-Alien Agent-Nickolas



4 years, 10 months ago


Working for the Council in Sunburst city, this Alien Agent is pretty dang helpful. Can see past and minds when touching. Along with other skills.

Accuracy, Skillfull and determined. This Agent won´t let a case go unsolved.

His real name: Nickolas
Only his friends and close ones know his real name. OTHERWISE they all just call him Agent A (for Alien)

Height: 6.06ft/185cm (later 210cm/ 6.8 ft)
He starts off with 185cm from story start as his kind is usually around the 210cm and up. 

Occupation: Psychic, Paranormal Researcher and Agent for the Council of Sunburst City



Growing up as a kid on a small, well sheltered planet named "Baroni78" this Alien knows more than one thinks. 

His mother, who was part of the former "crimson red" had been pregnant with him while the whole traitor thing and destruction was going on and the team had fled and landed in Sunburst City for hiding. 

Matsai, his mother
An alien Lady who was pregnant with https://toyhou.se/4669953.-alien-agent- as the crash had happened.
Was badly hurt as she landed and luckily saved by Doc Lobotny https://toyhou.se/4669784.dr-traford-lobotny and taken in as assitant helper at the time. With the info on Tripod red, she needed to contact  her team- But first giving birth the moment they were safe.

He  was raised by her up to a point of one of the Crimson Red Agents  finding her and taking her in while the young Nickolas at the time had been in school. The mother vanished and Nikolas, upon investigating, finding out who is responsible. As a 12 year old openly blaming the guy responsible (someone working under the real guy who had never seen him before) and got high alert. 

From there the mother had been found and brought to safety and the "underground crimson red" had been now a threat. With the council hiring Nickolas to help them, he accepted. His mother now lives in the safe district of te coucil and having a good life while her son helps. 

Nickolas, from that young age, had proven to be determined and lawful. Helping out with his skills, powers and all. 



Thanks to his skills, powers and knowledge, works for the coucil and supports on cases. Given the title of "Agent" (for now)
As an Agent, works on thigs like crime cases, robbery, investigations, suspicious activities.
They would casually take him along or bring someone to him to talk, find out info or give a glimpse of things. So working fieldwise is new for him.
By the time he had his first ever outdoor mission, it opened a whole new chapter.
Has his own apartment in Sunburst City and keeps it very clean and sorted. He has all sorted well. As he himself hates meds and chaos.

He was originally set up to work together with Agent Maga  - https://toyhou.se/4370786.maga to watch over the suspect Abigail and to find information regarding the city´s no. 1 Villainious suspect Vivian Lockhardt. Who is said to be relativ of the other. Over time learning more about these individuals (Maga and Abigail) and is full on the knowledge of Abigail´s secret. It was thanks to her and her friends that he slowly adjusted the life. Seeing as he a teen himself.


To him:

Personally has never been to earth or other planets before as he was a pretty sheltered and well kept boy. Learned alot through human tv, books and studies from around the galaxy and was eager to meet all one day.

He does enjoy reading. If he has a book he wants to enjoy he will take time to read it. Otherwise on info, he will vast through a book for the needed info. 

 Whenever he touches a person (meant or on accident) he can see their past flashing through his mind (it is painful and emotional) so he makes sure to wear gloves in order not to get overwelmed by it. When he focuses on it, he can sort and handle the pain and emotions more better. 

- At start on missions wears a helmet in order to focus better nd not get distracted. Also to hide his face at start.
- Has 4 fingers that have a smooth yet strong surface. His blood is a dark purple and blue (like jelly or "slime")
- Toes wise, has 3 big ones that he can use to hold things as well. Strong and flexible.
- Nicholas (Nick for short only to those he trusts) later has the fun and taste for mergh, fandoms, series and all. As he slowly starts to tailor to his likes and enjoys life instead of the whole gloom and seriousness. It takes a while for him to adjust and use, since he is usually tense and firm.
- Music is a passion as it not only calms him down on certain times but also is good to listen too.
- sensitive to psychic activity, particularly ghosts and haunting activity. Particularly violent psychic energies or sudden feedbacks of psychic memories can result in him having seizures. He also possesses the ability of psychometry, giving him the ability to "read" a person's life by touching them. He can also feel the history of small areas of ground  by touch, such as when he felt the history of murders committed or things others have done. Experiences a life full of memories flash in front of him whenever he touches someone or whenever someone touches him. This part of his  psychic abilities are referred to as a linking between two people. A signal person spending a lifetime in one location can be much stronger than a person who was only briefly connected to a subject. Furthermore, events which produce larger signatures of emotional and psychic turmoil, like wars, murders and tragic loss can produce energies that can be overwhelming to Rafkin's fractured psyche, a product of his own up-bringing. This ability is limited mostly by the strength of his will power and mental acuity. He can do a complete reading of a person by touching them, but he can be completely overwhelmed to the point he goes into Freezes / seizures around persons of excessive loss and tragedy. When he encounteredhis first emotional person, a widower who had lost his wife, it's extreme loss was so overwhelming that Nickolas was almost completely taken by the emotion. 



At start has his Agent Gear and later adapts into more comfpy and practical clothings he tends to like and fancy.



-telekenisis/ psychokenisis -.-.-.-
-mental connection / psychometry- either levitating something or touching someone can reveal past, present and current thoughts. Too long of using it, could let him freeze for a while if used too often. As well as feel the history of small areas of ground by touch, such as when he felt the history of murders committedAlong ..
-mental projection-as above, touching someone and able to project this memory, info or such visually infront for all to see. His eyes glow here as he projects it.
-shapeshifting-(molecular manipulation) He can literally move his aliencells to look like who he wants to. It is a painful process but has a quick use of it.
-fast reader / fotografic memory- brilliant mind as he can remember anything he wants (and doesnt want) as he states "its hard to forget if you cant forget" making this a pretty skillful trait. 




Summarized Character sheet:

Nickolas, a 6.06ft extraterrestrial with an alias of Agent A, hails from the distant Baroni78. His early life was marred by the traumatic events of the Crimson Red's betrayal, which left a lasting impact on him. Raised by his mother, Matsai, Nickolas exhibited determination and a sense of justice from a young age.

Despite his sheltered upbringing, Nickolas found himself entangled in the Crimson Red conflict, leading to his recruitment by the Council of Sunburst City. His psychic abilities, including psychometry, telekinesis, and mental projection, proved invaluable in solving cases and battling threats to the city.


Current Occupation:
As an agent for the Council, Nickolas is a psychic and paranormal researcher. His role includes delving into crime cases, investigating suspicious activities, and aiding in various missions. Known for his accuracy, skillfulness, and determination, he quickly became an indispensable asset to the Council.


Nickolas embodies a sense of justice, unwavering determination, and accuracy in his work. Despite the traumatic past, he remains focused on aiding others and bringing criminals to justice. His compassionate nature is reflected in his concern for others, making him a reliable ally.


Standing at 6.06ft (185cm), Nickolas is characterized by a smooth yet strong surface on his four fingers. His blood, a dark purple and blue substance, contrasts with his humanoid appearance. Later, he grows to 210cm (6.8ft). He wears a helmet during missions to enhance focus and conceals his face.

Nickolas enjoys reading, especially for leisure and acquiring information. His passion for music serves as a calming mechanism. While initially reserved, he adapts to Earthly hobbies like fandoms and series, embracing a lighter side of life.



  1. Telekinesis/Psychokinesis: Ability to move objects with his mind.
  2. Mental Connection/Psychometry: Touching someone reveals their past, present, and thoughts.
  3. Mental Projection: Projects memories or information visually.
  4. Shapeshifting: Molecular manipulation allows him to change his appearance.
  5. Adapted Situational: Meaning his body adapts to the situations around him. May that be temeperature, situation or language,

Sensitive to psychic activity, Nickolas can experience seizures when encountering violent psychic energies or sudden feedback of memories. His psychometric abilities are both a gift and a burden, as overwhelming emotions can paralyze him temporarily.


Initially working with Agent Maga on cases involving Abigail and Vivian Lockhardt, Nickolas gains valuable insights. Over time, he opens up and develops connections with those he can trust.


Daily Routine:
Living in a clean and organized apartment, Nickolas balances work and personal life. He occasionally uses his skills to help those in need, making a difference in the lives of Sunburst City residents.
Having an appartment on his own (for now) he adjusts to the work and free time.



  1. "Bonjour! It's Agent A, ready for an adventure?"
  2. "Every challenge is a chance to make a difference."
  3. "In the grand tapestry of life, cherish every laugh and endure every tear."
  4. "Life is a whirlwind of emotions; savor the sweetness of each moment."
  5. "To friendship, the compass guiding us through life's vast ocean."
  6. "Not every heart finds its matching beat, and that's okay."
  7. "Why worry about tomorrow when today is a canvas waiting for your brush?"
  8. "Love is a melody that lingers, even when the song has ended."
  9. "Let's make a zesty lemonade from life's lemons!"
  10. "As the moon bids adieu to the night, so must I take my leave. Au revoir!"

Nickolas, the Alien Agent, continues to unravel mysteries, build connections, and bring justice to the city he now calls home.
