

Name Chiyo
Age 300
Height 4 ft 7 in | 140 cm
Species Bat-Eared Fox Kitsune(mimi)
Gender Female
Oreint. Asexual Aromantic
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Yasha's Accomplice
Birthday September 4
Voice Kohina Ichimatsu (Gugure! Kokkuri-san)
Design Notes

  • NEVER smiles. Please do not draw her smiling.
  • Has 3 fox tails.
  • Stands 12 inches tall as a fox.
  • Has purple ears+tails tipped in gradiant black

Chiyo is an incredibly apathetic kitsune. She makes little to no conversation with others that can see her, leaving the recieving end in loud silence and a lifeless gaze. Her shallow words will leave shivers down your spine if she decides to speak up. She is able to verbalize emotions to an extent, but she lacks any life in her tone. She also doesn't associate those emotions towards herself. She's likely talking about others. Her sense of humor is completely absent. Chiyo finds no entertainment in anything, not even inflicting harm on others. Her views of the world are seen through colorless lenses, so there's not a lot in life that will leave her in surprise or interested. This makes Chiyo unapproachable by most people, which makes it unnerving for her. Chiyo has spent enough time in her life to waste it on superfluous things such as having friends. Her lack of a social life doesn't mean she has a lack of social skills either. Do not be mistaken. While her voice doesn't allow her words to carry any emotion in it, she speaks clearly with concise.

Communicating towards animals is more interesting to her than communicating to people. She believes to be able to communicate and understand them and feels very strongly of such an ability she doesn't possess in reality. Anyone that tries to question her dellusion will simply be silenced with her poison magic. Recieving criticism or praise doesn't move her overall. However, as a fox spirit, Chiyo does give away the occasional words of wisdom whenever a person is about to expose themselves to a situation that could potentially harm them in the future. She also gives away cunning advice towards strangers just to see them get hurt or humiliated in the end. Not that Chiyo will really feel any satisfaction from it. Humans are nothing more than lab rats to her.


  • As a fox, her diet consists mostly of poisonous organisms. In human form she eats normal foods, but can still consume biotoxins.
  • A section of Yasha's backyard is converted into a little garden just for her. They consist of poisonous plants, fungi, and cannabis.
  • Makes her own poisons to test on innocent people and hazardous drugs to sell for side money.
  • Has Schizoid Personality Discorder. She holds a severe lack of empathy and capabilities to express or understand emotions. She is indifferent to compliments and criticism, and proclaims to have no need for friends out of personal unnecessity.
  • Her sweat, saliva, and tears cause skin inflammations if touched. If kissed (mouth-to-mouth), bitten, or vigorously scratched by her, the poison seeps into the bloodstream and can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting blood, paralysis, or death.
  • Can shapeshift from an toddler to an elder. She can be as small as 2 ft and as tall as 5 ft.
  • Extremely sensitive to sound. She can hear ants crawl, but high frequency sounds can cause great ear damage.
  • Salt is her weakness. Consumption or contact causes her serious skin/internal damage and bleeding.
  • Fond of wearing maid outfits, especially in gothic styles.
  • Personally admires recieving head pats. She requires at least one a day to be satisfied and not poison you in your sleep.
  • Can swap into a little fox. People often mistake her for being a dog in that form.
  • Chiyo has the ability to choose whether or not humans/humanoids can see her extra tails. She is an ordinary fox girl to the average person, but on default, ghosts, spirits, demons, and monsters can see that she is a kitsune.
  • Never calls people she knows her friends. At most, they are aquaintances she can tolerate being around.
  • Owns a vintage rotary dial telephone, phonograph, typewriter, radio, and picture camera. She knows how to operate other outdated technology.

Chiyo was born an only child who was briefly raised by her mother alone. Her birth was unplanned, as Chiyo's mother was sexually abused by the family she served as a caretaker. The child couldn't be kept for long. If either of them wanted to live, Chiyo had to be taken away by the time she could walk on her own, with a false promise she will be given to another family who will give her good work and education. Chiyo was a toddler when she was taken to a slave market and separated from her mother. A wealthy family from Oakwood Hollows bought her and was taken into her new home under forced domestic servitude. Her masters were apathetic. She was an object invisible to them, where any signs of a mistake or defiance would be the only ways to spark their attention. Rules were strict under the household. Chiyo had to work early mornings and late nights. Every corner and crevice had to be completely free of soil. She dusted and scrubbed and washed and polished every and any dirt that stained the house. She was responsible for perfecting the meals she cooked, which proved to be very scary and pressuring as a young child. Having burned her food or making a meal not look appetizing enough would result Chiyo into beatings and burnings. Adding onto the pain from her back, hands, and feet from the cleaning, her skin would be speckled in bruises, cuts, and/or burns from chemicals or hot irons. A leg would be chained to her masters' bed and would be made to sleep on the floor. If she failed to attempt escape or refuse to act on her assigned services, she would be sexually exploited and threatened with death. With all the abuse taken place, Chiyo was costumed in a sweet maid's uniform in front of guests. Her emotions grew shallow over time, but she would perform smiles and hospitality towards them to avoid punishment from her masters.

The girl wasn't given many days off nor time to rest unless her work for the day is done or she fell ill. It didn't stop her from taking advantage. She scrapped any morsel of alone time as she could to touch base with her friends that lived in her head. They were of various fictional people, animals, and mythical beings that inhabit a world of her own where Chiyo is looked upon like their god. It made her feel powerful and important, as well as given the respect no one else in the real world could ever give her. This fantasy she indulged herself in daily lead Chiyo to convince herself that she really wasn’t human. She believed her true identity was actually a fox spirit, who is merely a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The only ones that could see her true identity are the people in her imagination, animals she would talk to outside, or when her human body has matured enough for her to be able to unveil her true form (in other words, when she dies). She felt akin to her kind as well as the dead, having her life gambled to play the role as a slave to a wealthy, abusive family. Chiyo didn't trust anyone in the family to unveil her authentic self towards. She had no rights to express herself to begin with, which was fine considering she believed they didn't have the compacity to know that they're talking to a fox spirit costumed in human flesh.

Such strong delusions carried out throughout the rest of her life, which affected the way she communicated to other people and how she treated herself. Chiyo refused any meals given to her. Any food being force fed by her masters would be purged before continuing to toil on her daily chores. Her fictional friends would sneak food from the garden in the backyard for her that she deemed was more fit for a maturing fox spirit to have. Chiyo made a few subtle attempts to convince guests of her true identity, only to cause concern and disturbance. Her masters didnt approve of her errotic behavior and would simply shut her delusions up through more physical abuse. She was constantly informed on how a slave should act and think. Slaves never thought for themselves. Slaves did exactly what their masters wanted of them if they had a will to live a life at all. Their masters gave her a purpose. Slaves weren’t born to assign purposes of their own. She lived to serve everyone but herself. That put a stop to trusting people outside the house she labored in.

Chiyo had gone from fear of disobeying, to fearing death, to fearing nothing. This was not how she wanted to spend the rest of her life. She reached out to her friends for help as she sat alone in the cold outside, washing her masters’ clothes. She was informed to sneak out of the house and head to the woods of Oakwood Hollows. A spirit who guards the forest will await her and help put an end to her suffering once and for all. Chiyo did just so. She successfully managed to sneakily obtain the keys from the shackles that attatched her from her master's bed and escape from the house. Her friends had awaited her arrival from outside and proceeded to lead her the rest of the way by foot. Dry grass crunched beneath her bare feet. Her slender body swayed against the chilly wind that night. Engulfed inside the shadows of the oak trees, Chiyo's friends deserted her. The rest of the trip was on her own. She wandered a little more before she found a rotting tree stump to sit on. She waited. She waited for the spirit to come to her, for any spirit to speak with her. Breaking the silence was the sound of rustled branches. Footsteps followed. Ahead of Chiyo, a dark figure trudged through the woods. It was walking closer, if not, right towards her until a pale ray of moonlight revealed a girl. She was fairly tall and lean in build. Black curly horns sprouted crookedly from her head, her eyes a glimmering gold that pierced through the darkness. She was one of the ghastly spirits that haunted those woods. She knew what Chiyo wanted before Chiyo could begin to explain herself. How the forest spirit knew, she didn't know. All Chiyo knew was that she couldn't stay under that abusive household for another day and needed help coming out of the cocoon that was her human shell. So they made a deal. The spirit would put her soul into eternal rest with the exchange of granting her a new life as a fox spirit. Memories of the life Chiyo had lived would be erased, as well as memories anyone else ever had of her. That would mean Chiyo's mother, the only human being who has shed her any love, would forget she ever had a daughter for all eternity. It was only one person, and Chiyo figured at the time that her mother disowned her on purpose with the wrong intentions.

The forest spirit led her to a little patch where tiny purple flowers bloomed. Bunches of black pea-sized berries bundled around them. She was asked to pick ten of the berries and eat them all at once. Chiyo complied. The next moment she knew, she felt her body become weightless. Her head grew light, the world becoming a slow and spiraling blur, and a bitter coldness flooded throughout her entire body within seconds. A large pair of purple fox ears sprouted from her head and her eyes blinked into a glowing yellow. Strands of purple hair streaked her bangs. The cold numbed away shortly, concluding her rebirth. With her new powers, she killed her masters and spared their children. They would remain haunted by her until death or when new victims moved into the house that had became haunted by her. Years and years of physical and psychological torture flew by. Each and every one of her victims fell in her defeat. This brought her no entertainment whatsoever. In fact, she couldn't feel remorse towards them nor satsfaction from their suffering. They were dolls she would eventually discard when she grew bored of having them in her life. None of those cowardly humans wanted anything to do with her in return, to be fair. It made things easy for both parties to avoid prolonged interaction by laying them down to the hands of death. This cycle continued to spiral until one day. Two people, persumably house inspectors, walked into the abandoned house. Since they were temporary visitors, Chiyo didn't intervene with them directly, but she watched them from a distance. The individuals looked around the house, exchanging their observations and critiques over every room they stepped into. Chiyo eventually lost interest in their conversations and waited for them to leave. As far as she knew, everything was left untouched when they did.

Chiyo didn't think anything of the strangers' visit. They did not return, so it was nothing worth thinking about any further for her. As she headed back to her room to craft poisons, she found something sitting on her desk that wasn't there before. It appeared to be a thin, folded black board. Chiyo's curiosity lured her to take a closer look and unfold it open. A strong force started to suck her in as a blinding white light flooded from the board. Chiyo struggled to close it shut, and she lost her footing as the vacuum-like force pushed her in and trapped her inside. The board sealed itself shut and left Chiyo in a paralyzing void for many years. There were no sights to see, no touch to feel, no sound to hear, no thoughts to think. She lost her ability to physically move her body, so there was no way she could attempt escaping the abyss she was enclosed in. It felt more like she was in deep sleep with her eyes open. It didn't really feel like she was trapped for that long. At least, she thought so by the time she did wake up.

Chiyo's senses awoken by the sound of a man's voice. It was calling to her, pleading in a calm voice for her presence. The darkness that had surrounded her gradually turned into golden light as a weightless force pushed her up. Wind swirled around her as Chiyo broke free from the board and planted her feet against the ground. Before her was a young man sitting on his knees in front of it. He had violet, curly hair with bat ears sprouted on his head. His eyes, a sharp magenta, met with hers. His gaze suggested that he had been expecting her. This man was introduced as Yasha Gushiken, whose prayers had awakened her from her slumber. It was all confusing, but Chiyo assumed he was the one behind trapping her in a spirit board centuries ago. Leaving no room for Yasha to explain himself, she hexed a punishment unto him. Chiyo will haunt the man for the rest of his life. Unlike her previous victims, she would be watchful and not allow him to take his own life to escape his inprisonment.


  • Vintage Technology
  • Exotic Food
  • Horror Stories
  • Ghastly Beings

  • Salt
  • Sudden Relationships
  • Smiles
  • Clinginess/Moodiness
  • Social Gatherings

Yasha | ???

Chiyo's current host. Yasha drags her into fights often, but she only participates "for practice" (She thinks Yasha needs it more because he's slow). Chiyo takes measures to make sure he doesn't harm himself and monitor his health when he hits rock bottom and would ask about his books to cheer him up. She doesn't think too much of Yasha, but Chiyo finds him an interesting character.

Ralph | Enemy


Gumo | Acquaintance

Once in a while, Chiyo encounters the girl at the Oakwood forest to tell her stories about Yasha. In exchange Gumo is how she learns of things about her father, so Chiyo can report to Yasha in return. Outside of that, the fox spirit has no interest in engaging in other activities with her.