years) she/her

Orca and Crescent are writing buddies, they often write letters to each other, sharing story concepts they came up with. They have never seen each other in person, yet they use an animus-touched mailbox to send each other letters with no problems. They have found each other when Orca once opened a message in a bottle, one from the distant kingdom of the Zetawings. Orca was so intrigued by Crescent's writing that she begged her aunt to enchant an object so she could contact the mysterious writer. Saying that Crescent was spooked by the ominous mailbox in her house would be an understatement, but after reading the letter inside of it she was the happiest she had been in years, flowers blooming all over her. after finding out that Orca liked making jewelry herself (even as an amateur) her happiness was even greater.

76569919_8Eq.png Odette

Reader/ Fan

19 (in human years) she/her

Crescent has always loved writing, not any more than she did love jewelry making- yet it came close to that level. When she found out about a book published by a regular dragon from a far-away tribe, she was intrigued. Crescent got her talons on the book as fast as she could, and when she did, she read it in one sitting. Crescent adores Odette's writing, her gorgeous way of describing environments, and more. Ever since, she dreamed of meeting this inspiring writer, but in no way to contact or find out about her whereabouts whatsoever.

81222485_VVvgshK1jwRrLUf.png Meerkat


??? she/her

THAT'S AN ALIEN!!!!!!!!!