Sunburst City



1 month, 8 days ago


Sunburst-City- infos and rambles

13.01.2018 written.

Pictures to the City and design ideas (really rough! and w.i.p)



An alternative Planet to earth, this earth, called Pangae (since  Kontinents are not drifted, instead all in one) has met it´s history.  With Some Species (such as some types of dinosaurs) still existing. 

Since 1941 first crash with 3 alien bodies found in Missouri and contact with humans.

In 1999 announcement of other species was given to earth. All of Pangae have  gotten the notice (this world is open minded to all). Even if  some were  somewhat sceptical. 

With „maya“ calender predicted end of the world in 2000,  the humans were prepared for the worst. Not to be taken literally. The  Aliens revieled their hiding amongst humans. An open sign they were  always part. With world Gouverment beeing open, more interaction with  aliens began, slowly forming in a small area in the middle of Pangae,  the United Federation. (U.F)

With 12 years passing by, Aliens and Humans interaction went well. 

2003-  U.F  had it´s official go after negotiations and rule-orders. All  alien- species living on earth, had it´s specific representation. (2 of  each race  were in the  main  U.F- head) The United-Council.And  registrated as part of Pangae´s Species. (took them 3 years until good translation and co-op finding to  get all done). 

Among experiments (some official, some secret) a new plant breed has been created  (codename  „Clarence“ )in 2005and  placed in the „big Park of Old Langster“ (later called Sunburstcity  Central Park) situated near U.F. Bringing promising results.Alot more  green, better oxygen and no atmosphere damage. However finding out  that  it´s roots were toxicating the underground (since it spread toxin   through the underground  stations.)  U.F decided to get rid of the main  plant and instead plan to plant rare Trees (delivering the seeds and  plants around would take time) until then, oaks and birches are here. 

2006the  underground became too toxic (not even a specific alien race could  breathe underneath) and no notice where the experimental Plant had been.  Was gone. U:F decided to  close the underground for good and build over  with special tar. Creating  not only a suitable surface for modernized  vehicles but also proves with  safety and solar panel  (basically  storing sun-energy and gives a great surface to walk  on)

2007was a „small“  outbreak of experimented creatures. Which got taken care of through U.F. 

2010Planet  Mars had been finished (Aliens and Humans together to make the Planet  suitable). The first start of getting humans and Aliens on to live and  thrive. 

Short before 2012, scientists and a  specific Alien  race had found  proof  of a catastrophe to come. It had  something to  do with the sun. They measured around  23rdjuly  to 30 July 2012. They had spotted a giant comet as well, yet the  calculations predicted it would pass Pangae along and no danger. As 29thof  july was almost over, they went back to their specific routine, and saw no danger.


149.600.000  km from sun to Pangea

227.900.000 km from sun to mars

THE SUNBURST COMET (lil´more detailed)

Around the morning of 30. JULY 2012 (your typical monday morning)-Storywise set on 20. June 2012 (for us its 30. July) the sun had a massive eruption. Around 1 am in  the morning, the instruments of the scientists went crazy.The  prominences was so large, it expanded beyond the camera view of Pangea´s  NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. A colossal loop of glowing red  plasma erupts from the lower left of the sun, arcing up and out of frame  as it blasts away from the star. Red-glowing looped material is plasma,  a hot gas made of electrically charged hydrogen and helium.

The  prominence plasma flows along a tangled and twisted structure of  magnetic fields generated by the sun’s internal dynamo. An erupting  prominence occurs when such a structure becomes unstable and bursts  outward, releasing the plasma. Registered as an M6-class eruption, a  moderate but still intense solar event. space weather conditions sparked  a geomagnetic storm that supercharged the Pangae´s auroras, creating  spectacular northern lights displays for observers at high latitudes.   The most powerful solar flares and eruptions can pose a threat to  satellites and astronauts in orbit, and also interfere with  communication, navigation and power systems on the ground. 

That  is exactley what happened. Through the massive burst and wave the sun   had given, going beyond it´s „usual“ spark, shutting all technologie  down. Leaving Pangea unaware of what was to come. 


The  sun is a roughly spherical collection of highly energetic charged  particles that swim around in gigantic flowing currents that create a  complex magnetic field. The magnetic field, in turn, drives the motion  of the charged particles. The result is an intricate dance of energetic  particles swirling throughout and above the surface of the sun. When  those dancing streams of particles swirl against each other, they  trigger a sudden change in the path of the sun's magnetic field. That  sudden change releases energy, resulting in a solar flare. Most of the  energy directly released by a solar flare is in the form of  electromagnetic radiation. Solar flares release many forms of  electromagnetic energy, including radio waves, ultraviolet light,  visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, x-rays and gamma rays.  While these different forms of radiation all have unique  characteristics, they share one: their speed. 

Since the particles all travel at the speed of light -- 300,000 kilometers per second -- the solar flare energy takes 500 secondsto arrive at Earth -- a little more than eight minutesafter it leaves the sun.

The  solar flare's burst of electromagnetic radiation also sends particles  flying. A coronal mass ejection, or CME, is the name given to a big  surge of particles emitted from the surface of the sun, and it can  sometimes accompany a solar flare. CMEs are pretty rare, but there are  almost always smaller amounts of energetic particles that come with a  solar flare. The speed of the particles depends on the strength and  rapidity of the flare that sends them flying. The highest energy  particles from a flare can arrive in as little as two minutes after the  electromagnetic radiation, while CMEs take up to three or four days to arrive at Earth.   Even though solar flares are highly energetic, the Earth has built-in  protective mechanisms. Most dangerous electromagnetic radiation is  absorbed by the atmosphere, and the high-energy particles are trapped  and diverted by the Earth's magnetic field. The far northern or southern  latitudes are the most susceptible to possible damage, and the last  event of any importance was in 1989, when a large solar flare shut down  service to 6 million people for up to nine hours in Quebec, Canada.  Though rare, a 2010 study by Oak Ridge National Laboratory,  "Electromagnetic Pulse: Effects on the U.S. Power Grid," concluded that a  major solar event has the potential to damage the electrical grid  catastrophically, and made recommendations for "hardening" electrical  facilities to withstand a powerful magnetic storm. The National  Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, in a 2011 report, said  models predict a 50 percent chance that a catastrophically large solar  flare would occur "within several decades." 

This  time however, the  Sun erupted a massive amount of energy, shooting out  and towards the planets. The wave shut off Pangea´s Nasa Satellit  (which takes time), leaving some Aliens to reach fast to earth before  chaos begins. What they didn´t calculate.. was the comet which was on  it´s flightroutine, to suddenly be stirred near into the Sunbursts wave.  Causing a mixture of  the massive  Comet  with the  sunbursts wave (a  combo of deadly and even more deadly) and now for the deadly meatball to  take it´s course towards Pangea. 

Pangea was luckily warned by an  alien fleet that had used it´s warpboost to reach Pangea and contact  it´s companions. Warned that it would arrive in 30 minutes (wave got  Comet speed, usually it would be there in 10 minutes. Now with combo  comet, in 30 minutes)

THE COMET ARRIVES-01´30 Am on the 30 June 2012

With  technologie however down thanks to the few waves  that didn´t hit the  comet, already arrived in 10 minutes  (creating a pre rush). Some  species  already started to set up their defense barriers, while others  hid in shelters and places with protection. And a  few still sleeping,  partly awoken with   help, others not. 

As the comet  came, the sky was filled with red and orange, partly brown waves. An  electrical heat-spark zizzled through the air, you  could hear it  whipping, lightning bolts darting down from the sky , The charges making  clothings stick like a magnet, slight tingling „sensation“ and a heat  like a desert storm. Accompanied moments later with a strong force  pushing towards and leading the deathly comet, crashing into the „heart“   (middle of Pangea) in the ocean near the U.F Main Base. 

While a  comet landing smack dab in the ocean triggered earthquakes and  tsunamis, its atmospheric effects actually are eased by the ocean.  Considering that 70% of Pangea is covered in ocean, the odds aren't  „terrible“.

Some barrier´s worked wonder, defending the area it  was placed in. While some made it, other´s  didn´t. With the comet  crashing, sending floodwaves and earthquakes. Including the sizzling  energy in the air and heat, was the worst monday you could imagine. (and  that without a coffee to go by)

While tsunami had   „one wave“ running through,  earthquakes took some time. This quake  released an amount of energy equal to a 100 gigaton bomb and lasted  between 500 and 600 seconds (about 10 minutes) spreading in the middle from the crash like  a pebble in water (widespread around). 

So first a water wave, then the earthquake wave. After that, the planet was in part shackle, since  there was  still the „storm“ followed after. 

The  storm was a mixture of Heat, Spark and smog (going out was not  recommended,, without proper gear)- The civilians were warned of the  Sunburts eruption and to secure their homes for  at least a month  in  case of more in the time of July. (some didn´t listen, which  lead to  trouble) and they weren´t prepared for a comet crash. Some out there  were either well prepared, killed through storm or started to mutate. 

Sunburst- Pre-Rush (before comet) – 10 minutes in and lasting for a few seconds (electro)
Heat and Spark (7 Minutes)

Wave (few minutes)

Shake (10 Minutes)
Storm (2 weeks)



 11 August 2012 the storm had stopped and the first sunlight (non harmful) started to  shine through. With the first Rain to happen since long, washing the  remains of the catastrophe. Pangea slowly came together to manage the  catastrophe. 

With cities  and places damaged, some were almost unharmed (thanks to the shield barrier of some aliens). 

The comet remains were still near U.F Headquarters and a team was already sent out  to „clean up“ (since some creatures  were on the comet and had escaped with  the crash, roaming around) Some   skelettel remains are still seen. 

Storm had left a  thick crust of new earth over the planet on certain areas (around 10 to  15) and some even formed mountains. The place where the comet had landed  was renamed

With rebuilding, two main companies emerged. „Tripod“ Who´s Leader has 4 children, who each run a section of the company including leader (father) himself -and „Up-grade“ Where a big named businessman had started „small“  (but grew with time to compete with Tripod around 2016)

Tripod_ Company (2013 status)

With the Leader running most factories and Supplies with other countries in tie. Mr. Almond.  

His children each got a section to take care of. Each with own symbol, color and section they work on and  with. 

Alpha- Phineus Almond- 37-Red- Wolf-Bear- Research and city coordinate

Beta- Batida Almond- 35- Otter-  Blue- Waterworks and waterstructure

Gama- Gregory Almond- 33- Bird- purple-Airport, Aliens,, Space and Airforce

Dellta- Doloris Almond- 30- insect-Orange- Animals/pets, Parks(nature in general)  

In 2013 around  July, Gama Leader Gregory left the City and  his group (wanting none of   Tripod Alpha and his father) – Family Argument. Creating the floating  Spaceplanet „Gama“  (thus with „Gama-Force“) like the Space patrol  for  visitors and in protection of Species. (space border/airport so to  speak)

In Pangea A.E-B.C (after Earthburst Comet)  had a total of 

4.937.340.000 (almost 5 Billion) registered humans, (where 1.645.780.00 have moved to mars in 2010/2011)

160.000 registered Aliens (before Comet)

26.000 registered new Aliens (after Comet)

3500 registerd mutated Sunburst Livings, around 0.9 Billion were mutated (aliens and humans alike)

7,6 Billion humans  were  before the comet..

Around 2,5 Billion Humans and 1 Billion Aliens were killed in the Sunburst  comet, 

Already in 2000 there were interspecies, some official, others not. 

The inhabitans of Pangea celebrate the 20. September 2013 as the Official finished build and start of a new city named Sunburst  and where life starts now naturally. Each year a festival is held.

These places are active and all interact with each other

Pangea (Main Story)


The real reason behind the "creation" of Pangea (!!)
Keep in secret for over 2000 years

The past lies in the history of Fabula:
Before the Planet was as it is today, there is Fabula. A very old and ancient Planet that lies long ways from the current.
Gods  and their Godlings (Offspring) have created planets and worlds and as  the real Humans (of "our" earth) paid a visit, the gods and godlings  were "inspired" to make their own version of humans.
Making them as a "copy" of humans that were there,

Fabula  is Parallel of our Earth (just a different "Dimension") The only "real"  humans travelled from "our" Earth to Fabula in their Spaceship.  Missionship and had more than 12 humans on board, representing  different cultures, races and types (chosen from a "lottery"  from our  Earh to travel to a new Planet and cultivate it. It was where the  Demi-Gods and Gods there liked the idea of them. These humans that  visited their Planet and decided to stay a while. Beeing studied, asked,  taught and sample taken. They liked the humanrace as a species and in  general. Thus creating their "own" species type of Humans after they  took off to travel on. The ones created are Fabulas Humans that live  double as long as normal humans. They copied the visitors from our Earth   as "inspiration" and gentical foundation. Knowledge and more. 

After  a while though, something had happened where some of the Demigods, gods  and witches there had enough. (inner nature part of fight and more) 

"cheops"  that got shattered by a few of the humans along a traitor of the Gods´,  and punishment followed by Cheops himself before "dying" cursing the  ones who shattered him to making the created humans only live to 200 and  then decompose and die. The main punishment was to come. War broke out  on Fabula, making many things go chaotic and many hiding or defending  their home. As some liked the human style, the others wanted their  traditional place.
The oldest of the gods split the land they lived  on (Left and right, a wall in the middle) and where the former humans  were (pangean humans and earth humans) and sent it away to another  place. A broken and shattered Planet, Fabula had a big hole.
The gods  replaced it with a wall as well as a "forbidden area"  (a "dark heart"  of Fabula- while the real heart of Fabula is the big city "Rokka") while the rest of the Planetpiece (with the humans on) was in it´s own lil place.
The  chunk with the floating broken Piece was swilring in the cosmos. A huge  alien had found them and taken care of (he was bigger than the chunk of  humans and humans easily fit in his big hands) taking care of them.
A  few of the demigods and witches that liked the humans (both sides),  gave them a chance and made their chunk to an own planet, helping the  Alien form a new Planet where all could live well.
 This creating Pangea (parallel world to Earth) Some of the rest humans that were on Fabula,  not punished, missed their people, since half of them were together and  married. So a decision has been done. 2 big ships were created. One called A.d.a.m (the males were in here) and E.v.e (females in here) as they made their way, one of the Demigods wanted to  get rid of them, and attacked, but didn´t manage to kill them. The 2  ships (ironically one named EVE" and the other ADAM with differnet  types) landed safely on Pangea and from there on the Humans (created and  origin) lived there.

A Bookkeeper (created by the Godlings)  alongside a few have lived there in order to keep the secret and  maintian balance and changing history in order for them all to live  peacefully and not seek "mythological and fairytales)

Later on some of the species had found their way on Pangea and a short war had taken place.
In  battle, defending, the huge alien died, protecting what he loved and  the ones survived, made sure it was taken care of (here come more Aliens  in play as they support the humanoid ones alongside hidden/disguised  creatures from Fabula.

The Alien is now a statue and it´s powers (that of beeing everlasting energy) has made most of the Place.
After  the Comet, tying in to his origin and keeping the peace. Aliens and  humans (and always hiding the truth alongside many others)


The new Pangea

With  roughly „half a year“ passing by (it´s 21 March 2013) the big statue  upon the mountain top of Sunburst city ( a symbol of Aliens, Humans and  anyone alike are together  in peace and support each other) has been  finished upon the city and life starts official  with Sunburst city as  „the resurected heart“ of Pangea. 

The city/place is a  modernized- mix of high tech and nature. Anyone can walk around how they  like (there are fashion trends at times) and different cultural  events. 

More connected than ever been before: through  the internet one can reach someone on the other side of the world in  seconds, and through social media granted intimate access into the lives  of others. Living standards are improving, and thanks to social welfare  people are supporting each other. On a larger scale, nations are  working together for mutual gain:  countries and people and Aliens are  united and attempt to end suffering and conflict. Which mean´s support  for others is great and luxury is surely luxury to buy. 

Technologie, while playing a big role, can be used as pleased. (some things for a certain price)

Translation devices come in various forms. 


The ones in CHarge

From Founder, Head and Council

Since the forming of the Planet (including the backstory) the main “Founders” keep the secret to this day.

Running on Main Founders

Bookkeeper (From Fabula)
The Royal Family (A.k.a Crescent moon Family)
Pangean Defenders (Protecting usually from attacks outside of the planet but also inside)
Sunburst Knights (Keep the secret of the past)
2 Fabula Humans (entrusted on Secret)

3 main Guardians sent to guard below, keeping an eye undercover


Elliot (Turned Vampire / Werewolf hybrid)
Dean (Duraine)-  A.k.a hidden “King” of the old Fabula Kingdom

Owen Karbunks (Former older Guardian who is founder of the Sunburst Knights) and part of the Council (!)

They all have connections from Fabula and keep the secret safe. While running the Planet along.



One of the first set to be in Pangea, to keep an overview and history documentation of Pangea in general. Of course part of the main Council High UP. 

The one in mention here is (Name to come) as he appears to be a newer guy but isn't. He observes and does not interfere in bigger things as he is just here to document the result (even if it ends up bad)



Royal Family - Huli Ling Emperor  (son of Marifa - Godling)

Huli here is a royal of the old Kingdom who freely decided to move to the new planet to watch and take over. Making him the first and still emperor (Leader) living on the mountain. 

He and all around know of the time before the Planet got made and keeps it ever since. His bloodline lives long. 

It is rumored that there is magic involved (which is not stated in files or known to public)

Huli is a Felihu (A species of the world of Fabula)


Lionell Lunar is the current “Crescent Moon Royal” in Pangea

The youngest son of the Bloodline (royal prince) who went freely to Pangea along with a few others. Lives part on the Moonside as well as in the castle area near Huli (Emperor) 

Also part of the council. 

He is known for wanting peace and equality and as the moon has a light and dark side, he strives for balance for all to get along. While young in age (he is 19) he brings a lot of wisdom. 


Pangean Defenders

Sent in the Role of Marifa (one of the Godlings) they formed the Defenders and with their powers used it to protect the Planet and its beings living on it. Since the other Godlings (2 included that are not happy with the solution) would attack in many ways. 

MonroeNoahRyan BriggensSydney

TheresaGregorian          KalvinTomoya

These above are the first chosen and also freely said they wanted to help. Fabula residents who took to Pangea to protect it.
New members are always welcome. No matter what or who you are. 


Sunburst Knights

These remain in the City itself before and after the Comet. 

Owen Karbunks
This former Guardian of the Planet Fabula has left the now corrupted group and decided to move to Pangea. While knowing what was going on, he decided to form the “Sunburst Knights”. Those protecting the past and secret of what the Planet is and how things came to be. Forming once by one with it´s members, sorting structure and hidden features below for the secrets.
After the comet even managed the whole thing.
The Leader of the Sunburst Knights and Guardian to Pangea.


The first Pangean human made on Fabula, has decided to join Owen and Barnabrooks cause. He is also part of the Council of Pangea later to make sure things were taken care of and secrets kept. Not letting the rest of the council know the truth (at first)

Barnabrooks -

This Fabula resident is mostly in Rokka (Fabula) but does occasionally go to Pangea. Next to Owen the two started the connection and support. (Close time friends)

A former Fabula resident hiding in his form in Pangea and supporting what he can.
Split wings as he is a unique Hybrid. 

Agent P  
Hagrid Toga
Rachel Dizlak
Benedikt Chavelier
Marilyn Loiberg (Molly)
Sachiko /HikoAuron (Dragonwarrior)
Skel M

Owns her own
Hotel and helps

Babette Clutterbuck  

 part of Diluvian Monkey Clan and ties with Gabri - who is One of the Godlings

Owns the old Temple house (first built in Sunburst City)

23 Knights in total (if you count Owens out as a founder -  since it would make him a “king” of the rounds or King of secrets - it´s 22)
All have their special type of key that fits into the entrance of their meeting spot.


3 main Guardians sent to guard below, keeping an eye undercover. As they are part of the Council, they also roam around freely in Pangea around. 


This magical and strong fighter together with Kasav decided to go along and join in on the Pangea thing and watch over with his work buddy. 

A Nekolf who managed to get his powers under control (to extent)
Has Kasav in watch and protection. 


The Blacksmith and crafter of Fabula

A Guardian who keeps the rights and protects. Later joining the whole Pangea thing.
Together with Masao works and watches. 

Elliot Bastien (Turned Vampire Werewolf hybrid)

Former main Guardian along the main 4, who got deceived and was caught in a war. Got bit by vampire and werewolf in battle and since then is now a unique Hybrid.
Lives on Pangea to get away from the Fabula chaos for now. 

Dean (Duraine)-  A.k.a hidden “King” of the old Fabula Kingdom

While an indirect part of the council (not officially as his known piers know of his reason for hiding for now) he needs time to regain himself and truly take over the role. For now acting as a bodyguard close to the “Offspring” of Council Member Benedikt. 


Zackury S. Altaran 

This former Moloki from the Protective type (usually were rivals later to the Guardians) and former friends with Dean and Elliot, now living in Pangea and trying to stay away from the whole chaos.

He is NOT part of the council and lives in the city to work in peace. But soon gets tangled in all of it. 

Is a huge part of the hidden secret and mystery surrounding Pangea and the whole city.



Now to the main Council parts involved in city

President - Vice President (in this case President Makara and Vice Versillia)
Below them
City Council - Gouvern and Chief Justice Police - Amboss - Health And Support

City Council is 1 Member from Each Sector that takes care of their area.
This person can be voted for 1x a year
(The head of the Council plus 20 representing each Sector)

Gouvern and Chief Justice (Police and co)
Laws, Rights, Sections (including nature and system)
Meaning 1 main for Police, 1 for Health, 1 for Education
In this case


Police / Security

Health and Support- Oskar Dyna Vitalis


From monthly check ups to support, Oskar has everyone covered. He makes sure to find cures or ways to make life living for any species better no matter the troubles they go through. 


Education - Benedikt Chevalier

 and his company UpGrade


Structure and Tech
Aliendad (Nickolas s dad )



For those traveling to and from, Aliens and Translations



With rebuilding, two main companies emerged. „Tripod“ Who´s Leader has 4 children, who each run a section of the company including leader (father) himself -and „Up-grade“ Where a big named businessman had started „small“  (but grew with time to compete with Tripod around 2016)

Tripod_ Company (2013 status)

With the Leader running most factories and Supplies with other countries in tie. 


Mr. Almond.  

His children each got a section to take care of. Each with their own symbol, color and section they work on and with.
The man has lost his wife at the Comet and has since then been committed to make this world a better place than it was before. Uniting all together. 


Tripod - Alpha- Phineus Almond- 37-Color Red- Animal Icon Wolf-Bear-

Research and city coordinate.
They make sure buildings and living states are given and that structures which are built, serve a purpose (just as the living ones)

In secret, Phineus is working together with some devious people and wanting only humans in this world to exist. Making them better as his secret slogan “Stronger and smarter outlive the weak and foolish”. Has a secret Organization named “Nightshade” and Teams that work for him under his secret name"Desmond Nihil”

His company also invests in Robotics and Advancements.
(Also Cyborg, Synth and such)


Tripod - Beta- Batida Almond- 35- Otter- Blue-

Waterworks and water structure

The Underwater City is under her doing as she had built it. Being aquatic fan herself and understanding the main thing on Water (along the side of it gives life) her doing is crucial to all as she see that all have the water they need. Making sure to salvage and preserve it. 

Making a habitat for all water ones. 



Tripod - Gama- Gregory Almond- 33- Bird- purple-

Airport, Aliens, Space and Airforce

Next to making the Planet Gamalank (A place of communication and together, he helped make the (secret) Underground city (Under the Mall) where many can live and survive.
He is very open about other species and is convinced that we need each other to stay alive.
Helped make the Airport where not only spaceships but all flying possibilities.
Also research on Worlds as he and his teams have their own “Nasa” Like station.
He later capsules himself off the siblings as he seems there is no big reasoning and plans to make his own company once things have settled in. (Mostly in argument with his older brother Phineus)


Tripod - Delta- Doloris Almond- 30- insect-Orange-

Animals/pets, Parks (Nature in general) 

Making a safe environment for all living animals around (including the still roaming dinosaurs that partly live in the outer skirts of the world)
She was the reason that “pets” are not seen as low but as equal and to be called companions. Cares alot that they also don´t get eaten -  Works with the Council member Ar 


Food Supplies Nature - Zovglan Homco

This hybrid Alien who loves to cook, also makes sure that what is cooked is legal as well as good. From creatures to others, he is in charge of the culinary part. Making sure supplies around the world is given guarantee that noone has been harmed and all are officially. Has a say in the farms as well.

Works alongside Doloris from Tripod Delta. 


Waste Department and Factory Makings

Ever wonder where the trash goes or what better way for materials to be crafted?? This one is in charge



Working also close with the Factory makings, come the vehicles, city Transport, as well for on land, air and sea. They design, build and go for the best solution. May it be a tram, train, bus or all flights. They make it. 


Serving, Protection and Defenses 

Usually some would say Army or such. But this is more on the protection type of security defenses from “Natural disasters” (And yes of course there is a military  / Navy / Army combo in this as well) All here are on their own free will (noone has to be forced) They are learned all the needed trainings from Protection (Bodyguards get their lessons here as well), Service (as some Butlers and Assistants have training as well) along the lines of driving vehicles and such. This place will learn and teach as well as advance studies depending on the interest. As they work on ways to protect and serve the City. 

Working also along the Police side, Fire Department and Ambulance of the City. 

A reason there are 4 in the council that have this function. 



in short S.P.A.R


Fabula/ Pangea Zodiacs Time and Weeks Explained. 

While earth has its own variations on Zodiacs and Spiritanimals, Fabula has it´s own as well.
The mighty 12 also known.
Since  the months in Fabula are all at 30 days (Meaning each month has 30  days), they each have a “Zori Guardian” for that month. (one who watches  over in that time of the Month and year before heading back up to the  Realms)

In the legends it is stated that the Zori´s were sent by  the Godlings to watch over and bestow along the Planet. Bringing their  own special Occasions, Festivals, holidays and such.
It is still normal for 24 hrs to be a day.
Since time varies from Earth and there.
Based on astronomy, astrology, and mythology. Giving the Zori Guardians their own Special.

It works as stated:
A Zori each has a whole year before the other has their turn. From (Jan to Dec) A simple and fun concept to use.
With  each month they have, they visit various areas, remain a month there,  celebrate and spread the fun and at the end are in the middle of the  Planet to end a huge celebration. See it like a “world Tour of  celebrations” where each Zori has a different area they like to  celebrate specific things. Each follows their own fun pattern on the  world. Are lively present there and interact with those that live there.  They also protect the mortals and give special gifts to those they  choose. 

Each Zori has their own special lil powers. 

Yraunaj is January
Yraurbef is February
Hcram is March
Lirpa is April
Yam is May
Enuj is June
Yluj is July
Tsugua is August
Remetpes is September
Rebotco is October
Rebmevon is November
Remeced is December 

Each month brings different celebrations and events. 

Yraunaj is January -New beginnings, Cleaning month and visiting Families as a  lovely start. Known to sort old things, attic or basement and to sort  out things not needed or worn. At the end of the month, gifting or  trading what is not needed after cleaning out. As well as renewing  broken things (furniture, apartment, house etc)

Yraurbef is February - Festival of Love and compassion. Romance and love in any  way (family, beloved and friendship) on the 14th it is said that those  in love gift chocolate to those they care deeply for. Or gift something  special.

Hcram is March - A very vibrant time of  the month. Colors, Food and Fun Festivals are held. Cooking for others  as there is a festival here where made and shared food is, colorful  celebrations with expressing colors and fabric. Also those who are  married celebrate on 14th, give each other something white and  celebrate.
Also the main celebration of the Sunburst City Statue (Alien) as a form of love as well.

Lirpa is April - Blooming Season. Festivals like celebrating Cherry Blossoms,  Tree blooms and planting in a tree in the big area is a given. Nature  is respected here the most and celebrated.

Yam  is May - Mommy Maypole and Easter y, where Eggs are decorated, the  flower pole with decorative ribbons are held and mothers, chickens and  buns celebrated for the hard work they do. It's basically eggs and buns  at this point.

Enuj is June -The Creative Month.  Festivals of music, art and more are present. Street theater with  outdoor music, installations, as well as loads of opportunities for  people to bring their own creativity to the participatory programmes.  Chime in with music, join art and other creative ways of expressions.  20. June 2012 is also Comet Impact and birth of Abby.

Yluj is July - Kids month. Basically kids celebrated, friendship formings, fun and festivals. 

Tsugua is August - Fathers time, Sports and buddy time. Where Sport festivals  are held, events on challenges and records. Also where relaxing times  can be given and the sporty ones along the way. Racing, running, games.  All in the whole fun. 14th is the fathers day where they get a  celebration.

Remetpes is September - Month of celebration Peace and Alliance.
20. September 2013 where the City of Sunburst celebrates the build of the city fully starting life. 

Rebotco is October - The “Spooky” Season. Where leaves fall, celebration of the  creepy, undead and Autumn Fall. Where sweater season, cozy cafe´s  invite and book readings can be done.

Rebmevon is  November - A Thanksgiving and friendship month. Where helping another,  building homes, and helpfulness is at high stake. All come together to  celebrate and share. 

Remeced is  December - Celebration of Winter, compassion and New Year´s end. And  where the Zori holds a speech and gives the “Ball of Zori” (A magical  orb containing info s, memories, events whatever the current Zori has  experienced) to the next Zori in line to lead. Celebrating a year. 

History of the Zori 
(Who they are, what they do and how they got their and when it's their turn):

These are all Anthropomorphic creatures as they all originate in Fabula and have been chosen by the Godlings.
Each  Godling has chosen their favorite of the mortals to become immortal and  a protector as well as Guardian of the Pangea Planet. 

Godling                            Chosen                                                     Name of the Chosen

(1) Ora-                           Dragonborn (mountains and more)          Tibkar Maromir (male)
(2) Cheops-                    Merman (Ocean)                                        Lierar Ortan (male)
(3) MAF(Marifa)-           Monkeykin (land and trees)                       Tashari Miormi (female)
(4) Gabri-                        Ratkin /Ysoki (Land)                                   Lian Melomy (Male)
5) Parint-                        Aarakocra (winged)                                    Drexarius Armagi (male)
(6) Winta-                       SnakeKin / Yuan Ti (reptile)                       Tori Kalashjin (female)
(7) Numihaku-               Goatkin / Dogkin (siblings in a way)          Neereth /Fareth (fem and male)
(8) FuFan Nashuri-         Tigerkin / Tabaxi (Land)                             Jade Thundercloud (male)
(9) Khulivar-                   Zentaur (Land)                                            Hespoly Grargarik (Male)
(10) Noglar Anuba-       Rabbit (land and underground)                  Haruhi Bunyaki (Female)
(11) Dorian Dragusa-    Shapeshifter (flexible)                                  Erna Mau (any)
(12) Na-Gaia -                Insectkin (bees, spiders, ants etc)                Beruzi Bumbernelle (female)

Since  the chosen have become immortal, made to Godlings themselves and have  their own lil´realm to dwell and watch over, they have formed a close  bond and family.
Taking the turns and having the rounds go, each and every one has their special place.
Being celebrated for doing their job.
Once all had  their turn, there is one week where all are celebrated known as the  “Zori Festival” where the Godlings make the Planet in a Realm - state  (time basically “stands still for a week) where they can celebrate and  talk to all around)
After that, it is kept ongoing and the time  unfreezes, letting things grow naturally. Being in this “realm state”  means they still all live (don ́t alter or miss anything as time is a  lil slower here to non existent. Only the big Godlings clock shows how  much time has passed. 

Celebrating the Zori Festival every 12 years (as time stops for 7 days in total) and letting it continue on. 

As it goes for the Months, each month has 40 days. Helping a lot also with Seasonal and weathers.

Yraunaj (Jan)40
Yraurbef (Feb)40      Spring
Hcram (March)40

Lirpa (Apr)40
Yam (May)40             Summer
Enuj (June) 40

Yluj (July) 40
Tsugua (August) 40     Autumn /Fall
Remetpes (Sept)40

Rebotco (Oct40
Rebmevon (Nov) 40     Winter
Remeced (Dec)40

=480 days in total

For the Weeks- 8 days per week (5 weeks per Month)

Yadnom (Monday)
Yadsuet (Tuesday)
Yadsendew (Wednesday)
Yadsruht (Thursday)
Yadirf (Friday)
Yadrutas (Saturday)
Yadnus (Sunday)
Yadeerf (Freeday) - added

As for Time.
The 24 hrs per day are still a given here as well.
12 hrs of day and 12 hrs of night


Languages spoken in Sunburst City

Most  human languages including  17 known Alien languages. Translation  devices offer the main languages at start. Basic languages plus 17 Alien  languages

Translation Devices: 

Every citizin living in Sunburst City get´s a translation module. These have different forms and colors as well as category

orange- B.T (Basic Translation) – Living 6 months in Sunburst City

3 Languages of  your choice plus 2 main Alien languages- No cost

Main translator- 1 year in  S.B:C  (sunburst-City)

Red- Sunburst city´s 12 main languages and Alien languages

cost: 1 Omni  (100 Euro)

MTA- Main translater-Adavnced- Upgrade- Blue

All Langauges spoken in Sunburst city

(Humans and Aliens- see way above)

Cost: 3 Omni (300 Euro)

Translator Roam- Purple- upgrade

More than Main languages spoken. Pick language of choice

Depending on complexity (if given or not yet discovered, more than a Mula)

Cost:  1 Neuro (1000)
Plus added is the upgrade whenever a new language is or even updated.

You can even head to the office centers and give a language to save into (you ll get a reward as well as a place to stay)


Advanced module- High tech  glasses H.T.G

in gold or color of added choice

Almost  looks like google glasses. Giving the opportunty to read the text and  hear while translation is going on (reads streetnames or symbols)  where  a hologramm frame comes down like sunglasses to give view. Advanced  tech device in combo with phone, gps and reading. Gives warning system  of environment so you don´t run into anyone. Available as a watch as well. 



In Sunburst city, main current is in Mula, Credits, Neuro, Omni, Gents and Pents

BUT Sunburst-City  also offer´s the "Trade-System". Some stores (most) accept for some  things the tradesystem. Have something to offer? The other may want it.  As long as both sides are ok with the trade, it´s good. This work´s  nicely if you are in need of something, do work or something to trade  for.

Mulas appearance is purple money sheets (a lil bigger than dollars) – papertype is not rippable (doesnt get destroyed easy and bends nicely to any form) (Each Mula is 2000 Euro)

size-7cm long, wide 3cm


Creditsare silver hardpaper type (like above) (each worth 1500 Euro)

size- 6cm,, 2,5cm in width. 


Neuro-Sheet in blue,  (Each worth 1000 Euro)

size 4cm


Omni are gold coins, round and with a triangle hole punched in middle-(Each worth 100 Euro)



Gents arecoins. Round, green and with a square in the middle punched. (Each Gent Coin is worth 50 Euro)

size- 4cm


Sarint- Silver coins- round with a square hole in middle. (each worth10 Euro)


Pents-coins in copper, zinc and bronze mix (usually a light brownish grey- round and with a simple hole in middle. (each worth 50 Cent)

Size-3 cm


(compare to Europe Money)1 Euro is 100 cent coins

1 Mula Sheet is 2000 Euro

1 Credit Sheet  is 1500 Euro

1 Neuro Sheet is 1000 Euro

1 Omni Coin is 100 Euro

1 Gent coin is 50 Euro 

1 Sarint coin is 10 Euro

1 Pent  is 50 Cent

2  Ways of  having the money. Either in cash form (sheets and coins) or on your Account ID. With your personal genetical card only you have access and can use to pay or transfer money onto. 

Earing Money

Through work or trade. 


Living and working (w.i.p update soon)


Registrating in Sunburst City is done in min. 1 Hour to max 4 Hours (with tourguide, job/study, Appartment and such)

With beeing in the city for the first time, and wish to stay and live, you either arrive on the North side (Airport) or the Mountain Pass, East side (from the Waterflows) or South (Docks)

1. Registry Center
With  Navigation (ask a friendly Police or Citizen) and head to the  Registration Center (located in the North at the Big Circle with  Fountain.
Stating your wish/desire to live in the City to become a  citizen, your Background will be checked (History, laws etc) while  getting interviewed by an Agent.
These are all friendly ones and support. They will ask you questions.

First  thing is „why do you wish to stay in the city“/„What reason is your  visit or do you plan to live here“/„do you have criminal backgrounds“

info:   if you DO have criminal backgrounds, depnding on how, why and the level of  threat, you will be placed differently. If too hard of a crime  (murder,  for example out of revenge or money) you are banned for 2 years. It   really depends on what level. 

when you are good, 

You  start by filling out a form. From who you are, species/race, gender,  birth etc. Get photo taken. Through your fingerprint and genetic stripe  (they make a swish on your genetic code) getting the infos with your ok  to backcheck  your facts. Basically wanting to  know who you are and  your history/backstory, skills, companion/pets, if you carry weapons,  training etc. (you get the idea) Same goes with if you want to live here  alone or with family. 

 The Agent then bring you to the Health-Check.   (If Physically all is well, if not they will attend to it) Also to see  if you are carrying anything in you that can be dangerous. (some  species have that) It takes 20 Minutes for the background check (super technologie) and questioning as well as the Health-check and then the Agent will be assigned to you (you can either choose, or get randomly put together. This will be your personal Helping Guide (PHG for short) for the next 2 Weeks to get started. 

2. Info Center

While  the Registry is preparing documents for you, you head with your Agent  to the Info Center (Building next to the Reg-Center)  Here a small History on the City as well as a Tour. You get to go with your Agent on a  sightseeing tour. Not only is this crucial to know the place but also a  choice as to where you wish to live, as the place is big and offer´s  different things you might want or things you would rather avoid.   (Especially if you are a day or night person as the Main  shopping mile   has appartments as well and are nights busy) the Tour  around the  place  alongside with Guide and info takes around 1 to 2 hours depending if you wish to see really all or just specific things.(If you  already know the city and have visited before, this of course get´s  left out and you get to go straight on). 

Info: The areas are  known as „sectors“ in Sunburst-City. Sectors have been created (areas in  Sunburst city) with specific name and color. (see below for info)

3. Job and Living

After  the tour (or direct here) your Agent and you head to Building 3 (Job  Center) and 4. (Living Center)  Job and Living Registration. (the info  here is sent directly to the one working on your files) Here you state  if you have a certain job you would love to do. IN Sunburst-City, the  job you want, is the job you get. No skills? No worry. You´ll get the  education you need (and that without to worry how to afford). Depending  on the job, (you start in 2 to 3 weeks depending on how you settled in)  If you have skills already, then you will be registrated with the  company and skills of your desire. A first week of testingjob can be  done as well to see if both sides are ok with it. Lacking skills will be  provided with education and teaching, so you don´t have to fear of  losing your job. If you are wanting to learn, Education (schools) will  be provided as well. You get a Job-ID or Student-Id (no matter your age) with the registration. 

With  Living, you tell the Person at the counter for what Sector you have  decided to stay in (from underwater city to jungle to inner city or  shopping mile appartments. Your pick. The J-Reg (Job  Registrator) will pull up a map as you can pinpoint where around. Then,  with info on wishes and need´s, the J-Reg will pull up the offerings.  Appartments that are (at the moment) free and can be moved in. 

Here an info:

Size_   Depending on single/double or Family (and with pet/companion or not)  different sizes of Appartments are available (or house if wished)

Single (living alone) 50m2

Single (with small companion/pet) 70m´´2

2 people 85 m´2

2 people and companion/pets 90m´2


Depending if Appartment or house (houses are usually bought with extra money or when families need them)

The basic single appartment comes with basic things. 

a  fridge, oven, toilet, Bedroom (simple bed), few wardrobes, welcome mat,  few lamps/lights, sofa, coffee table, one pot,  one dish, microwave,  can opener, trash can (basically the standard easy things in a home) All  provided by S.B.C Living-

Your Agent  and you will head then directly to the Appartment/Home and you will be  able  to look at it inside. Accepting the appartment, with the  „Landlord“ (one in charge for the building and appartments) singing the  papers and genetic approval at door entrance (who will only let you open  or close the door) you get an extra key with fitting keychain as well.  (open both ways and each key is unique) You can also hire an architekt  to suit in your appartment for only 1 Omni and 1 Gent(150 Euro) You now have an apaprtment! (if  by chance you decide otherwise, you´ll travel with your Agent to the  other Appartments and make your pick. Once you have it, the Info goes  directly to the Registration Center. Heading back there, you are now an official citizen! Registration completion. (even with Photo and signature!)

At start you get the "basic I.D sheets". A lil´harder than paper, around the size of an e-card. You get 4 at  start. Later, after a year you get the updated Id´.s that make you a  stable citizen) Which mean´s you start to pay and work without an Agent  or such. 

1st is for basic identification (B.I.D)- containing who and what you are, which sector and „Mint citizien“ ( M.C)  as a state of new in Sunburst- City. You use this one for health—check  up´s as well. 

2ndis for  your currency (Currency Card- C:C)- Since completely new, you can either transfer what you have on it, or use for later. 

3rd. Pets/companions- (Companion card- CoCa) if you have animals with you, they get an extra card. 

4thcard- Transportation Card (T.C) This  is an extra if you own a bike, riding animal or vehicle. 

Since animals/pets are now different (due to some aliens having animal like features, they count as companions, as equal. Either as a pet companion or transportation. 

As well as your own translation module (main/basic languages- no extra cost)

With  these cards (plus a case for them to put in) like a wallet/card holder,  signing to Sunburst-Ciity Living contract. „As a citizien, you promise  to hold-- etc“ paper ok from you. 

INfo: If you are UNDER 18, you need a legal guardian by your side. (a grown up who takes responsibility- kids get supported as well) 

LIVING  INFO: With beeing a citizen of Sunburst city you DO NOT pay for a  "basic" home or minimum food (what one need´s to survive), but you pay  for luxury, extra cost food and stuff)  Since it is part of  Sunburst-City ´s laws to support the needed and all support each other. If  you want a bigger appartment, you of course have to pay for one, as  well as shop owning and stuff, but the basic survival and size for a  home, health-support and basic food is given!


With  that, you are now a Mint-Citizen (a Newbie) Your Agent will accompany  you daily for 2 Weeks. (from shopping to support) to help get along and  understand all you need to. After that  he will be reachable for the  next 6 months, after that you are on your own (you can always call him  up of course as Help is always near. 

What you get:

-An Appartment/home you own and claim as own. NO monthly payments or electricity (all provided, except extra food) (This is basic for ALL citizens as Living/Home counts as survival and will not be charged)

-first 6 months strong support of 5 Neuro in Month (500 Euro) for furniture, tech, food and essentials. 

makes 30 Neuro (3000 Euro)

-After a year, you get 7 omni coins (700 Euro) and education support (school and study)

-Support in jobseeking/study etc. 

What YOU need to do: (to keep what you have)- Because you have to make your part as well

-Monthly health checks. (1x a month you head to office area, next building with Health Center Checkup)  there is an extra building where you meet your guide (you have his  contact details for any further questions. Guide will be available half a  year in case you have questions, trouble or in need of support)

-When study,min. of 3hrs is Needed to keep the essentials. If school, you HAVE TO  attend the classes. (5hrs per day – monday to friday from 9am to 2 pm) Working hours vary depending job. But min. 3 Hrs per day. 


20 Sectors in total (first rough overview, then specific)


Now each part of Pangea (not including the other Islands or cities around it) have each Sectors that divide the areas to make it better of understanding.
Since each sector has a main focus in general.
Each have their own Voted Council member (1x a year at the end of the year)

Need to sort the colors to each sector.
Since each one who lives in various sectors, have their I.D color above their card to make things easier. 

The number flow on the map is the part that got finished. So following the route on the numbers one can see what area was made clear and done from. A reason some sections (numbers) are further away from another and not next to each other. 

Pangean Underground Sector (Or short. P.U.S)
“Underground sector Entrance”  (out of service „officially“) As these are more “outdated” and no more in use. 


O- Porte Cape

Here  is not only the entrance for many coming by sea, but also here are  Factories, Piers, some small restaurants and the Pier fair along Ship  Docks. Lighthouse is here as well. 


1- Porte Main- 

Main  city, also as „city of lights“ (night and day active) Entrance area and  the busiest of all the sectors as this is the main Highlight of not  only Tourists but of those active. This is on 24/ 7 since most clubs,  activities day and night are here.
To find:
- Shopping Mile - Also known as Rainbow Road going from the Porte Cape (Sector 0) to Porte Main end bridge (where through)

- Artsy District on the side with the Park. Meet n Greet area and Big Fair (“Small” Amusement Park with sights n plays) 

-  For older ones the 18 + District and the “Kitty Parlor” area. 


2- Port Cape 

This  is on the educational part as there is not only Museum, schools and  Hospital but also old traditional homes East. Families have all they  need here. From education, safety and work. Zoo as well. 


2b-Jowe Krug- 

As  this area is the huge school area alone. For the small to big, here is  all you need. Each Section is well cut off as not to get confused and  well taken of. 


3- Komepodia- 

“3B”  is basically its own Section (Named Royal Sector) as the royal family  and Crescent moon live here. The card has a golden and blue color to the  special card and printed name and I:D
Special Place with rare to  limit access. Only those with family of the Royals, close friends or  workers have this card and a constant check. 


4- Neiwita Yorkings- 

Family Apartments (usually those of the council or of those working), Parks, Old Castle, Mall, 


4b- Neiwita Sal

Part harbor / slight beaches and Homes, Doctors (private) and bigger homes,
Located East and south of sector 4, 



Travel / Airport, Hotels, Short stay Apartments, Registration (office), Motels near Farm.
Basically  here is not only the main part of Documents done for new and old, but  also where Health checks and Registrations are. Along of Language and  Local lessons. 



Jungle / Forest Area with homes.
From  treehouses to the more Jungle type area where many also live and work,  here swamps are included along the main point on growing Tree´s in  various forms alongside many Bug and Insect residents. 



Underwater city, Pier
The biggest Underwater city is part of Pangea as it has resident homes, shopping and connections to the underwater sea grounds. 


8 - Orisilean- 

Calm  Sector, Big wide areas with houses and Families. A big community place  and the first place ever to have joined houses built from the start (a  reason the buildings are older but robust looking) and hold a  significant meaning in the founding of it all. 


Dragon Island

Between Sector 8 and 9 is a small island known as “Dragon Island”
Named  after a huge skeleton of a “dragon” that had fallen and where usually  city Festivals and events are held. A reason no one really has an ID for  it as it is open to all. There are 2 main houses but it's due to the  ones in charge of keeping things clean and clear (and who know the  truth)
There is also a Resort type in the back (Spa, wellness center)


9 - Kyarpal Latos- 

A calm bigger Island


10 - Retictaw- 

Water / Island area, narrow Apartments, busy, floating water market /Fishing villages (almost like Tai O)
It's also a good trading ground for bypassers and sometimes in the bar aside, one can hire people. 


11- Maguxel- 

Mostly dry area, dirt races and orient style Island. 


12- Tennasen- 

Arena Areas (all types of sport and fights), mountain, Coal and mineral Mines and Amusement Park (very small next to 3a)


13 - Ayamipot- 

Observatorium, Museum and Techcenter along open air Theater, another Lighthouse aside and wander path to sides. 

West of Pangea is the mountain and on top is the place to go when you want to look.


14 - Mount Toriba- Sector 1
Above  the sector is the Section known for the Council Building (Meetings and  co are here as most activities are around the area): it's known  as Sector 1 due to it being the “first” to be built after the great  comet next to the “Statue”

Big mountains, council and UF headquarters. Also some houses. 


15 - Bunker Island

Island  between sector 1 and 4- Owned by Beneditk/ Up-Grade Company and Bunkers  Island- research, Laboratories and Factories (near Kyarpal Latos)

Those with I:D s here work here. Since this is not a living area, but just working. 


16 -Wide fields
Nature  and wild animals run freely around here as one has to watch out not to  stumble into one of them (one never knows what can be encountered) but  its a very natural spot and untouched by anyone. As it´is stated that it  shall flourish from start (there is something specific hidden on a  specific part of the area, revealing. 


17 - Jail Hail- 

Above the forest as well as the Small mazetown near the cliffs.
The Jail is the part of Pangea where justice is done and waited. (here things are quickly settled depending on what one did)
But recently strange things have been going on around there. 


18 - Wretched Woods 

(big Forest) and former small Drakevale Village western town and Mall (down- closed by UF)

In  these old mystic woods, there used to be the old Mall (before the comet  went down) which is now home to a specific person (Dr. Kinkari)
As well as nearby the Drake Vale Village western town. Said to be haunted and hold treasures from the old times.  

There  used to be I:D s for it but they are long gone and those who have one,  know something or have looted it from somewhere. It is also said to have  access to underground Bunker. 


19 - Myabagan- 

West  of Pangea is Valley with colorful ledges, trees and roaming free  animals. Here is where you can buy bigger riding companions or buddies.  You train as well as get a license to have them. (Includes dinosaurs,  species and such)

Those with I:D s here work (and / or) live here. 


20 - Mamora Farm
Below  and to the West is a huge farm where natural products are made. Cows  and more types of animals are here and you can find various creatures  here as well. Farmland growing veggies and fruits around support locally  as well.
Those with I:D s here work (and / or) live here. 


Soul Mountain

This section does not have an I:D or color as all have access to it.
Above  the whole map where the huge Statue is of Pangea, is not only the  mountain area, Crossborder mountain (pass), but also an awesome view.   Also the highest point of Sunburst-City. (combined with the viewpoint)


Shop owners in rainbow Street have an extra Shop ID with their normal ID. With the Number 1 in Rainbow. 

Colors of  Streets/Areas in the City in Sector 1- 

Mainstreet is the biggest and a pure shopping mile. The only road with a color ID and sheme. 

For knowing where what is (tourists mainly)



With  having a pet (they call them companions in the city) already in your  family or wanting to get one, they vary with size and species. 


Small- cats, dogs, birds etc  1 Gent  (50 Euro) per companion, per month

middle--  bigger dogs,, Big lizards, Sheep= 1 Omni  (100)  and 1Gent50)= (150  Euro) per companion, per month. 

Big-  (not registered as riding animals) cheetah,horse, etc2 omni  (200) and 1 Gent (50) =( 250 Euro) per companion, per month

Big  animals who could  go through AS riding animals, but not registered  as   such,, should not be riding out in public. Example. You have a  lion/cheetah/bull (I dunno) etc as a companion, you keep them as a  companion. If you wish to use your companion as a travel Companion(T.CO) then it  should be registered- Costs 3 Omni (300 Euro) per T.C, per month

And companions get a health check  just like you. (1x a month) to  see how your  buddy is doing. 



Since  you now live in the City, have your job or looking or study/school etc,  you can use transportation. For a Transportation Card. (T.CA)

First year you  DO NOTpay anything and can travel around for „free“, After a year you pay the ticket prices. Can use them WHENEVER you want. 24/7- (payments go to industry and factory for transport  maintainance and safety. You can always go by foot if  you can´t afford  or do not want to use. 

You get (at start)  the Travel Ticket (T.T) to use the standard transportations. 

Tickets outside of your sector cost. Either a back and forth ticket, one way ticket or monthly or yearly. 

Powered by 3 different things. From sulfat combo mix to magnetic and electricity. 

The city´s transportation system has …...

Ground snakes/bus

Likebuses – Are only inside city. For theirpersonal sector. Andtheirpersonal sector color (color of bus, shows sector)  They only  drive in theirspecific Sector area. Have the number ontop for the House/building area. 


 Day- 1 Pent (50 Cent)

Month-1 Sarint (10 Euro)

Year- 1 Gent (50 Euro)

sector snake- bus 

drives out and in the city sectors. Some sector snake buses have 2 different colors. Indicating whichsectors  they drive to. Different buses  for different stationstops. Different  Places show the sector color on bus plus number (driving to  areas/stationstops)

You pay your standard Bus price (either day,  month or year) plus the sector cost of 1 Pent (50 cent) per sector

Sky shuttles

compare  with trains on two different layer/height. Heavy species above/on the  railroad, lighter below.  On a type of bridge crossing the  streets/along. Like the buses have different colors to  what sectors  they travel to. These ONLY bring from –Sectorto sector (fast train)- Main Green colorline below (track)


Day: 1 Sarint (10 Euro)

month 2 Sarint (20 Euro)

Year: 1 Gent (50 Euro)

City Liners- Yellow. (tourist usage)

High  cabelway stationcars. Used for city travels. (If you plan to live here  and get the whole tour, you only pay the tourguide you get at main Head 1 Credit sheet (1500 Euro) but guide will show you all you need to know, including best spots, Law, history etc)

Sunburst city has 3 main. 

1 (turkis) From Port to Statue. You  travel from bay along the city up to the big statue. Only 1 stop.

Cost: 1 Gent (50 Euro)

Includes Guide in waggon telling  history and shows scenery at statue. 

  1. Orange. Left side of the city along the mountains. Has 5 Stops. Amusement  Park, Arena,Theater, 2nd Arena and Airport.

Cost: 1 Sarint (10 Euro) per stop

3, yellow  line direct. Around the whole city (no stop, just in case there are  some stops) but this line is meant for tourists to have a great overview  of  all Sunburst City, includes tourguide. goodie bag (Gifts, coupons  to every store for at least 1 item of  choice) and all one could need,  as well as an included meal for lunch.

Cost: 1 Omni (1000 Euro)

Single transporters- Shuttlecab. 

You  need to get to a specific area? Don´t have a scute? Either call in a  Shuttlecab (ground) like an uber, taxi or personal driver (either  through stationphones or call one on your own phone) These various  models (from slim to thick, depending what size you are) appear after  you give a call. State species, I.D, where you are and where you need to  go. They appear, you get in, you travel along at a fast and safe speed  and secure and when arriving, you swipe your I.D over the scanner and  leave (payments are city and sector wise differently) 

City inbound: 1 Sarint (10 Euro)

Sector bound: 2 Sarint (20 Euro) per sector

So example you want to get to a certain sector – you are in sector 1 and need to get to sector 8. (there are 2 sectors between you and your goal) you pay for sector 15 (passing the bridge), passing sector 4 and land in sector 8. So 3 sectors. Come to 3 Sarint (60 Euro). Seeing as the sectors are big! (really big) you get there fast and safe for a good price. 

Single transportations: Scutes

So you want your own scute (transportaion cab) either  a „Personal sky shuttle“  or „Groundhog

The „Personal Sky Shuttle“ (P.S.S) is an extra line flowing along with the sky shuttles where you get to  any station (colored in light brown/wood) and swipe your card to tipp in  (or say) where you want to go to and  „call“ the scute to you. Getting  in, you have a screen where you see your destination and a personalized  voice telling you to buckle up. As soon as you do, the lid closes, and  it dashes forward, following the line to your destination (it kinda  works like the postline, but with better view)

Cost: 1 Neuro Sheet  (1000 Euro per month)

Groundhog   (car/bike etc) You can use your own bike, motorbike, vehicle. Called  „groundhog“  due to them beeing on the ground. (duh) Either you already  have one or you can rent or buy one. From small car designs to high tech  bikes. These groundhogs ONLY work with their owner.  Through genetic identification, they can only be used by you. Unlock and  motor start. (from simple to comlex, some are in work of beeing  hightech for future use and  plans to hover more) 

bicycle. 5 Omni (500 Euro) (groundprice, depending on modell or tech can go up)

Motorbike- 5 Neuro (5000 Euro)- especially fo genetic unlock and usage- can go up as well

Hoverhogs-  There is a hover limit. You can hover over other vehicles, but watching  out for traffic. These have a restricted built in mode to not go over  the hover limit. Ground or water area  (with certain limits)

Cost: 9 Neuro (9000) plus additional 1 Neuro for air registration (to hover above ground and water as well as the air booster- fuel) You only pay that once for a year. 

Payments are only once on purchase (depending what you buy exactley) and every time you personally make a check up. (oil, fuel, motor, tech etc) The main rule is 1 checkup minimum  per year  (especially with technologie) Keeping systems updated. And for fuel/air and registration in area you drive around. Paid 1x a year. 

Ride Companions (R.C) Animals. (rent or own) 

Having  an own companion to ride on (horse, Chickentuff, Raptor etc- yes there  are dinos here as well) registration  is like with personal companions. 

The Riding companions are in the city, while Travel companions are sectorwise. 

If you wish to use your companion as a travel Companion(T.CO)or a Riding companion (R.C)then it  should be registered-

 Costs 3 Omni  (300 Euro) per T.C, per month

2 Omni (200  Euro)R.C, per month

And  companions get a health check (included in price and insurance in case  something happens)  just like you. (1x a month) to  see how your  buddy  is doing. 

What riding companion yoou buy, depends on  wherey ou get the buddy. Species and co. You make a training course of  riding as well when buying. 


There are NO  underground transportations due to toxin and the double layer over the underground. No access is (officially) stated. Only in Sunburst-City. (has it´s reason)


Food-  Alcohol and drink

Let´s start with  Alcohol, since that´s the first in a city at night some like to go to. (and Bar´s of the guide will tell you)

First  off: This isn´t your "typical“ other planet (like earth) alcohol. The  standard beer can pinch you up pretty hard. (and yet taste so damn  good!)Legal age to drink is 20 (for all species). (because of alien  mixes included and humans improved on alcohol as well) 

Normal (human) wine bottle goes around 1 Gent coin (50 Euro)

like artisanal belgian beer. 12 litres of the world’s greatest beer in your hand. 

1 Sarint coin (10 Euro) per beer can

Different Types of Alcohol, depending from what productary. 

Each has it´s special mixture and you won´t regret buying and drinking. 



Same with alcohol. Expensive but different flavors as well as types. 

Some cigs are made from different type of material, herbs and stuff and can be harmless. Depends on the type. 

The  real cigs (earth ones) are there as well and vary in types. Those are  not recommended for kids. Age 18 and up to smoke them. 



Food comes at a cheaper range. Buying in store or at markets, groceries give a great saving opportunity. You can manage a month worth of food for 1 omni  (100 Euro). Including good fruits and veggies without having to suffer nutrients. 

Eating out/Restraurants and delivery

Come a „lil more“ than a normal buying. In average (3 to 5 Euro)

Standard for a hotdog meal comes around 1 Pent  (50 cent)- Includes 2 big Hotdogs, soda/drink and sauce

Or like a happy Meal or meal pack Menu (drive through/fast food) comes by 

2 Pents (1 Euro) to 6 Pents (3 Euro)- Includes meal, drink and sauce. 

Fast Food/stops- Depending on where and what type of food. 

Delivery- 15 Pents (15 Euro) (additional 2 pents per sector if outside of own sector)

Fancy Restaurant/Restaurant in general 20 Pents (20 Euro) per person (but with good portions)


Ordering:There  are tubes through the city. If you order online (website or merchant  site)  or in a shop. They can deliver to your homeplace fast per tubes  or you have the postdelivery. Someone who delivers. (if  you  need it   urgent, the tubes are the ones you can use). Only to a specific size  however. Bigger than allowed in tubes, the postperson has to come. 

Selling: Tube or Market. 

Either  selling your stuff online. Tired of something? got the swapper machine?  Connected with the tube system, placing the item in, you can tipp or  tell the price until someone either buys it or you can send it to the sellhub and get a pre payment 

The Sellhub is an online Marketplace where you can send off your item through the tube, which leads it to a general big store. Workers sort your item, and the pricetag you put on that you want to  get. You get the pre payment (a part of money for you to hold onto)  and  wait until someone buys your item. If sold, you get the payment sent to  I.D it only works with your visual ok, swipe of I.D and signature. 

Selling it via Duo swap.  You find someone who wants to exchange items. Placing the items in the  container, both need to give their ok, swipe I.D and items swapped.  Signature confirms the payment. (these are all watched, monitored  by  police so no cheats or hacks, since some of them are registered hackers  working for system)

Selling on Market

So  you aren´t the online type. No worries. Head to one of a few stands in  the City where you can place your items and sell them or hire a person  to sell them for you. Either for money or other items, the place has a  bunch of variaty. You can even trade for food. If  right buyer is there.  (swap market)


Laws, Forbidden stuff, Limits..

Fights if you have the urge to fight or settle a bar argument,  then not in public/city etc.

You  pay a fine for not having yourself under control. These are entries  registered in your I.D protokoll (count as a violent crime)  Physical  contact, not words. 

The first time caught by police, you (as well as your fighting buddy) pay 1 Omni coin (100 Euro) to the police to avoid beeing locked in the city Jail for 2 days. (to cool down)

Second time caught the price goes to 3 Omni coins (300) or 1 week of city Jail. And registered, 

Third time is time out. You pay 1 Neuro  (1000 Euro) AND go to 2 weeks of Jail as well as a talk. (explanation of behaviour)

You can move your fights to Arena. These are official arena´s where you can carry out  your „drunk“ battle arguments or sparring events. You pay 1 Gent (50 Euro) per person to use the Arena space (one of many) to let go of  some anger. A doc is present in case of injuries. (that´s why you pay  money as well. Space and doc) Either alone with  the  one you  fiight,  or in a small crowd (depending how much space is left).



Police keep law and order. From fights to thieves (has been rare these days)

While the main central has it´s different categories, all do their job well. 

Dark blue uniform- City patrol on thieves, fights or traffic breaking. 

Purple, white– Security- or guards stationed at buildings or peronalised for companies or people. 

Undercover police officerstaking  on the identity of another person. Essentially, they cut themselves off  from their normal life to infiltrate and bring down criminals or to  break up a criminal ring. They work in areas such as drugs and  prostitution. There are still some humans as well as aliens who do  this. 

bike cops and traffic enforcement police(dark blue uniform)Bike  cops typically work in parks and open air environments where they rely  on a bicycle for transportation. They may ride several miles on a given  day. Traffic enforcement officers keep the peace in traffic situations  and enforce speed limits and other traffic laws. These cops sometimes  drive regular police cars, but a large number now rely on motorcycles  for their transportation needs. (besides, way faster)

work in the station(orange/black uniforms)In  the station, they answer calls in the dispatch center, handling  emergency calls. They also work with citizens who bring their complaints  and problems into the station. In addition, there are those who work  solely from a desk and write reports based on complaints before passing  those reports along to detectives and investigators. The station cops  work with watchers. Checking  if the shuttles and stations work, on time  or trouble with  others. 

national parks/ park rangers (green and blue)

school (light blue uniform)Since there is a big main school in Sector 2,  some police cops along with Security cops watch over the area.  

emergency medical workers, or EMTs. (red and blue uniform)Police officers also work for the military as military police. Work alongside the medics

specialty officers   work in specific departments that cover only one type of crime. They  split their time between working in the field and working in the  station. They cover the crimes relating to their area such as drug  crimes, sex crimes or homicide. They investigate cases in the field,  interview witnesses, make arrests and do paperwork relating to the  cases. They're also called into court when and if the case reaches  trial. They have one of the more important jobs relating to law  enforcement, and work where they're needed. Each crime  category has a  different color. Basic blue  uniform added the stripe on the patch they  are assigned with. 

Egnite Force (like Wega)  (black/blue uniform) they head in, when things get heavy.  Armored and in for kidnappings, bombings or attacks. 



Beeing  under 18 (in general a kid/preteen) you have to go to school. While  there is the Big Main School  near East mountains, kids and preteens  go   to  smaller schools (some are in Sectors 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11)  Pre-School and school for  kids up to 12 years old. After 12 years,  (when reaching age 12 and finished your year) you can attend the Big  Main school in east (sector 2b) This is for pre-Teens, Adults in study  or general study. (to catch up on learning) 

The School´s Are open day and night (sinnce some species are also nightactiv)

Attending  here, you get assigned to one teacher in a class of 8. (individual and  specific teaching for your interest. Classes are fun and educational.  Starting at 9 am in the morning to 2 pm in afternoon.

(5 hrs per day- Monday to friday) and Seasonal. 

(which means,, for example Cyle 3 – there are 3 cycles. Depending when you start. (you can enter at any time)

How school runs- A month of school, but of  that 1 week always  goes to either side jobs (like sitting or job-experience and snooping-  which means you get to pick where you want to learn, beeing a week in  that company and having a try out. You can either change it or stay in  that specific area. Or if you have something- like babysitting- you can  do that)- Called „work Environment week(W.E.W)- only  during school days. 

3 months are off per year from school. 

 When attending normal school learnings,  weeks of education in a year including exams

With study and Progressing education (when finished with main school and you want to evolve with more  knowledge or need for a job) weeks of UN education, including exams but  excluding mid-semester breaks

You do NOT need to pay for your school or studies. All are provided by Sunburst-City.  You just need to attend them in order to keep them. If you can´t,  contact the General Head (where you got registered) to tell of your  situation. 

At pregnancies, accidents or other reasons, they support and help out. 

School-Off- Official Holidays (no school)


2 weeks start of January (new year and new start Break)

1 week (17 to 21st of March)  March(Celebrating City Grounds and new start after Comet)

1 ½  months of SummerBreak (these are the hottest days- up to 33 degrees C) half of July, whole ofAugust)

1 week end of November- (Alien national Holiday)Announcement made in 2000 of Aliens (maya predicted in  November instead of December on Pangae)

2 weeks- DecemberWinter break/season (coldest season around -2 to 8 degrees C)

Single Holidays/days off official

14th February- Red Valentines Day(where female give men chocolates and confess love or show love and give something red)

14th March- White Valentines day(where female get chocolate and something white for their man)

27th to 29thMarch- Flowerbloom Day/festival -  3 days where the flowers  start to bloom and the streets turn into a flower oasa. (kind of  like cherryblosssom festival) 

1st of April´s Fool day (a day off for all to goof around and be silly /pranks allowed. 

2nd April Easter/Egg and Birth

13th May- Spring festival and Dragonwalk (big festival walk to Dragonisland, Feast and fun)

 Companion Day (a day for your lil /big friend)

14th May- Valentines lovers day- Where couples celebrate love in general (love festival, merch and a great dance area.)- one day after Spring festival. 

19th July- National Language day (you socialize and festival in Main city to learn another culture or  learn a new language (rough  words at least)- Celebrated as the first  official translator module was done and first speach/dialogue with  aliens has been accomplished. 

28th to 31stJuly to creativ color day Unity Festival (4 days of colorful festival, celebrating unity as one, creativity and  what makes us all unique. Including making music, sharing food, stage,  theater, etc)  Alike Holi-Festival of colors. - this festival is to   celebrate the 4 days in which Humans and Aliens made an alliance and  welcomed each other. Aliens and Humans are family. 



So  you seek a job, then with what  you have learned(and you finished  school or had a study) you either had a chance to  use  your   Workenvironment weeks in other businnesses  or if  not, you  can ask  your guidance teacher. (who will most likely either know where to place  you, making contacts with businesses or  ask around). 

Attending your job, you will be hired and start with work. Depending on where and how many hours. In general is 5hrs per day.25 to 30 Hrs a week is ok. And a garantee to keep  your home and securities.  

You can take up more than 5 hrs if  wanted) but never more than 8 hrs a day. Due to safety and condition. 40 Hrs. A week is tight. Work of 5 days from 7 in general. 

Payments and cash:

With earnings your own savings now at your job, you get a company card (ID card) and Account set  to  it. 

You earn your money daily, check  card you stamp in and out, sending the hours you worked into money onto  your Company ID

Basic  what you work as, hours you worked etc. Monthly money will then be  transfered from Company Account  to your ID Account (your main  Account/Bank)

You can always let the payment come directly per  hand, you sign with Boss paperwork (which get´s  then directly  sent to  Head Quarters) and amount in case you need it sooner. 


owning a shop

So  you want to own an own shop and sell your things. Depending on where  and what you want to sell. (you can always get a store  on the main   street if you  have the money for it)

Main Tourists shops are on the RainbowStreet/Main Street. Most visitors and most active in the 1st Sector. You get an  appartment above your shop (includes price). Only   shop owners have their home above the shop and have to pay for shop as  well as Appartment there. Due to much activity,, safety and securance.  (it is advised to be used to 24/7 activity and sound) Since 1stsector is most busy. 

You need to be at least 20 years of age to run and own a shop. (legal community age for drinking and marriage as well)

Head office to state you want a shop. 

Either in the rainbow Street or elsewhere. (if you know a building or would like to build one)

Filling out a form with what you  plan to sell (Foood,, clothings,, items, drinks/Bar  etc), your pick of co-op  company (in food supplies, merchants etc) or  you do  all on own. 

With  the standard Fee of Merch/Seller´s- Licence (MnS.L)  cost: 1 Neuro  (1000 Euro per month to keep licence and allowed to sell) 

Then comes the home and shop Licence (HnS L) Which includes the building you live and sell. Coming to 1 Neuro (1000 Euro ) per month

Then comes the price arrangement with co-op, market and  co (for your products,, depending on own or with others)-. Price varies here

And the cost of employee. Think of employee or alone (add to list)

1  Sarint (10 Euro) per hour is standard payments in a normal company/employee. Depending on area  (science/research/hard work etc) get paid slightly more (about 2 Sarint  per hour)




Which means if you work your normal 5 hrs per day  (25  hrs a week) per hour 1  Sarint (10 Euro)

1 day-(5 Hours)1 Sarint= 10 Euro  S-D

1 week-(5 work days) 1 Gent = 50 Euro W-- G week

1 month(5 weeks) 2 Omni and 1 Gent= 250 Euro  O.G

1 year- (12 months) 1 Mula and 1 Neuro=3000 Euro  M.N

1 Neuro  (1000) 2 Omni (200) and 1 Gent =1250 Euro

A saying“A half  a year is almost a „Nogs“worth“

. Since it´s the payment for about half a month (5 monhts to  be precice)  of work or a jump from the city. 

(You either work a Nog or jump a Nog) alot more sayings to compare. 


Owning a Bar/Restaurant

Comes  around the same as a shop. A Nog´s worth. You however pay an additional  fee for the alcohol. Since these are illegal for minors and only over  20 year old´s can drink. Monthly cost of  

1 Neuro  (1000)

Restaurants come usually in good  company. You have combo ofhotels at some  (or with bar´s) 

it´s  different with each place. You  HAVE TO have an entry book (writing in and listing who visited hotel and I.D swipe)

Depends if your restaurant  has  alcohol (additional  fee added)  or with hotel. Everything get´s registrated. 


Here comes the tricky part in selling and buying. 

Meat  and fish, since  some Aliens are part like this, there are big laws  into delivering, cutting and selling n´buying meat or  fish. Depending  on species, if visual  and tested. Have to  go through U.F and usually  take  around a week to declare if  a  „Go“  or „No Go“. Of course there  are specific  aliens who used to  eat humans, which is declared illegal and a crime. (in the story there are  secret  areas where a small  group--- but that´s for story ;9  )


Interspecies, Relationships, Marriage,  etc. 

It is def,  no secretthat Aliens and Humans can interact wth each other not only platonical. While it is  NOT illegal,  some are still unused and unneasy seeing these couples  (few but exist)  Since Humans are starting to be less and more on other species.  Just  as normal couples go. In public normal, just... don´t smooch out your  alien/human partner and make out. Small kissses and gestures are always  good. While Species and ages vary, marriage can only be done when both are 20 or older to bind the love. 

Registrate  at head office in city/sector you are (there is one big main office in  each sector)- resoponsible  for that area. A  „“Guide“ will be given to  check  both backgrounds. (where both are, I.D´s  and when and where plan  to  marry) You can choose where the marriage should be done. If you  have an own place on planet, you can state it there and a Council member  (part of U.F)  who is  signed like a priest to „marry off and give the  love  bond official stamp“ on the said  date you pick. 

Both  pay a fee (for  the contract, love-bond stamp and Supplies) Supplies  like getting marriiage clothings if none  are exist, place/location,  food  and drinks etc. 

Love-Bond/Marriage Fee (for food, location/building, music, drink, clothings, contract and headpriest)

2  Omni and 1 Gent(250) per  person  (500 Euro in total)

Married couples get a new place to live (since bigger) and get a combined support (usually for single  it´s 7 Omnimonthly(700 Euro). Now both get 1 Credit sheet(1500 Euro monthly) on the Marriage I.D. A kid extra (get´s 2 Omni -200 Euro per month)

In  case  both go different ways  (only claimable  after a year of married  and living together) the money get´s  split up half/half. And both go  back  to single Agreement. (single Appartment etc). If kids are  involved,,  things change a lil... 




Just a basic  example. 

You are single, live since a year in Sunburst city and have a job. 

You get

-700 monthly

Job pays 250 a month


You have to::

-attend to your job min. 5 hrs a day. 

-attend mothly health inspection

-pay your own food, groceries, items, tech as well as transportation and tickets

-pay for companions (depending on size)

Payments monthly: 

  • sky  shuttle 100 per month,
  • -bus 50 plus 10 per  sector

160per month 

Food standard groceries_ 100

you have a small pet  (50small, 150 middle)

It really depends how you spend the money. Either in buying, selling and/or supporting. Most attractions cost as well. 

Medical   things (not  the monthly  check  up) in case of broken bones,  limbs,surgery make  the price  up. Usually up  to 250 to 300 for   surgery´s. Extra limbs or repair depends where. 


UF- Leader and in charge

Each sector in Sunburst City has it´s own Head of officein charge.taking care of your area 

20 Sectors means 20 Head of Sector- Office (H.O.S.O)

Main United Federartion (U.F) of Panngae is in Sunburst City in sector 14.
With 2 Speciesrepresenting their kindpart  of the Council. They make the main decicions, talk with other  countries, citizins, Police etc. and gather up on info and  update.central authority based on the Utopian principles of universal  liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and  resources in peaceful cooperation and space exploration; each member  world retained its own political and social structure, with the  Federation itself serving as a 'United Nations'-type advisory body.  Acting like a „family“ and wanting to keep the Planet and it´s beeings  in peace and alive. 


Known  so far are 22 races and Species that live on Pangea and registrated   (official) Including Humans and (now after Comet) mutations. So around 25 Speciesare in the U.F  of Pangea. 

Known are  

The Grey´s

Reptoids  (who slightly hold back)

The Blues

Kagracha (Bug-Type Aliens)






list goes on(not finished yet)

You can register as a species and live in the city and supporting info. 


Who lives on Pangea 


Aliens- Outer Space and Bug type

Mutants (through Sunburst Comet)

Animals (like Dinosaurs.. the usual ;)



mix breeds (etc)

Furries/Anthro´s)  count as "Aliens". If they come from a Portal, big info!The council do not speak of magic to public. While they know it  exists as well as dimensional portals, they keep it to themselves due to  a pakt agreement with the „police of outer Space“

More to that below. 

So  magic is  counted as „non existant“ and merley refered to highTech. In  order to keep the structure and flow. (it changes way later though and  becomes public way later. Around 2027 magic is officially stated and all  can use to an extent)


High technologie

As  advanced as technologie is, coming with a  lil extra cost to use. Sure  you have your phones, gps and video calls. Tv flat screens that appear,  games etc some things, however some are still beeing tested and worked  on. (it´s like earth, only a liiiil´more tech and green) it´s well  balanced.


Through story they create the Health Pad (way later to get) .  You can wear on your arm like a watch. Flat and 15 cm long, which  measures heart rate, pulse and makes check now and then to see if blood  is good, giving notice if nutrients are needed or what´s up with you.  „hey listen, you need some magnesium“ (either text or voice)-it saves a  lil on the monthly health care (changing it from monthly to half a  year). 

Price: (only pay once) 6 Omni= 600 Euro

And for updates orr  upgrades later on additional 1 Omni and 1 Gent =150 Euro


Game-Holopad and Training

Finished in story start and you can already buy. Place in home and use. Gaming and training like Virtual reality. 

Price once_: 8 Omni= 800 Euro

additional extra 200 for updates and installments

games with it cost extra as well. (roughly around 2 Omni= 200 per game


Tech glasses

like  google glasses on your forehead. Visor comes down with a hologramm  to  show screen. You can call, gps, get infos and combines nice with  translation module. 

The Basic 1 Neuro=1000 Euro

Add on like translator, gps allrounder and voice additional to  about5 omni=500

Laptops (come in roll on, flat orr  various sizzes and productions to

Laptop normal 3 Omni and 1 Gent= 350 Euro

Advanced laptop (slight bendable) 4 Omni and 1Gent=450

Roll up laptop  7 Omni= 700 Euro


Smaller transportations-

These HAVE TO be registrated (so you can use them in public) and notified of own property. You pay for the fuel for the ones that need it. Registration costs2 Omni, 1 Gent= 250 Euro

The bigger variations (small cars) are callled Groundhogs while

small one/single car  are tagged as „Grunts“


Mopedcar- wide (Groundhog double--2 seater) 6 Neuro=6000 Euro

Mopedcar (groundhog single) 3 Neuro= 3000 Euro


Bicycle.5 Omni (500 Euro) (groundprice, depending on modell or  tech can go up)

Motorbike- 5 Neuro (5000 Euro)- especially for genetic unlock and usage- can go up as well

Hoverboard/skateboard/Skates (normal or with shoes direct)

 Hoverboard scooter2 Omni, 1 Gent= 250 Euro (where you stand on it and it moves with your weight)

Standard Skateboard 2 Omni, 1 Gent, 3 Sarint= 280 Euro

Hover skateboard (back to future style) 3 Omni, 1 Gent= 350 Euro

Rollerskates1 Omni= 100 Euro

Blade/grind shoes (those wheels on shoes or skates on) 1 Omni, 1 Gennt, 4 Sarint =190 Euro (since custom made per shoe)

Abigail  has excepption due to her Rocket boots (since in Co-Op with (Simon´s  Father) small mechanic company and has already registered them. Not yet  officiall to buy. Paid 3 Omni(300)




With  a future like this (I mean... currrent time of course) The technologie  is working on improved Androids/robots and Bots in general. 

Synths (synthetic technologie to appear and act human) have „not yet“ been  officiallly announced (some believe there are some amung us)

Cyborgs (humans with technologie or adjustments) are in themedical bay of Sunburst City. After accidents or fights when a limb goes missing, there is the Med-research center to help with this (you need to pay for your limb) Depending on what  material. You do get support with rehab (to cope with missing a limb)  and adjustments. 

Say, you  loose an arm. (up to ellbow) you do get supported, healed and patched  up, get your rehab to cope and voila... Taken care of. However, 

 if you want an other arm, you give the Med-Bay a talk. Look through opportunities (if normal or advanced new limb).  You pay the price for the extra arm and with it comes the measurements,  talk and production of  your arm. That goes with any limb or piece  missing. 

Exoskelett-  Provided in Working areas for some who need it or adjustment for  walking again after  accident. This  goes same with losing a limb. You pay for the exoskelett.

Say you can´t walk after an accident. You get med-check, support and a standard wheelchair. 

However. Updated wheelchair  (modern or tech)  or even exoskelett to walk again cost. 

Wheelchair better=200 Euro

Advanced Wheelchair= 4000 Euro

Exoskellett Easy modell  =40.000 Euro

Standard modell comes at =85.0000 Euro

Advanced for body- outside =100.000 Euro

Advanced for body, skellet/skin (operation)=250.000 Euro

Clothings to wear with Exoskelett (custom made) in w.i.p with a character of  the story (which she later makes an advanced approach. 



Technologie  brings (thanks to Aliens) advancements and knowledge. Some are still in  testing, others have their testrun at the start of the story. With  helpful Robots (assistments)-kinf of like we see in Irobot, (basic first  ones are new) are in their  2 year test trials and few have them. Since  working on the A.I and bugs.
So you will mostly see some robots with their Beta_Testers. (2025 story start, been introduced in 2024)


Love and interaction

While  coouples can have their  fun and experience, singles and curious ones  (if  you are over 18) can attend certain love hotels. Here there are  ladies and gents (pick your species) to either give you educational  experience (live) or help with things. Here they are officiallly working  and on own will (no illegal prostitution). Since all need now and then.  You can simply just talk with them. 

Of course Sex-Ed  is taught at school. 

Around6 to 9 years old school students need to learn the proper names for their body parts,  the difference between good touch and bad touch, and ways in which they  can be a good friend (the foundation for healthy intimate relationships  later in life). 

Around10 years old need information about puberty and their changing bodies, Internet safety, and the harmful impact of bullying. 

At around 12/13 years old are ready for information about body image, reproduction, abstinence,  contraception, H.I.V. and disease prevention, communication, and the  topic they most want to learn about: healthy relationships.

Young  people have the right to lead healthy lives. Honest, sequential and  comprehensive sex education is the foundation for helping them to become  sexually healthy adults.

(found this, is quite good::

dating online or on meets,  blind dates or fun meeting spots where you randomly just sit and talk.  Getting to know  are around the city in well placed cosy areas. Sign is Meet n´Greet(2  hands shaking) from parks, to certain restaurants or bars, chill areas.  Just keep out for sign, otherwise someone will sit next to you thinking  you´d like to meet.

Doesn´t have to be strict for dates. But to  get to  know new people, random talk and interact. 




As the Comet had crashed (not only releasing 4 big creatures, but also an alien species. 


SECRET SOCIETY (The Sunburst-City Knights)

With   the comet crashing, there were secrets unrevealed (Alongside the giant   aliens that their bodies later became longlasting battieres for the   City) Thise who had witnessed it, the council and some survivors, where   chosen to become the Knights of Sunburst_City. Those who know the  truth  on what  had happened and keep it´s secret under the city hidden.   Alongside the city, on the ground, markings and decorations were  placed  as well as a lil flow (think of it like the Railroad in Falout4)


(long lasting until forcefully broken)

One  main species are the giant (really tall statue like) Aliens that are  peaceful and made of pure energy. The citizens (scientists) ones find  out that when the beeings die, their soul leaves the body and their  body´s turn into a yellow/whitish color and flurid energy. Meaning one  can use these as batteries. (Can only be cut down to a certain size as  they can not be smaller cut/sliced than 1 cm or they shatter and get  useless. They are easy to merge into any form when forged and crafted  (specific way and technique taught by others) and last for ever! Meaning  you place it in and the item it surrounds, get´s charged. The bigger  the Battery, the more it can support (A secret here is the big statue in  beeing the last remain of the giant aalien-species, only coated  differently to hide it. It powers the whole city!) small  devices like  phones, tablets, etc can last forever on power. 


The  crust of the comet is unique! Through all it went through, this  material is not only resistant on certain levels, but nicely formable  crafted and used not only as an armor piece (and specific clothings  which cost of course) but also as streetmaterial as it (combined with  the energy) Alot more has been done with it annd the most resources are  said to be at the council´s place. (w.i.p)


To city

With  different sections around rainbow Road, there are artsy areas across  the city. Pop up random near a park, listen to music or make your own,  paint something, 



THIS is  important. Due to the "poisonous "Gas" (Pollen) below, the underground  has been sealed off as to not let anything out or other´s get infected.  (secret reason is the giant mutated and experimental Plant below that  does support above with it ´s vines a.k.a the Beautiful purple and  orange tree´s with rich energy and oxygen, but it´s roots and leaves  below exchange the poisonous substanz. Only one species can breathe  under there without a gasmask. One would need good clothing as well as  the pollen below bite through and "melt" any clothing (except material  from the comet and a sepcific fiber (more to that w.i.p) There are  rumors that the "Ratking" and his gang live under there and until now,  noone wanted to check it out. 


Head to the Artsy Road,  where some Artists place their works on digital boards and walls (their  contact details in case you are interested) Small music boxes where  music samples from creators are stored. Animations and voices. (the road  goes west to east across rainbow road). Also graffiitti on the other  siide wiith artists and details. 

While more on west side will be drawings and digital, east side is music, voices. 

You can rent a space per week to place your own



You  are in need of presenting yourself? There is an area where you can  speak with the guy  in control of the digital boards and screens. You  can record yourself or bring a file of you. Saying who you are and what  you are seeking. Good if you want direct contact. Babysitting, walkby  etc. (you can always enter companies in lobby and introduce yourself. ^^


Green and Nature

While  the buildings are modernized and good built, green is spread across the  city. Filter energy and give a great appearance. Especially  in 1st sector you might notice balcony, trees interwine and roots. 



After the comet, it has been rebuilt with a mixure of (?)

Giving it a type of solar charging panel as well as sensor (magnetic  and electric)

So  while you walk on sidepath and wanting to cross the zebra street, you  see the lights change to orange, (a sound appears in a good tune)  barriers appear up (around hip high)  infront, blocking the sidepath (so  you can´t walk on the street oor cross zebra road) The lights go to  red. Cars and vehicles will pass by.  While they do, you can use the  small consoles on side to play  a small  game with bypassers  from other  side or  on own to pass  the time). With another tune, orange lights  and all lowers down. (barriers go up for the drivers) in order for  you   to pass. To  secure more  safety, a traffic cop is nearby and watches  out. (also here if you  need assistance)u 


Still w.i.p (below)

Games, Football etc



Market and shops



jobs and study

Apppartment differences(active city) sizes and shops


Small infos, rambles

Jump/wingsuit/Skydive etc. 

You  can take a jump from  the Statue and overview on city. Gliding. You  need to pay to rentthe  suit. costs1 Neuro(1000 Euro) at office. As  wellas get a (approval) certificat/ok signature to  be allowed  to jump,  with time when you plan to jump. Costs 1 Omni (100 Euro)

Then you  need to contactpolice station and tell them of the approved Jump, which  they will watch in case anything happens. Signature  and 1 Gent(50  Euro) for securing the diving area as well as a doc in case needed.

You can film as well as glide over the whole city down to Port/Bay, 

Suitrent: 1 Neuro (1000)

Approval: 1 Omni (100)

Police Note: 1 Gent (50)

Total  cost: „1 NOG“ (neuro,, Omni and Gent)(in Euro 1150)for a secured and  amazing jump you can record. (or  get recorded  for  additional 1 Gent.

If  the police catch you without a permit or notice, you  pay a fine for  endangering the surrounding (civilians as well as yourself). You  pay1 Credit(1500)  and it  get´s recorded in your files. 



You  can set yourself money limits (in case you play to long on that  addicting bubble game or buying too many beer  while getting drunk) You   can set your income and payments and a maximum  of what you wish to  spend or not spend.The I:D will give an  indication that „own Limit  setting“ (O.L.S) has been  reached. (works as well if you plan to buy  that coinpack in game)



HAVE TO be registrated and you need a weapon licence. You pay per weapon (registrated, secured)

in  case anything happens. Anything like a stylised butterknife, knives or  longer count as weapons.The standard butterknives aren´t sharp. 

The threatier (deadly) the weapon, (danger level) the more you pay.  

Applicants must be over the age of 18 years of age 


red- critical- these weapons can endanger city and lives (nuke, bombs etc)

orange -severe- Weapons can cause a big damage when fired. ( Rocket Launcher, specific bombs)

yellow- substant –bigger guns like mk47, Uzi, 

blue.-moderate-handfire guns, automatiic bow and Arrow

Green-„minor“- Bo-Staff, Blades/swords (no automatic and weapons to have humans use)

Weapon licence comes at 3 Omni, 1 Gent=350 Euro 

You  have to renew every 6 months(every month 350 Euro) to prove you still  know how your weapons works. Having to go through  ALL of  your  weapons. 

When making weapons (A Smith/forgery etc have  their own license and can do with a certain degree. But selling them  must be registrated to whom and such. A reason why every maker has a  booklet with clients and the items they bought/Comissioned. 

The  live fire practical assessment at the end of the firearm safety course  is to assess the students ability to display the required skills and  knowledge learnt throughout the duration of the firearm safety course in  accordance with the course assessment guidelines. 

Cost of weapons, (and you need to make the safety check course)

small gun at 3 Omni=300 Euro

rifles/handguns (bigger) around 8 Omni= 800 Euro

Knives different per size and usage  

You can only keep the weapon when you manage the course and pay for the licence. 

Plus additional for the registration. Cost: 4 Omni= 400 Euro

Payment exceptions for gunshops specific. They have other laws. 




Trees in Sunburst- City new in 2025

Cypress,  Circus and Banyan Tree: Sri Maha Bodhi Tree  (in a few streets around   buildings and among bridges), Giant Sequoias: General Sherman (3  placed. 1 near giant statue, 1 at the theater  on the mountain and one  in the big Park) , The big Park has a 125+ Year Old Rhododendron “Tree” Theater on mountain has even  144-Year-Old Wisteria, between some streets are Blooming Cherry Trees, Jacarandas and Maple Trees (some forming as a Tunnel) 

Standard  trees are Red maple, Loblolly Pine, White oak, including most common  trees (from birch to pines) due to environment improvement. 

Anything else??