


2 months, 5 days ago




Bones Seagrave










Broadclub Cuttlefish
"be sure to tip your server--that's me--and enjoy your stay!"

  An outgoing Cuttlefish serving at your local speakeasy -- The Cellar.


  Bones is a Broadclub Cuttlefish of about average height with a very heavy build-- he's got a very tough upper body and a big round belly, with spiked out papillae all around; most prevalent on his shoulders and tentacles. The most prominent papillae on him are the horn-shaped ones above his brow. His fins have a scalloped shape to them.

  Bones has dark tan skin and fairly long tentacles, which he usually has half up with his iconic bone hair sticks. Stripes plaster his arms, legs, and the tips of his tentacles. His eye mask is a vibrant yellow, due to his species.

  He likes to dress in very revealing and colorful clothes. He's very into the rave scene, so he's usually decked out in all kinds of neon accessories and merch from his favorite artists.


(ENFP-A) Bones is a very easily approachable and fun to talk to cuttlefish with a fun-loving attitude. He can read people pretty easily and he isn't afraid to match people's vibes, whether they're fun and kind, or nasty and rude. He's very outgoing and makes an effort to make people feel welcome with him.

  Even for those who are shy and socially anxious, Bones is pretty easy to gravitate towards. It seems he's always got something to talk about and can carry a conversation for hours if you let him.

  • honest
  • adaptive
  • charismatic
  • adventurous
  • vain
  • blunt
  • unruly
  • nosy
  •  He and Styx lived pretty sheltered lives under their parents' roof. It wasn't really a stressful or bad environment, but it was pretty boring. 
  •   At about 15, Bones got a dull, but albeit, stable job thanks to his mom, as an overnight housekeeper at his parents' hotel.
  •   After a while of their shared savings, Styx and Bones decided to move out and get an apartment together. Surely it couldn't be as bad as both of them being sheltered by their parents, right?
  •   ... Wrong.
  •   With both Styx and Bones figuring out who they really are and what their true interests are, for basically the first time, they sort of started butting heads a little bit. They get along just fine, as long as it's in smaller doses. You know how it is with siblings.

  Nowadays, Bones spends most of his time working at The Cellar as a server. He really enjoys what he does, especially since he's very social and enjoys meeting people and getting a little slutty with it. When he's not working, he's always trying to make some kind of plans with people as he doesn't really do well with chilling at home for too long at a time.

  When he's got some time off, he's usually getting caught up in the rave scene, or finding a gig to drag people to. He and Marlon make it a semi-regular thing, as a matter of fact!


   Growing up together was pretty decent, and they've always gotten along, but they really started bickering a lot once they moved away from their parents. They do still love each other and get along for the most part, but it's the clashing of lifestyles that really get them.

   Surprisingly, they didn't initially meet each other through work, but instead from an Off the Hook concert! It wasn't until a year or so after that concert that they ended up as co-workers. They get along very well, even though Bones makes it his mission to roast Marlon.

   He met Atlas through work. He and Marlon were who Atlas stuck around with most while getting used to his job, because they both know Octarian, and they're a big help for him when someone is speaking in Inkling.
  They've grown pretty close over time, and they even hit the gym together 3-5 times a week. Sometimes they hang around with Tako as well.

   Bones once stabbed her for continuing to touch him after he told her not to. She no longer touches him without permission. He does not really care for her much, considering all she does is flirt with guys and not do her job. He tolerates her at best.

   Bones met Tako when they started hanging around the bar more often to see Atlas. They have a little bit of a friend circle going here. Tako gravitated pretty quickly to him, and they visit occasionally.

  • He has a little bit of a nasally voice and a southern accent.
  • Very good at reading people. Almost a little scary about it.
  • His parents named him Ika, but after he and Styx left their parents house, they both changed their names to something that goes hard. Granted, the last name goes really hard, but you're just gonna give your kids some common names with a last name like Seagrave?
  • He just has so much random unique stuff in his house. It's quite novelty just taking a quick peek in there. Bright colors and a good bit of impracticality.
  • He and Styx share an apartment; they get along just fine, but Bones is gone a lot of the time because being around Styx for too long is very overwhelming to say the least.
  • Bones is very good at keeping a smile on his face, despite anything ridiculous happening.
  • Sandwich of choice: double deep-fried salmon burger with tomato and lettuce, with like three different sauces.
  • He is such a busybody, he goes a little stir-crazy if he has to be at home for more than one day at a time. Day two, he's scrubbing the kitchen tiles with a brush to feel something.
  • Big enjoyer of horror and gore.

code by icecreampizzer