

Name Teresa Morales
Age 27
Height 5 ft 10 in | 178 cm
Species Human
Gender Female
Oreint. Demisexual Demiromantic
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Sous Chef
Birthday November 22
Voice Brighid (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Design Notes

  • Has a pie eyepatch covering her right eye (left in our perspective)
  • Hair is in twin drills or left down and curly. Hair color is naturally black with brown highlights.
  • Both eyes are orange.

Teresa won’t settle for anything less than simple. She puts her knowledge to the test and is always up for a challenge. Through her ambitious attitude, she proves loyal and reliable towards her friends and family. She may come off as defensive at times when it comes to arguments. Teresa would confront to anyone that wrongs her loved ones. She isn’t harsh, but tends to steal the spotlight when dealing with a problem she isn’t responsible for. Passive people usually don’t mind this quirk. On more emotional terms, Teresa has difficulty expressing herself towards people she cares about with words alone. Cooking is her way of sharing her gratitude. If she knows their favorite dish she'll go out of her way during her spare time to make it, even if she's had little to no experience over particular cooking techniques. The effort she puts into her food is as equal as her efforts are into being there for her friends and family. She doesn't give up on them or herself easily.

Behind the scenes she is a mysterious mistress. Teresa watches people from afar, observing the way they interact with others. She'll take down notes over their attitudes, opinions, and reactions to social situations they're placed in. Additionally, she tends to eavesdrop in conversations between friends or strangers, but keeps her thoughts to herself. As someone who has a hard time trying to maintain friendships due to her trust issues, her way of getting to know others is by watching and learning. With every word articulated to her in conversations, Teresa jots them down in her head to be used against them if something goes wrong in the future. All while being known as "the girl next door" in the eyes of strangers. Teresa isn't necessarily one to backstab others. She won't go that far as to start up drama over stupid things. She is just vigilant with the people she lets into her life and how they treat her and her friends. If anyone is going to mess up big on purpose, don't get your hopes up on getting a second chance from her.


  • Very camera shy. She doesn’t like getting pictures taken or being videotaped without her consent.
  • Loves writing letters! Although her messages can get lengthy, she enjoys decorating them with small doodles and stickers.
  • Likes all kinds of weather and natural environments; lively rainforests, violent rainstorms, bright deserts, snowy mountains, and the majestic aquatic wildlife that lies beneath the deep blue seas.
  • Enjoys camping. She finds it therapeutic and a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Spanish is her secondary language.
  • Owls are her favorite animals. She owns many accessories patterned by them.
  • Indulges in everything pumpkin; from pies and lattes, to scented candles and lotions.
  • Often visits farmers' markets.
  • Also enjoys butternut squash, potatoes, sweet potato, apples, corn, and peppers.
  • People who yell at others trigger an urge to yell at them back. She usually doesn't as to not make a bigger scene.
  • Her ideal date involves a picnic in a flowery meadow on a bright summer's day.
  • Suffers with paranoia. This negatively affects her ability to make and maintain relationships with other people.



  • Cooking
  • Journalism
  • Anything Pumpkin
  • Camping

  • Being On Camera
  • Movie/Book Spoilers
  • PDA
  • Burnt Food
  • Overconfidence

Angelica | Best Friend/Crush

Teresa is very supportive of Angelica. She helps guide her through difficult situations instead of having Teresa solve everything for her. She wants Angelica to keep learning from her achievements and failures. She's aware Angelica was in an abusive relationship, so she does her best to make sure Yasha doesn't stand in her way under her watch.

Desirée | Friend

She met her through Angelica, and the two quickly became friends to her own surprise. Teresa is relieved to be able to share her concerns with someone else whose patient and understanding. As Desirée is generally busy, they often write letters to one another and slip little gifts in the envelopes.

Natasha | Friend