


8 years, 4 months ago




Birth Name  Fujimoto Mimi
Age  17
Birthday  October 27th (♏)
Gender  Female
Species  British Shorthair
Height  5'7" (170 cm)
Eye Color  Rosy Brown
Hair Color  Lavender
Blood Type  A
Occupation  High School Student
 (3rd Year, Class 5)
Extra Curricular  Student Council
Favorite Food  Hanami Dango



  • very very smart!! and dedicated to school. probably wants to be something awesome when she grows up like a ceo or a diplomat
  • half-japanese, half-english. speaks fairly fluent english
  • concerned with appearance and wants to be popular, but not to the extent that she will sacrifice who she is to look good. wants to be an individual as well
  • has been best friends with eiji since they were young and they do a lot together, but she sometimes feels as though he can be a bit too protective of her and that she can make her own decisions without his help
  • has had a crush on kaito for most of high school, knows him through madoka
  • fairly self-confident, but can get a bit flustered when it comes to romance--hasn't had many boyfriends before (mostly thanks to eiji)
  • knows eiji is gay and is supportive, as well as keeps his secret and subtly tries to suggest different boys for him to date