Alex Warner



5 years, 8 months ago



  • Age 26
  • Gender Male
  • Species Human
  • Occupation Mechanic
  • Voice Voice

"Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired."

Alex is a man with long, black hair. He has two silver piercings in both his left and right ear. Alex usually wears a red shirt with greyish blue jeans and red Converse. He always has his chain that connects to his wallet in his back pocket on his right side and a checkered suspender on his left side. On the right side of his ribcage is a large tattoo of a skater style skull that costed him one pretty penny, but he was able to cover up a nasty scar with it. On chilly days he'll wear a more gothic look. While at work he wears a blue jumper and is often covered in car oil. He can usually be found hanging out with his friends at skate parks or working overtime so that he can save up money for a better life.

Alex can be described as an introvert. Despite his intimidating appearance, Alex is a shy man who usually tries to break the ice with a lame joke. He is not a conversationalist by any means and he tries to avoid people as much as possible.


DoB: February 26th
Origin: Los Angeles, California
Height: 6'0"
Build: Tall, lanky
Personality: Shy, laid back
Playlist: Alex's Playlist
  • Rollerblading
  • Cars
  • Dad jokes
  • Crowds
  • Tattoos
  • Living with too much routine











Alexander Warner is a simple man who has been saving up to go to college ever since his father kicked him out of the house and made him live on his own as soon as he turned eighteen. His father was strict and was always stone-faced towards his son, and Alex never got the chance to meet his mother as she passed away while giving birth to Alex due to a preexisting condition. Alex's parents were excited to have a child, but after the tragedy struck, Alex's father became very cold towards his son who reminded him of his deceased partner. Alex was able to get a job as a mechanic when his father made him live on his own and he has been working on cars, trucks, and motorcycles ever since. He saved up to buy an apartment on the crummy side of town and his neighbors are sketchy people who Alex tries to be nice to. He doesn't want to be on any of their bad sides.

When he was eighteen, Alex decided to pick up rollerblading both as a hobby and a way to get back and forth to work. This unfortunately resulted in an accident in which Alex got hit by a car on his way home one night. He received a nasty scar on his rib cage that he got covered as soon with a tattoo as he got out of the hospital. This tattoo was so painful that he never wanted another one, despite thinking that they look cool. He grew up in Los Angeles, California and he met his best friends in high school. He was a senior while Matt Hawkins and Polly Evans were sophomores. He is still friends with them today and they all enjoy hanging out together when they aren't working.


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Polly Evans

[ Best Friend ] Alex and Polly have been friends since they met in high school. Polly was a freshman and Alex was a junior when they met at a school event. Polly helped stick up for Alex since he was too nice to do it himself.


Matt Hawkins

[ Best Friend ] Alex met Matt through his friend Polly. It took a long time for Alex to get used to Matt's hyperactivity and positive attitude, but after the two found a comon ground in skating, Alex opened up to Matt and found a great friend.



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