Jack H. Good



27 days, 6 hours ago


Jack Good



Clockwork Performer



Clair De Lune

Claude Debussy
DoB 1800s
Season Fall
Pronouns He/Him
S.O. ///

Height 7'3"
Build Ectomorph
Eyes Rainbow w/ stars
Skin Light tan w freckles
Hair Fiery red


A gentle man with a passion for gardening, performing magic tracks, and the arts. He finds his greatest joys in the buds of his late mother's beloved garden and the oil works he takes to when inspiration strikes. So far he most enjoys painting other people or places he finds beautiful. If he's not busy keeping house he's out making friends and showing off with a bit of flair just what a highly talented magician (with true magic, mind you) of the Cirque de Lumière can do.


  • He is the second Clockwork Performer to have ever been made, the first to ever have been made as a full-soul.
  • His symbol is the star, his animal the spider, and his color is the spectrum of light.
  • He has six long, spidery limbs attached to his back - each represent a color of the 6 color rainbow.
  • His house is ever changing as he hosts a labyrinth and plenty of games for guests to play when he's in the mood to entertain. At times his sibilings may join him but are often happily busy in their own lives.
  • John and June Good, the Good family parents of Jack and his siblings, passed of old age and are buried in June's garden. Jack leaves flowers every day.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Both
Attitude Positive
Archetype Caregiver
Leading trait Generous
Biggest flaw Too-Generous


Baked Goods

Lavendar Tea









Youth - Young Adult

As the eldest born of three to John and June Good, Jack was raised alongside his siblings (Freddy and Rose Good) in the Cirque de Lumiere. The circus traveled and was known for the magic that was gifted to the family, passed on from father to children. Jack was the most magically gifted amongst the three children, with Freddy following second and Rose to be without much magical affinity at all.

As they grew older, his father and their business partner saw a slow but somewhat steady decline in interest for the circus. Sales falling and crowds becoming sparse. It was there that he chose to break off ties, pulled all of his financial investments, and allowed the circus to be sucked under without stable management as John worked alone.

The man was able to save the circus but it greatly diminished until it truly was just the family and a few close friends before even those drifted away. In his upset, John pushed his children to work even harder at honing their talents, skills, and magical affinities in order to wow crowds and maintain that image of wonder and greatness to the masses.

John's persistence to bring the circus back to life led to him ignoring symptoms of illness and overworking himself until he collapsed one night during a show, following June and the children's quick response to get him treated and cared for. It was after that health scare that they realized the circus wasn't as important as their family, that death of their persons was not more important than preventing the death of the cirque.

With that grand realization, John gave up on trying to run the Cirque and allowed it to finally settle as he regained health. He learned to relax while Jack and his siblings took over performing and instead brought life to the cirque in a different way. Becoming more open, aiding in the donation and restoration of books and arts and becoming a museum of grand creatures and flora that Freddy collected along the way.

Adult - Present

After John and June both passed - John of old age and ailing health, June of heartbreak and age - Jack wholly took over the matters of the family and began managing the estate. Finances, staff, the cirque, all of it was under his jurisdiction and he enjoyed every moment of it since he'd been trained to as a young boy. He took creative liberty with what the cirque was, he allowed his siblings to follow their dreams and wants rather than forcing them to stick beside him, and he fostered a true home even after the deaths of their parents. Somewhere he could be comfortable.

Now to pass the time he hosts parties and events within his manor when he feels like it, using his magic to amaze and wow any and all who come by. He finds joy in taking as long as he wants to garden and not being in a rush anywhere. Truly he has never had to work in his life and will continue not doing so, pursuing what he loves in oil painting and craftsmanship on top of estate affairs.



  • Aromatic things; candles, tea, flowers
  • Every color of the rainbow
  • Violins, pianos, and music boxes
  • Painting (any medium, prefers oil)
  • Gardening
  • Those who take advantage of his kindness
  • Unreasonable behavior
  • Cursing or ugly words
  • Those who are intolerant of others
  • Having nothing to do