


8 years, 4 months ago



Name Kobayashi Madoka Gender Male
Kanji 小林円花 Blood Type O
Age 17 years old Birthdate October 27th ♏
Height 182.8cm Breed Singapura
Class Year 3, Class 5 Clubs Namayuri Hockey Team
School Namayuri Koko Type Statera
Personality one
Concerns He's not sure if he's interested in food fetishes as a joke or not anymore...
Likes hockey and sports
cooking mama
Dislikes ramune candies
his name
his gay pathetic heart
arranged marriages...


Madoka has lived in Hokkaido his entire life; he was born a few moments before his younger twin sister, Anju. Though they live a comfortable life as upper middle class, Madoka is never sure how happy everyone in his family is. His parents, Hideo and Padmini, are both half-Japanese, half-Indian and were arranged to marry by their parents. Madoka worries that his parents will set up a similar relationship for him in the future. In the mean time, he tries to enjoy life as much as possible. He spends most of his time playing hockey, hanging out with friends, and occasionally partying, and hopes to someday play for the Boston Bruins in America.


Madoka is a carefree individual, usually seen with a smile on his face. He gets along well with his classmates, fitting into multiple circles with ease. As a member--and vice captain--of the hockey team, and a former member of the football team, he spends time with all the sports teams and exercises for fun. Along with getting on well with others, he enjoys social gatherings--including high school parties with alcohol. Though he doesn't do much during hockey season, he doesn't really worry too much about the consequences of what he's doing.

On the other hand, Madoka is also in class five at his school, and much smarter than his appearance and attitude makes him come off. He's friends with Mimi as well as many of his classmates. Worst of all, Madoka enjoys school and school work, and though he doesn't make a show of it to others, he does care about his grades and how well he does in class. 

His looks, charisma, and position on a sports team make Madoka fairly popularly with the girls in his school, and sometimes other schools too. However, since he's gay, Madoka doesn't really take them seriously, and entertains them without any real commitment, almost as some sort of ego boost--probably because the man he's set his heart on doesn't seem to think of him that way. Though he isn't intentionally cruel, he doesn't seem to feel much guilt about giving girls false hope or leading them on, and happily accepts any food or bentos they offer him, later sharing them with Norio. 

Along that line, Madoka is a bit romantic. He definitely believes in soulmates, and envies Kaito and Eiji for being in love and loving each other back as such. Though he messes around with boys--and sometimes girls, he doesn't let it go too far, wanting to save what he sees as the more special parts of romance for the one he truly loves. But since that doesn't seem to be happening, he spends a lot of time brooding to whoever he trusts enough to whine to, making them suffer through his wallowing and misery.


Rank ★★☆
Class STAT
Element Air
Buff ●●●○○
Purification ●●○○○
Debuff ●●○○○
Illusions ○○○○○
Pacify ●●●○○
Teleportation ○○○○○


or kaze, meaning "Wind", represents things that grow, expand, and enjoy freedom of movement. Mentally and emotionally, it represents an "open-minded" attitude and carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, compassion, and wisdom. 


Madoka's team is a two star, average team, with his teammates:  Norio, the bellator, and Yori, the altor. As the three get on pretty well, their synergy is all right, but Madoka and Yori aren't as close as they could be. Still, Madoka likes doing team related things. It lets him spend more time with Norio, and occasionally, they get to hold hands, too.


Kobayashi Anju

[ twin sister ]
Anju and Madoka are practically known for how often they bicker with each other, but despite that, they're very close. They tell each other everything, before they tell anyone else, share many interests--like hockey, share friends, and protect each other.

Akiyama Kaito

[ best friend ]
Kaito has been Madoka's best friend since middle school, when the man taught him to ice skate. Now, they spend a lot of time together as captain and vice captain of the hockey team, and often whine about the trials and tribulations of their love lives together.

Fukui Norio

[ best friend and crush ]
Norio is Madoka's other best friend, teammate on the hockey team, and unitmate. Madoka has had a pathetic crush on him for years, and spends as much time with him as possible, whether through video games or whatever else. He's become quite jealous of all foods in the mean time.

Fujimoto Mimi

[ friend ]
As classmates in class five, Madoka and Mimi have gotten to be pretty good friends over the years, only made better by the fact that she seems to have no interest in Madoka romantically.


  • madoka's given name (円花) means "circle, flower" and his last name (小林) means "small forest"
  • when he doesnt recieve bento from girls and didnt bring anything home, madoka can usually steal some food from norio, as he always has a lot of it
  • madoka prefers to be called by his surname even when he is close to people; although madoka is a unisex name, it is much more common for girls to be named madoka--people often seem surprised when he has to introduce himself with his given name
  • because his name is feminine, his friends often use feminine honorifics for him, such as 'madoka-tan,' much to his dismay
  • tropes: academic athlete, gender blender name/embarrassing first name


Character owned by aerioi
Design by kiba
Profile coding by wicked