Polly Evans



6 years, 14 days ago



  • Age 23
  • Gender Female
  • Species Human
  • Occupation Cashier at a grocery store
  • Voice Voice

"I really wish I weren't here right now"

Polly is a young, blonde-haired woman who is often seen wearing a red and black striped shirt and patched up skinny jeans along with severely tattered converse. She mixes up her outfits often, however she keeps with the 1990's style. She thrift shops often to pick up authentic clothes. When she is working she wears a grey polo and blue jeans with a black cardigan over the top. She puts her hair up sometimes when her bosses make her. When she is not at work, Polly is at the skate park with her friends, or she is being forced to hang out with her little sister, Molly, who is several years younger than her.

Polly can be described as a deadpan woman; her sarcasm is hard to detect because her tone is constantly sarcastic. Due to this she often comes off as harsh, but she means well.


DoB: July 9th
Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Height: 5'4"
Build: Average
Personality: Blunt
  • The 1990's
  • Fashion
  • Playing Guitar
  • Customers
  • Being alone for too long
  • New shoes




Polly Evans is a young woman who grew up in Chicago, Illinois with her parents and younger sister, Molly. She fatefully met her two best friends in high school and has more or less taken care of the two of them ever since, keeping them out of whatever trouble they may have found themselves in. She is quite the social butterfly despite being quiet, her snarky remarks and harsh attitude often attract those who need to be spoken for, and she is more than willing to help. When she isn't working behind the register and being snooty with rude customers she is often found with her friends Matt Hawkins and Alex Warner. She goes with them to their favorite skate park and cheers her friends on as they skate, a new CD to play for them every time they go out as she isn't very good at any type of skating herself. She also self-teaches herself guitar in her free time in hopes of one day joining a band. She wanted to sing like her favorite musician, however she soon learned that her voice was... not the greatest by any means. Instead of singing she took to fashion in which she rocks many outfits that reflect a 90's fashion sense.


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Matt Hawkins

[ Best Friend ] Polly met Matt in high school. They were in the same math class together and Polly would often help Matt with the work. They became better friends as they talked more and Polly eventually decided to introduce Matt to her friend, Alex.


Alex Warner

[ Best Friend ] Polly met Alex in high school when she was a freshman and he was a junior. Polly taught Alex to be a bit more assertive, though she has always looked up to him for being able to be so kind.


Molly Evans

[ Sister ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
